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Everything posted by BBM

  1. Red 167 Leaf 21 Green 81 Ethan 191 Silver 238 Kris 65 Dawn 60 Hilda 90
  2. Red 167 Leaf 23 Green 81 Ethan 188 Silver 238 Kris 65 Dawn 65 Hilbert 0 Hilda 90
  3. Red 161 Leaf 13 Green 81 Ethan 185 Silver 226 Kris 70 Dawn 70 Hilbert 45 Hilda 90
  4. Red 161 Leaf 18 Green 81 Ethan 182 Silver 226 Kris 70 Dawn 70 Hilbert 45 Hilda 90
  5. Red 158 Leaf 20 Green 81 Ethan 179 Silver 223 Kris 70 Lyra 10 Dawn 75 Hilbert 45 Hilda 90
  6. Red 152 Leaf 22 Green 81 Ethan 176 Silver 220 Kris 70 Lyra 20 Dawn 75 Hilbert 50 Hilda 90
  7. Red 149 Leaf 24 Green 81 Ethan 173 Silver 214 Kris 70 Lyra 35 Dawn 75 Hilbert 55 Hilda 90
  8. Red 149 Leaf 29 Green 81 Ethan 170 Silver 214 Kris 70 Lyra 35 Dawn 75 Hilbert 55 Hilda 90
  9. Red 149 Leaf 34 Green 81 Ethan 167 Silver 211 Kris 70 Lyra 40 Dawn 75 Hilbert 55 Hilda 90
  10. Red 149 Leaf 39 Green 81 Ethan 164 Silver 211 Kris 70 Lyra 40 Dawn 75 Hilbert 55 Hilda 90
  11. Red 149 Leaf 44 Green 81 Ethan 161 Silver 208 Kris 70 Lyra 45 Dawn 75 Hilbert 55 Hilda 90
  12. Red 149 Leaf 43 Green 81 Ethan 158 Silver 208 Kris 70 Lyra 45 Dawn 75 Hilbert 65 Hilda 90
  13. Red 149 Leaf 48 Green 81 Ethan 155 Silver 208 Kris 70 Lyra 45 Dawn 75 Hilbert 65 Hilda 90
  14. Red 146 Leaf 53 Green 81 Ethan 152 Silver 205 Kris 70 Lyra 55 Dawn 75 Hilbert 65 Hilda 90
  15. Technically, Ice Dragons also appear in FE7... they're just not usable.
  16. Red 143 Leaf 58 Green 81 Ethan 149 Silver 205 Kris 70 Lyra 60 Dawn 75 Hilbert 65 Hilda 90
  17. Alright, I completed my FE7 EHM draft in 196 turns total. Marcus was allowed all the way through though, so eh.
  18. Red 137 Leaf 51 Green 81 Ethan 144 Silver 205 Kris 70 Lyra 70 May 10 Dawn 75 Hilbert 75 Hilda 90
  19. Red 128 Leaf 50 Green 81 Ethan 141 Silver 205 Kris 70 Lyra 70 May 20 Dawn 75 Hilbert 75 Hilda 90 Cheren 13
  20. Red 130 Leaf 55 Green 81 Ethan 138 Silver 202 Kris 70 Lyra 70 May 20 Dawn 75 Hilbert 75 Hilda 90 Cheren 20
  21. Red 124 Leaf 57 Green 81 Ethan 135 Silver 202 Kris 70 Lyra 70 May 25 Dawn 75 Hilbert 75 Hilda 90 Cheren 30
  22. Red 118 Leaf 56 Green 81 Ethan 132 Silver 202 Kris 70 Lyra 70 May 35 Dawn 75 Hilbert 75 Hilda 90 Cheren 40
  23. Red 118 Leaf 58 Green 81 Ethan 129 Silver 202 Kris 70 Lyra 70 May 40 Dawn 75 Hilbert 75 Hilda 90 Cheren 40
  24. Red 115 Leaf 63 Green 81 Ethan 126 Silver 202 Kris 70 Lyra 70 May 40 Dawn 75 Hilbert 75 Hilda 90 Cheren 45 Grr, it's simultaneously good and bad that my 3 favourite units are the top 3. I can't hurt Red or Silver... :(
  25. Red 112 Leaf 68 Green 81 Ethan 123 Silver 202 Kris 70 Lyra 70 May 40 Dawn 75 Hilbert 75 Hilda 90 Cheren 50
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