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Posts posted by StrykerZ

  1. Chapter 15 7/36 

    Kill things, about it. Moving on.


    Chapter 16 5/41

    God this was hard, Lyn is so squishy if you don't do Lyn mode. Anyway Marcus carried Hector to the boss who he ORKO'd with Wolf Biel and seized, Lowen and Lyn picked off units best they could, Lowen doing great, Kent helping Lyn, who died in the process, but whatever. Sain got the villages and Priscilla well healed.


    Chapter 17 8/49

    Pretty good honestly. Lowen ferries Hector killing everything in his way (if Raven didn't dodge he would have been one of the casualties) dropped Hector and they both destroyed everything. Lyn picked off units where possible Priscilla healing constantly so they both got some good levels. Raven the went and got Lucius and Hector again ORKO'd the boss for the seize.


  2. Chapter 11 6/6 - Smash the walls, kill the boss. Next.

    Chapter 12 6/12 - Sent Hector to the grass he took the entire top, Lowen took the bottom with a little help from Marcus who got to Hector just in time to kill the last foe.

    Chapter 13 5/17 - Hector and Marcus go south, Marcus visits an explosive old lady. Lowen goes to see Merlinus and drops down to support as Marcus Crits the boss and Hector takes the castle.

    Chapter 13x 7/24 - Marcus gets the 5000 gold from the village, Lowen gets some good level ups and Hector forgets what the word hit means. My Hector is doing pretty bad honestly, fantastic.

    Chapter 14 5/29 - Lowen goes South kills everything and grabs Priscilla. Marcus rushes Erik and Hector kills everything in between as finishes off Erik. Marcus and Hector then mop up the last few kills as Hector grabs the iron blade.

  3. Had to goto work earlier but now im home.


    1-2 8/16

    Now I could have done it in 5 but the RNG decided that would put me to far ahead. Well that and I took an extra turn to grab the power drop. Nolan and Micky cleared out the enimies, sothe grabbed all the chests, Ed just kinda protected Laura.

    1-3 8/24

    Fed Laura the Draco Shield, fed Nolan the Energy Drop. Micky and Laura both get one hit so Nolan and Sothe had to do most of the work. Sothe Crit killed the boss so no discipline. Kurth also managed to survive, and I recruited Aran cause one less enemy and Laura was near him. Now I can finally change items, use bexp and change skills, woo hoo.

    1-4 9/33

    Gave Laura 2 bexp levels, bought and sold some items, changed some skills around, and got Meg cause no reason not to. Now in the chapter, Sothe took the left side, Nolan the right side, Micky and Laura kinda hung out in the middle doing what they could. Managed to get all items except the master seal and the pure water. Would have done it faster if not for the 2 sets of reinforcements, and if Sothe didn't miss like 2 kills.


    1-5 6/39 

    Gave Micky the spirit dust from Aimee, gave Laura the Angelic Robe. Volug stayed on the starting side killing off the reinforcements, everyone else went towards the boss area, about it. Didn't have time to steal the shine barrier, ah well.

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