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Everything posted by BBM

  1. Well with Mark, he's tied to MU instead of his mother, so it's actually different in his case. So his Lucina support will probably not be different from his other mother supports.
  2. Beat the Moogle Totema! I will promote Montblanc to Gunner as soon as he finishes learning Chocobo Rush. Team Meteor: Level 7 Human Soldier Marche: First Aid, Mindbreak, Sensor, Shieldbearer, Combat Combo, (Speedbreak) Level 7 Moogle Animist Montblanc: Sheep Count, Catnip, (Chocobo Rush) Level 7 Human Thief Olivar: Steal Gil, (Steal Accessory), (Maintenance) Level 7 Bangaa Warrior Pablo: Mindbreak, Magicbreak, Speedbreak, (First Aid) Level 8 Nu Mou Black Mage Velasquez: Fire, Thunder, Blizzard, Fira, (Thundara) Level 5 Viera Archer Elena: Boost, Aim: Legs, Blackout, (Burial), (Block Arrows) Skills in parentheses are being learnt currently. Velasquez is awesome. Sheep Count is also awesome. Pablo is not very good, to be frank. He deals more damage than Olivar, but can't dodge for shit and dies all the time. It's annoying using Phoenix Downs on him all the time. The Warrior/Soldier classes also don't have great skills... Hopefully making him a Warrior will be worth it when he can become a Dragoon or Gladiator, because I don't really like the Templar class too much, and the Bishop is kinda meh. Nobody's died yet, mostly because I just revive everyone with Phoenix Downs as soon as they get knocked out. Hopefully I won't lose anyone on the Jagd maps.
  3. Damnit, I read this post hours ago and totally forgot I signed up as a sub. >_>
  4. BBM

    The Resistance IV

    But we don't actually catch the spy if we use the card on them. The person with the card on them KNOWS they have the card on them. So if they ARE a spy, it'll force them to co-operate on any mission that is not a game-winner for them. But even if it hit a Resistance member, they would co-operate too. So using it doesn't tell us who a spy is in that way. Instead of using it on someone we find suspicious, we should use it on someone we're up in the air about. Say we go with a team of 3, Proto (whom I think is the towniest person after myself), Rein (whom I think is the most suspicious), and Elieson/Kay/Marth/BBM. We use the card on the 3rd person, which will basically force them to co-operate. If we are sure that Proto is not going to sabotage either, if the mission still fails, we have Rein as a confirmed spy. If it goes through, we know that either Rein is not a spy, or that he did not want to out himself as such and thus co-operated. If we want to do the 4-man mission, it's the same principle, but we need two people we are sure are resistance instead. Keep in mind that if there are not 1/2 people we are not at least 90% sure are resistance, this whole plan falls through.
  5. I'm already at The Cheetahs though, and I used all 6 on Giza Plains. I really don't feel like restarting, so I'm imposing a penalty on myself of not recruiting the next couple guys (even the ones that I AM allowed to).
  6. So I just found out that we're supposed to RNG one guy out of the team we start with... I've been using all of them. >_> But I'mm too lazy to restart, so I'm just going to continue. As a penalty, I won't recruit anyone for a while. Iunno.
  7. Doing as many missions before Thesis Hunt as possible... Did one with Panthers. It was kinda difficult, because they 2HKOed everyone, but Montblanc put them to sleep, and Velasquez dodged like a boss to avoid death. Of course, he wouldn't have had to if he'd hit the last Panther, but ehh. I also could have recruited another Moogle for backup. But for some reason I chose not to.
  8. Yeah, I know you can shop before Herb Picking, but I forgot. >_> And hey, the names are RANDOM. I didn't choose Velasquez. Clan Meteor! @frat- Don't forget, you can always just sub in another Nu Mou when you get one. Also, finished picking herbs... Olivar got a kill despite not having any weapons, and Velasquez got hit with a Yellow Card because I forgot to check the Law.
  9. Okay. My team: Marche: Level 3 Human Soldier Montblanc: Level 4 Moogle Animist Olivar: Level 3 Human Thief Pablo: Level 3 Bangaa Warrior Velasquez: Level 2 Nu Mou Black Mage Elena: Level 2 Viera Archer Montblanc and Olivar are useless this fight because I have no weapons for them... but that's okay! It's an easy fight anyways. Now, I'm off to pick some herbs!
  10. Last question, I sware. Are we allowed to reclass before learning any skills? Like, I want a Bangaa Warrior, but my starting team has a White Monk.
  11. A question. A lot of the times, one class promotes into two possible choices. For example, both Paladin and Fighter reclass from Soldier. Are we allowed to switch between the two or not?
  12. Lol, you couldn't have let me finish it. :P
  13. I voted for someone else, because I'm going to do this for fun. I've only played the game once though, and I'm not sure I ever finished it completely, so I'll probably fail just as hard.
  14. BBM

    The Resistance IV

    How is that logic different from what I used to justify my team, which I voted yes for, but which you basically said only a newbie would say yes to? This is why I think it's a bad idea to vote no to get more voting trends. You might very well be resistance, but because 2/3 of your votes had nothing to do with who was in the mission, I have no idea what YOUR voting trends are. All I know is that you thought that a team of me, you, Proto, and Marth either had 0 or 2 spies. If you are a resistance member and it's the former, you think the scumteam is Elieson + Kay. If it's the latter, you think it's me + Proto/Marth. And Proto, get in here. You made one post that contributed, and that's it. That post was all good and logical, but I read the last Resistance thread, and that's exactly how you played there, except you were a great deal more active.
  15. Flannery 23 Winona 277 loll... well it's basically just me playing anyways...
  16. Lol, Ena has a 0.35 average right now. Almost twice as much as Wendy.
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