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Everything posted by Psych

  1. Even if they weren't, it'd have to be under his chin for shading like that.
  2. The brightest part of the neck doesn't seem to match the face. >_>
  3. Psych

    L4D2 Mafia

    I should bump this.
  4. That's not true. I know plenty of hookers that would enjoy taking his money.
  5. Gogogogogogo Sigurd as Mage Fighter. Tyrfing as Valk staff. Cuan as Princess. Lachesis with Swanchika!
  6. Uh....that palette looks a little messy.
  7. I did. I had Ilyana too. Though I never finished. >_>
  10. But now Tangerine has to retire so that she and RF match~
  11. I had animations off, so it only looked like a crit to me, but I think it may have been a Pierce, since her second crit did more than her first. I hate you.
  12. Chatper 17 2 turns/161 turns Vanessa and a Killer Lance. <3 Got the Guiding Ring and Fimbulveter though, and Lute spammed Barrier a little. Chapter 18 6 turns/167 turns I love Phantoms. I also love how their move is counted as a flier. I'd have finished a turn earlier if I had had a ranged option for Eirika. Chapter 19 3 turns/178 turns (Colm and Rennac Penalties) Rush to Riev. Moulder warps Rennac to grab Foritfy and Bolting, and Colm for the Speedwings and Runesword. He hits S staves too. Grab the Brave Lance and Sword. Nice to get an Aura and Invaldi no one can use. A grand total of 3 green units survived. Hint: Two were the general and Mansel. >_> Chapter 20 6 turns/184 turns I give Seth the last Speedwings since Lute has 19 speed, Vanessa is capped, and lolTethys, Moulder, or Knoll. He had the lowest at 16. Out of the combat units that is. Vanessa flying off with a full inventory of Killer Lances and Bolting cover from Lute plus a quick Warp results in the 6 turn clear. Final Part 1 6 turns/190 turns Everyone heads to the right, and Rennac come to nab a quick robe. Moulder Hammernes Bolting and Warp. But then I realize they drop keys, so Rennac has to be a good boy and stay out of trouble. Vanessa does a direct approach from the south. Lute gets Barrier from Moulder, because otherwise she gets one-shotted >_>, and with a lucky Pierce from Vanessa and Eclipse from Knoll, Eirika is able to finish Lyon off. Final Part 2 2 turns/192 turns Lute used the robe from the last chapter. Excaliber, Sieglied, Siegmund, and a finishing Pierce from Vidofner win it. Without penalties, final turncount is 177. Final stats and reviews will be up in the morning.
  13. Chapter 9 10 turns/100 turns Promote Vanessa to help her strength issues. >_> Pierce helps that too. She runs and grabs the Rapier. Seth helps kill the Sniper. Vanessa solo'd the whole bottom, only flying away once to be healed. Lute nabs Amelia's wings, Moulder the Shield. Bought some Thunders. Lute promotes at 13. Chapter 10 4 turns/104 turns Thank to a little help from Life, I realize as long as Gerik survives, Tethys joins at the end of the chapter. Seth hands Eirika to Vanessa and they fly to the Throne. I don't need a Red Gem or a Talisman. Grab a Lancerever and Long bow and make Lute get hit on purpose for a quick heal from Moulder. I like the cash booster from Innes. ^_^ Chapter 11 8 turns/112 turns Tethys grabs a robe. Sell Gerik's Crest. Torch Staff spam. Lute gets to join in on it too. I leave the treasure, because lolBook, and lolIcanbuyRestorestaves. L'Archel even helps out by healing Lute after she tanks a mob and gets down to 9 HP. Chapter 12 10 turns/122 turns And so close to promoting Moulder. Level 9 and some. Seth hits S lances and grab a Barrier staff. Vanessa gets the Ring. Chapter 13 2 turns/124 turns Good thing I don't have Cormag. Nor do I want the Body Ring. Moulder + Tethys dancer barrier 2 turn spam though. Chapter 14 17 turns/141 turns Sent Eirika the wrong way. >_> Got the 10k, both Rings, and Rennac got me Hammerne and a Spear. Moulder promoted at level 11. Don't get to visit the Secret Shop. Chapter 15 12 turns/153 turns Vanessa grabs the Energy ring since she's 2 below and I can't decide between her or Moulder getting it for some Physic range later. >_> A Lute and Tethys combo heads south to nail Valter with later help from Knoll and Ephraim. Vanessa goes fro the Silver Card and Metis Tome, and the others head towards Calleach. Tethys boots, Knoll Metis Tome, Lute Body Ring. Skipped the Bow and Wyrmslayer. Chapter 16 6 turns/159 turns Knoll promotes at 11. Summoning fun and Horserush. Thought about Warp skip, but I halfed it and got Eirika over the wall. Brought Rennac for the Talisman, but didn't get it after all. Eirika promotes at 20, Eph at 18. I realize Moulder's range with staves suck, and hope Lute can grow a rank or two before Final. She ends the map at C. Name LVL HP MT SKL SPD LUK DEF RES Eirika 1.00 36 15 22 21 17 13 13 Seth 8.40 36 16 17 15 15 15 10 Vanessa 11.88 38 18 24 29 15 15 13 Moulder 3.26 38 12 14 16 3 10 11 Lute 9.41 31 24 12 18 17 10 18 Ephraim 1.00 38 18 22 17 15 15 10 Tethys 5.98 29 1 2 14 15 5 6 Knoll 1.70 25 12 12 11 0 3 14
  14. Prologue 2 turns .....Crits and shame befall me. Eirika's level: Str, Skl, Spd, Luk, Res. Chapter 1 6 turns/8 turns Solo. Lots of crits. Chapter 2 7 turns/15 turns Ross died. Though he and NPC Garcia actually killed some stuff. Missed the Pure Water village. Chapter 3 8 turns/23 turns Colm nabbed me treasure. Moulder got some heals. Chapter 4 8 turns/31 turns :Lute: :Lute: Vanessa is starting to get Str screwed...not a single point yet. :Lute: :Lute: Chapter 5 9 turns/40 turns Okay, there we go. Got str Vanna. Time to turn some letters. Nab the villages, speed to Saar, get the Ring. Eirika murdernated Joshy and lost me my KE! >_> Chapter 5x 14 turns/54 turns Rah....at least I got the Killer Lance. >_> Could have done better probably. Chapter 6 5 turns/59 turns Torch staff spam! Lute nabs a Shield, and Moulder a Book. Vanessa runs and kills Novala, reaching B lances and Level 10. Chapter 7 10 turns/73 turns (Colm Penalty) 8] Vanessa tanked the two archers near Murray and Javelined them on the EP to death. Nabbed the Ring for Moulder because lol 5 magic. Probably could have done it quicker since Eirika one rounded Murray with the Raiper, and I could have air dropped her, but I wanted more exp and the Ring. Moulder and Lute hit B weapon ranks as well. Chapter 8 13 turns/90 turns (Colm Penalty) Sold the Crest and Bolt for some cash. Is it sad Vanessa can tank the entire Armour treasure room? Nabbed the treasures and Eirika had a quick boss kill and almost hit level 20. 8] Moulder grabs the robe. Took my time cause I needed the Whip, and probably wanted the sword, but skipped it. Name LVL HP MT SKL SPD LUK DEF RES Eirika 19.84 31 12 20 19 16 10 7 Seth 1 Base Vanessa 16.13 27 8 11 20 11 11 7 Moulder 6.68 29 7 8 12 2 3 6 Lute 11 22 15 9 10 13 5 12 Ephraim 11/12 Forgot the Rest
  15. First off, why the hell are Ike, Micaiah, and Sothe on a list when they're free? Second, go see Integrity's lovely argument of Laura in the old one and move her up plz. kthnxbai
  16. Fuuuuuu...Can't decide. :( Knoll.
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