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Everything posted by BBM

  1. So should I post a new thread for the Civ draft or just post it here? I'm thinking also that we may as well just do non-competitive because Xekr plays on Deity and probably wouldn't find a playthrough under Immortal interesting at all, and I'm not sure most of the players here would want to do it on Immortal or even Emperor. And if we're not playing the same difficulty there's obviously no point to seeing who can get lower turns. EDIT: also I tihnk the point of building the Monument in your secondary cities is because that way Legalism gets them free Amphiteatres rather than free Monuments (assuming you get it after your cities all have monuments), and the higher culture growth results in better border expansion, SP acquisition, and defence against the AI tourism leaders.
  2. Well, the Ducal Stable has opportunity cost in that it's preventing you from building other stuff. I never fight with Poland until at least Bombers if I can help it at all, so tbh I don't really find Poland's Ducal Stable (or Winged Hussars) very helpful. It's a mark to how good Poland's UA is that it's still arguably the best civ in the game despite a mediocre UB/UU. For policies, definitely go Tradition opener with Poland. Cool thing with Poland is that you can do a mixed Tradition-Liberty opener and still go Rationalism afterwards, because of its UA. After getting the Trad opener I'd go into Liberty until Collective Rule? Then finish off Trad (get the Wonder bonus first) and then head back to finish up Liberty. After that go Rationalism. Build somewhere between 1-3 scouts to start with, depending on what kind of map you're playing on. If you get lucky with finding 2 religious CS's for a pantheon, you don't really need a Shrine, but otherwise you should build one after the scouts. Next I'd get a Monument and then a Worker and a Granary. Next up you should get a Caravan and then a Library. Around this time, the Settler from Collective Rule should probably be kicking in. You should make two more yourself, and send them out for some new cities. Try to have your 3 satellite cities spaced out fairly well (between 5-10 is good IMO), and settle them near luxury resources if you can (or natural wonders). One should be coastal (two if your main city isn't). Cargo Ship trade routes give way more gold and have a larger range than Caravan trade routes, so this is pretty essential. Put one city near a mountain (again only if the main city isn't). Your three cities should target Monument -> Library and then after that just build whatever While your secondary cities are getting set up, go for the Oracle. Hopefully by the time that's done your other cities will all have Libraries, but if not build some other filler stuff. Once everything has a library, go for National College. After that target wonders like Hagia Sophia. When going for wonders, judge carefully whether or not you can get them. Oracle, for example, is maybe not a good idea when Mayans are an AI, because they rush Philosophy for their UA, and therefore aim for Oracle too. For the techs, Pottery -> Animal Husbandry/Mining -> Writing is generally a good start. Stick to the techs in the top part of the tree until you get to Education at least, unless you need some bottom-half techs for luxes. Philosophy for Oracle and NC is important. You should steal a Worker from a CS if possible; if you do it early enough it won't be that bad. Don't steal from one that's being protected by someone else. This strategy is mostly copied from a Deity strategy I found a while back, so it doesn't really account for Barbarians very much- the stronger AI on Immortal/Deity deals with them much better than Prince -> Emperor AI. You might need to alter it a bit to get some units in early. Archery at some point maybe.
  3. Never played vanilla (or G&K) but naval domination victories are generally easier than land domination victories. AI is even worse at naval combat than land combat, and SotL fucking rules (though tbf Frigates are really good too). Great Lighthouse is pretty difficult to get on Immortal/Deity though (although England's UA makes up for it)
  4. Autocracy is pretty cool if you started off domination in the early-game but are trying to make a mid-lategame tourism push. Futurism and Cult of Personality are pretty funny. Freedom is probably still better overall though.
  5. Eirika's route is easier gameplay-wise. Personally I also think that the story works a little better if you go Eirika first. But if you want a challenge and don't care about the story, Ephraim is a better choice.
  6. Watcher on Eclipse won't catch scum; it'll just force scum to make a slightly suboptimal kill choice. Tracker might get scum or might get nothing, so I guess it's higher risk higher reward?
  7. ok I was actually wrong about my role in the last post as well but I'm too lazy to correct myself because it doesn't really matter very much and I'd probably get it wrong again anyways if we don't pick Watcher then it'll probably be Eclipse who dies over Mancer but like that's not really a huge deal? If Eclipse's Dark ability is one of her strongest remaining and it's just a Networker then Eclipse's abilities are probably not that good on a whole? The strength of her role comes in the versatility of being able to do something no matter what (well, unless you pick the same two elements three times in a row) rather than the actual abilities themselves. meanwhile SB actually has a chance to definitively catch scum on the nightkill, which I think is more important than protecting Eclipse
  8. also because Earth wasn't picked the night after Rapier died I don't have access to the jailkeep and never will either man that sure would have been awkward if we'd lynched Shin and then picked Earth but I would have been obvtown after Shin flipped scum anyways, so
  9. wait nevermind I don't "backup" abilities until the night so I don't have access to Cop yet so we would in fact need to pick Wind man my role is a lot less straightforward than I thought it was
  10. because if I spam enough song lyrics I'll be like Paperblade and never get mislynched right? of course, that would come at the expense of being obvious scum so maybe not a good trade-off
  11. I've been dreading' For a day like this to come Struck like lightnin' My heart's beating like a drum On the edge of something terrible Face to face with lynches What's it all about? Life is crazy And I know I can't work it out Cause' I got only Refa defending me I don't feel good, I can't take on the world Turn off the lights, I'm going to get lynched I'm singing no no no no no no no I've got a ticket to the bottom of the graveyard I'm goin' down, I'm on the last ride of my life I'm singing no no no no no no no
  12. also fwiw I just got a response from Prims about Backup vs Gravedigger I misread my role PM- it was supposed to be that I passively gained abilities from the people who died during the last two phases, if their element was active, but only for use that night (kind of like Euklyd's role from CYOR). But Prims made a mistake when wording my PM so I don't have the restriction of only being able to use it that night. So, I could technically like Cop/Disable someone even if we picked Water/Holy but you'd still have to lynch not-Shin for Xinny to not-die so meh?
  13. I did suggest Cop several times before; but the feeling I got from you was that you considered it more important that you survive tonight than any investigation reports town might get. And since if I Cop I can't protect you, Shin would have to also be spared for the day- and people mostly wanted to lynch between me and Shin. So like... I don't mind Copping someone but at this stage that would mean a Beli turbo?
  14. and as for me waffling and suspecting everyone in the thread today; I still came to a conclusion at the end, and taking all possibilities into account before settling on something is generally better play and people were suspecting me earlier because I was tunneling on Elie D1 so lol (yeah yeah it's scummy more because Marth was the counterwagon then because I was tunneling whatever not really)
  15. man maybe this is just my frustration from being about to be mislynched but Xinny's post is really annoying me too like wth most of my posts don't take roles into account at all it is in fact YOU AND MANCER AND SB that are giving Shin a free pass until tomorrow because "oh he has a provable omniguard" when I am the one arguing he is scum off interactions and thread-play so this is BS and I don't know why you're asking why nobody is considering lynching me and then vigging Shin tomorrow when this is what everybody except Refa has advocated and is literally what is about to happen.
  16. what the fuck Mancer that is a terrible argument and actually annoys the shit out of me; no shit I am going to start joking around a little when 5/7 players in the game other than me think I am scum and a sixth has refused to take any real stance, I'm at L-1, and there are <12 hour left in the phase. If you actually READ MY POSTS you'll see that I've talked in detail about what to do after I flip and have also talked about other people's posts. So yeah this is really fucking annoying please never say this again Xinny that is also a bad argument because SB's role is also easy to fake and so is Beli's. In fact my role is harder to fake than either of their's because the Disabler would be super difficult to prove if I wasn't actually a Gravedigger. So the only person whose role is "confirmed" is Shin's. BTW my rolename is actually Backup so there's no confusion tomorrow. I don't know why Prims named it Backup when it's basically the same as my role in Kirby (which was named Gravedigger) plus the element gimmick. yawn Shin once again refusing to fullclaim and then talking about how that's a bad case when it's like 5% of my case
  17. by the way I'll concede to putting words in your mouth by saying you said I was 100% scum but it is also true that before the last post saying you were getting cold feet, you never seriously considered the possibility I was town, beyond "well I guess if BBM is scum we should vig Shin..." which is not really all that different from me going "I'll only go for Marth if nobody wants to lynch Elie". I never said I was 100% sure Elie was scum either- I just said that I was confident that he'd flip scum, which has pretty much been your stance on me
  18. not claiming element has anti-town benefits because it is harder to spec about element balance when we don't know what element Shin's boulder is out of Fire/Wind/Non-Elemental on the converse it has no pro-town benefits at all
  19. well I meant that he should random out of Eclipse and Mancer because if we tell Beli to target Eclipse, the mafia will dodge him and target Mancer. Not giving him an exact target makes him more difficult to predict for the mafia. Of course if Beli is scum he'll either fake a result or conveniently target the wrong person, so. okay I misread that but my point still stands if you change some names around
  20. oh, I meant SB + Shin in #1064, but SB + Beli is also possible though unlikely because I think town would need more than one investigative role It is rather funny btw that both SB and Beli are going NO WAY IT IS TOTALLY POSSIBLE FOR 3 TOWN INVESTIGATIVE ROLES TO EXIST and then are suspecting each other 10/10 made me lol irl and yes I know that it is possible to find someone scummy but disagree with a specific reason for it, but it's still funny
  21. man the problem with me using WIFOM so much is that now I'm unsure if SB would so obviously waffle about my wagon at this juncture when it wouldn't even be that many scumpoints for him to stay resolute about my lynch. I mean, pretty much everybody except Roofa thinks I'm scum so he could just go "MAN I GUESS I WAS WRONG" tomorrow and he would blend in pretty well with almost-confirmed-town Mancer and confirmed-town Xinny. btw Eclipse you're 99% town but it is fully lame that you never took a stance on me.
  22. btw it is in fact 100% objective fact that it is anti-town for Shin to not claim fully at this stage of the game. This may not be definitive proof of Shin being scum, but that wasn't the point of that post really; it was more to show that Shin's excuses for not claiming are BS.
  23. no, selecting Fire today is what allows Xin to use the dayvig tomorrow. Selecting Fire tomorrow allows her to use the dayvig on D5, at which point it's basically the same as a lynch if the game isn't over. hahaha look at SB distancing himself from my wagon; may be Beli + SB after all also, if you're going to vig Shin if I flip town, doesn't that mean that a scumteam of me/Beli is in fact NOT the only possible scumteam FYPOV? It means that Beli/Shin is also possible, so what you're really saying is "BBM is scummier than Shin", not "BBM is the only scum possible out of the two of them". checkmate scum stop with your faulty POE the same thing with BT happened in Town Mafia btw
  24. well the point of quoting that was because you guys were ascribing malice to my incompetent actions of defending Marth... so really the problem is that you guys can't recognize my incompetence
  25. realtalk I was trying to pass Mancer in posts and then I realized he has like a 100 more than me
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