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Everything posted by Psych

  1. ...Admit it, it's also cause asian. ALSO I got these for christmas
  2. ...Is it Green Tea because green tea is good, or green tea because asian?
  3. So I just pour hot coffee on myself?
  4. Dude, seriously. It's like nothing's down there! D:
  5. ~ That you know of. I have these new skinny jeans....but I can't feel my genitals. >_>
  6. No, that was a one time thing. Like...the Berlin Wall. Lumi will end up repressing us forcing us to wear revealing leather outfits for her sick pleasure.
  7. We have killed the putrid corpse of liberty..... And all that remains is Lumi's empire. Full of Manservice and Swordmasters.....you know what...>_> I don't think this sounds better.
  8. Oh really~.... Actually, I did cosplay him at Animazement last year.
  9. But Lumi, I NEED YOUR SOUL! That's also eerily close to what my hair was like before I died it too.
  10. ... I'm the team.....can I be the doctor? D: Pffft. I might have chance for third though I don't know about Fenrir. My team seems good enough. 3-5 is gonna be hell with just Ilyana and Rhys. And I should get back to it. I'm still on 1-6-2. But Iris and Lumi are the chicks, only Lumi is the hero too. >_> I should be like....the manager dude. So when people shout Help, I can be all, Agents are....
  11. You know, Micaiah refers to Sothe as her brother sometimes...
  12. Lumi! Make Lucius Raven's brother!
  13. Farina got a 10 too. >_> As did Joshua, though I don't think he should be that high. And appearently you should never ever ever promote Lute to Mage Knight.
  14. Pary: Pary rubbed his eyes. It was too early for this, and the stress of last night still weighed on him. "VIveka....Maybe we should just relax and forget about what has happened. You'll need to be prepared when we fight. Come, I'll make you some tea and breakfast." Pary went over to his staves, before picking up his Mend staff and walking over to Iso. "I suppose I'll fix you up." Pary knelt, before focusing his energy on Iso's already forming bruises.....But nothing happened. Pary tried again, waiting for the healing energy to begin to flow. Still nothing. "Something....something's wrong. Look what that piece of meat did to me! I can't heal anymore!"
  15. Oh hey, more cookies. Priscilla, chapter 18 Pirate Ship talking to the Tactician at the begining of the chapter.
  16. Wrong Bal. More like Feliz Frivolidad!

  17. ...I'm glad I won't end up last place. >_> Though I have to figure out what to do for 1-6-2, cause Fiona is either suicidal, Cavs swarm and murder Miccy, or I overestimate Volug with Resolve and he ends up dying.
  18. Reyson escaping Oliver and flying to Serenes? I know I have enough but :P
  19. End of Chapter 3. Colm stealing the Solar Brace.
  20. No idea. I'll wait for next round. I just need 2 cookies. D:
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