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Everything posted by BBM

  1. Prims, the page you linked to has no post from Kay on it.
  2. Holyn is actually about as helpful for Faval as it is possible to be. Faval has a 40 mt weapon that gets effectiveness for a good chunk of his lifespan. He doesn't need STR, and he's a Sniper, so he doesn't care much about defensive stats. Ichival also happens to give him +10 SPD, so he rarely has doubling problems and doesn't care much about SPD. But Holyn gives something like +3 SKL and 40% more growth than the next guy. Out of Faval's problems of no mount, 2-range lock, occasionally shaky hit, and late jointime, he covers the only one that anyone can. Levin x Tiltyu is definitely better than Azel x Tiltyu. Tinny is worse, but Arthur is so much better that it doesn't matter. It would also be possible to make a case for Lex/Ardan x Tiltyu over Azel x Tiltyu, because Pursuit doesn't help their problem of being squishy and therefore unable to take on multiple enemies. Ambush does, although they'll need Magic Rings and Tron to keep OHKOing. Obviously Lex over Ardan for Elite. In fact, Lex should be in the top 5 for every mom just because of Elite.
  3. Eclipse, I don't feel like you really responded to the points that were against you, other than to say that you were sick. Yeah, you were sick, and that's bound to affect both how you play and the quality of your play, but something just feels off. TIMP, sorry about the gender confusion. :/ I guess everyone has different playstyles, but one that is based purely on something as easy to manipulate as meta doesn't sit right with me. Also, if you're new, how can you use meta effectively, as it requires you to have played/read many games? If you've read or been part of enough games to know how most of the people in this game play, than I'm not sure you can pull off the newb card. I was kinda iffy about SB at first, but this lsat post looks pretty bad. He says he was going to make a post detailing why Subi was scummy, but then he just decides to sheep Excellen and vote for Proto instead? I don't like that at all, and I know you're new SB, but just reading the thread should tell you that that level of unoriginal thought is unacceptable. I'd be fine with lynching any of Eclipse, Tiny Imp, and SB.
  4. I ISOd Pink and nearly every single one of his posts involved meta of some kind. First about Excellen and Marth, and then about Shinori. The extent of his scumhunting that didn't involve comparing someone's behaviour to past games has been that Kay needs to post more, Psych needs to give better reasons for his vote against me, and Shinori is scummy for overreacting. And only of those three things were actual points. He'd be my #2 lynch target after Eclipse.
  5. Bad speed? That's why you use VITAL THROW. It's slow, but unlike Parasect over in FRLG, it doesn't have that many weaknesses and is pretty tanky. It's solid right up to Winona, where he then does not fare too well against her and T+L, but that's okay. Great damage as well. 8.5/10. In fact, my very first playthrough (which consisted of a slightly overlevelled but not overlevelled enough Sceptile and an underlevelled everything else), Hariyama lay down the finishing blow on Winona's Altaria, after I'd lost like 20 times to her. So bias makes 9.5/10.
  6. Jedisupersonic – Berserker!Etzel, Mercenary!Dolph, Sorceror!Horace, Cleric!Athena General Horace - Myrmidon!Merric, Dark Mage!Castor, General!Samson, Horseman!Horace, Sage!Jeorge Callum of Iris - Myrmidon!Elice, Swordmaster!Arran, Myrmidon!Linde, General!Etzel, Bishop!Minerva Serious Bananas - Mage!Catria, Archer!Elice, Swordmaster!Midia, Bishop!Arran Hawk King - Paladin!Jeorge, Archer!Maria, Berserker!Lawrence, Mage!Est BigBangMeteor - Sorceror!Lorenz, Horseman!Samson, Sorcerer!Ymir, Pirate!Dolph MJ_Thom 2009 - Merc!Macellan, Archer!Linde, Mage!Tomas, Dark Mage!Roger Refa - PegKnight!Maria, Cleric!Est, Horseman!Astram, Knight!Macellan Callum has to pick for SB now.
  7. You don't need to be suspicious of me for me to notice you; that's silly. And while you didn't spam, you posted without really scumhunting. I'm not saying I did a great job of that either, but I generally expect more from you, and instead of scumhunting, you did what you yourself labelled as a precursor to scumhunting. Also, you tried to get reactions from everyone who was on the Marth wagon, which implies you thought that there was the greatest likelihood of finding scum among them, which implies further that you found Marth as town. But then you say you now find Marth slightly scummy, except the reasons for why you think this are the exact same reasons why one might have found Marth scummy at the beginning. It's like you interpreted something as A, and then came back later and interpreted the exact same thing as B. Yes, opinions can change, but if your opinion is now that Marth might actually be scum, then doesn't that lessen the value of everything you've done up to this point?
  8. Rules (adapted from Fire Emblem RTUs) - Votes need some explanation regarding their gameplay performance to be counted. If somebody else said what you want to already, quote them explicitly. You can troll a bit, but no CATERPIE HAS STRING SHOT 10/10. +/- ≤1 point extra regarding personality/appearance is encouraged, but no more. If you exercise your bias privileges, please do so explicitly. - Votes are made out of 10. You cannot rate a pokemon above 10 or below 0. - The rating topic will be updated whenever I feel like it, but I will try to allow at least 24 hours for each topic. They will generally be updated at around noon EST. - A pokemon being inferior relative to another pokemon does not explicitly reduce their rating. - We are rating ingame performance only, up until the Elite 4 is beaten the first time. - Evolution lines get condensed, so treat Bulbasaur/Ivysaur/Venasaur all as one pokemon. Weedle/Kakuna/Beedrill: 2.44 Ekans/Arbok: 2.57 Rattate/Raticate: 3.20 Zubat/Golbat: 3.25 Jigglypuff/Wigglytuff: 4.21 Vulpix/Ninetales: 4.38 Oddish/Gloom/Vileplume: 4.92 Pidgey/Pidgeotto/Pidgeot: 5.00 Caterpie/Metapod/Butterfree: 5.21 Sandshrew/Sandslash: 5.86 Pikachu/Raichu: 5.94 Spearow/Fearow: 6.21 Charmander/Charmeleon/Charizard: 7.80 Bulbasaur/Ivysaur/Venasaur: 8.25 Nidoran-F/Nidorina/Nidoqueen: 8.58 Squirtle/Wartortle/Blastoise: 9.36 Clefairy/Clefable: 9.50 Nidoran-M/Nidorino/Nidoking: 9.75 Paras is trash. It's Atk is pretty good, but not only does it get no good moves to complement that stat, it introduces a new meaning to the word slow, and has 2 quad weaknesses and cruddy defenses to boot. It is the only pokemon in the game with Spore, but it's so slow that it makes very little difference. 2/10 for Spore.
  9. Who is ONE CLERIC VOMAN? I haven't played the game to get the joke.
  10. Sucks to hear, Eclipse. Feel better soon. I'll respond to Prims's concerns about me. First off, I exposed Marth's reaction test because I was under the opinion that Marth was town, and the fact that he had 5 votes on him before I, or half the playerlist, had a chance to read the thread was concerning to me. Like you said, the Marth wagon was dumb and I didn't want it getting bigger. And exposing the test for what it was didn't invalidate it because it had already become useless. Like Elieson just posted, Marth had made himself look scummy enough that he had become much more the center of anything than Blitz. I thought that the best thing to do there would be to get that wagon to dissipate, and the best way to do that at that moment was to expose the test. Next, you said that I decided to just post unnoteworthy observations instead of actually voting, and I agree that that was dumb of me and I'm not exactly sure why I did it. For some reason, I kept feeling like so many people had yet to post, so I didn't feel as if I could make a real vote. At the same time, enough had gone on with Marth that I didn't feel it right to place a randomvote either. However, by around yesterday evening, the time of my last posts, everyone had posted. The fact that I didn't feel like I had enough to go on for a real vote is troubling and means that a lot of the people who had posted at that time hadn't said anything meaningful. Therefore, I agree with what you were saying about everyone talking a lot but saying very little, so I tried to think of who it was that I felt had yet to come, and they were Eclipse and SB. Now, I can't remember when exactly SB made his first post, but reading what others have said, Eclipse actually posted before I did, before I came on yesterday morning. Now, if I thought that she was absent even yesterday morning, right after she had posted, with the thread fresh in my mind, that's a bad thing. So ##Vote: Eclipse for now. I also feel that she is normally much more aggressive as town than she is as mafia, although she is sick, so eh. Now, the large post Elieson just made. He makes a lot of points leading up to his conclusion of Marth being scum. These points are mainly well-reasoned and I definitely agree that Marth's ACTIONS were anti-town. However, I disagree with his conclusion. People can do stupid things in an attempt to help the town and I feel like that's what Marth did. However, like I said, his argument about Marth is pretty good and begins to make me feel better. But then, that ends, and he talks about other people, and that's where his logic falls apart majorly. For Shinori and SB, his logic against them is based on refuting the things that they have done in an attempt to defend themselves, without actually saying why they're scummy. He is, therefore, arguing under the pre-set assumption that they are scum. He says that because Redirectors are not as strong early game, it is a fakeclaim designed to allow him to stay in the game longer. That's cool, but what stops it from also just being his actual role? He says SB can't use the newb card because people can be newbscum, as he was. Yes, they can be newbscum, but they can also be newbtown, so using the newb card, while not something one should do, is not a scummy thing either. So overall I'm just really confused about Elieson atm. He builds up a lot of credibility, but then throws most of it away. So he's not my #1 lynch target, but I'm definitely going to keep an eye on his posts.
  11. I'm incredibly sorry that I was gone for most of today, this is me popping in for a second to say that I should be able to contribute more in an hour or two. @Prims- I'll try to be more active contributing soon. @Psych- What exactly about my play? If it's active lurking, okay, I'll try to fix it later. If it's something else, you not saying what it is doesn't help me defend myself, and you should have learnt from Marth's mistake not to vote without giving a reason.
  12. Person A: I don't like Person C because she's a girl Person B: I don't like Person B because she's mean See how neither of them like Person C, but neither of them are using the other's reason either. It's eprfectly possible to band together for a lynch without all thinking the same thing. Now, all people having different reasons for someone being scummy is going too far (there is a limit to how scummy a person can be, after all), but I can see Eclipse's point. However I agree with you that she should be applying that logic to other people as well. Also stop the defeatist attitude it's annoying and accomplishes nothing.
  13. Shinori, where did Marth say that he has info that the rest of the town doesn't? IIRC, he said that he had a reason to vote for Blitz, but that he wasn't going to tell us. Unless I missed a post somewhere, he never said that he has info that we don't. In fact, Manix too said that Marth said that there was something in the thread that made him suspicious of Blitz. So he probably has something minor that makes him suspicious of Blitz, and decided to reactionfish for him based on that. So he's not lying either. And we actually have no meta (at least not useful/pertinent meta) on scum!Blitz. I was scumbuddies with him in SFM if you remember, and his thought process was that because it was an OC game, he was not going to post in the game thread at all except to vote, a thought process that I think he would have had even if if he was town. This is an NOC game, so he's bound to act differently here even if he's scum.
  14. Except if the player admits that they are simply trying to elicit a reaction, they are much less likely to elicit that reaction. Look at Blitz. He was just like lol ok whatevs because everyone harping on Marth about his vote made people say that he was reactionfishing. Now, Blitz might have said that either way, but still. ATM, I am finding Manix/Shinori kinda scummy. For sheeping on the Marth wagon and just overall having bad reasoning there. The whole thing about how Marth saying he was going to keep his reason to himself meant that he was trying to withhold info just didn't make sense. It's highly unlikely his role PM tells him anything about Blitz and if it did, why should he say it anyways? You are withholding info from the town by not telling everyone your role, but that doesn't mean you should do it either. And if it's unlikely that his role PM says anything about it, the other option is that he is reactionfishing, in which case by getting on his case about it and making him explain, you are hindering his effort.
  15. You just made a small mention about most of her posts being in the early phase, so I was talking about that. I know that that wasn't your reason for voting for her, and if that's how it came off, that was a mistake.
  16. C6: 32/196. asadfas had to redo the end and take another turn for more exp.
  17. I'm getting pretty good protown vibes from Naglfar and Bizz atm. However, one bit in your post confused me Bizz, so I'm not sure if you mixed people up, but why did you say that Manix was buddying up to me? While not being directly against each other, we presented quite different opinions. About Eclipse being mainly inactive, IIRC I remember her saying something about being away most of today in another thread. So I wouldn't read too much into that.
  19. C6: 31/195 Could have shaved easily 5 turns with Knight Ring. OH WELL, CELICE GOT HERO SWORD TO 62 KILLS AND LIGHT SWORD TO 33 KILLS. Lana used almost an entire Libro staff, Delmud chipped with his Iron Sword, Oifaye was a boss, nearly breaking his Cutter and using half his Javelin, Julia tanked half of the Rivough Axe Knights with Resire, and Lester was terrible. Celice is 17, should promote very soon (as in Arena). Delmud will probs get the SILVER SWORD GRAHHH because Celice is fine without it. Also, Celice got no STR and 3 RES in his first three levels, haha.
  20. He clearly didn't have anything extra. He was trying to get a reaction from Blitz. But it was a dumb way to do it, because everybody is so suspicious of him now that a theoretical scum!Blitz could easily deflect any suspicion on him to Marth. Also, Bizz, you said you had a series of posts to make?
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