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Everything posted by Psych

  1. Rita: Running down the halls crying, she ran into Stephenie, knocking her to the ground. ----------- Cess: Cess walked down the halls slowly, looking for Rita. Walking towards the front gate, he notice a young man dressed in ceremonial armor. "Excuse me, have you seen a woman with blue hair around here?" (Tristan)
  2. Psych

    Psych's Mini Mafia

    I need two more people and a game to end before this can start. >_>
  3. She's going to become your new BFF, and together you shall destroy all competitors to your voices and rule the school. -_-
  4. Pary: In a drawing room somewhere deep in the castle, Pary was sitting alone enjoying tea. Suddenly, he heard the ever so faint sound of a scream. "Something about that pleases me." He took another sip, and set it out of his mind.
  5. Cess and Rita: Tears began welling up in her eyes. She moved to slap him again, but stopped her hand short. "You're not worth it, you big jerk!" Lifting her leg, she gave a swift kick to his groin, before running out the door, sobbing. "Rita wait!"
  6. Rita: Rita and Cess finished their dance, and Rita noticed Eric in the corner. "Come on party pooper! Join the fun!" Rita pulled him in, and began to step.
  7. Cess and Rita: "Rita, stop trying to lead!" "But I don't like dancing slow!" "Just follow me!" Rita and Cess kept dancing around, spinning occasionally. Eventually, they came to a stop. "That one should be simple enough to teach to the rest of you."
  8. Rita and Cess: "Ok, I'll be right back!" Rita ran out of the room, still wearing her dress bare-footed. A few moments later, she came in dragging Cess by his cape. "Rita~ Let me go...I don't want to watch you all get dressed. " "Duh!" Rita placed her hand on his shoulder, and grabbed his hand. "Oh, you could've just said so." "Guys! Watch us!" The two began to glide across the floor, following a simple up-tempo waltz.
  9. Rita: Searching through the chests, Rita pulled out a deep blue dress, close to her hair color. "I like this one." Hurrying behind a partition, she tried it on. She spun around in front of the mirror. "What about this? It's the right length, but the bust is a bit small." ---------- Pary: Walking to the castle shop, Pary pulled out his money pouch. The money from the staves and trinkets were getting a bit heavy, and he had been unable to deposit it since they had left Directus. Looking through the wears, he noticed a bright orange Topaz necklace. He payed for it, and slipped it into his bag.
  10. And Fayt's is the day after mine....>_>
  11. Psych

    The Resistance

    I'm weary about Agent, but Accept.
  12. Cess and Rita: Seeing Charlotte stand next to the man, he noticed he was dressed in riding armor. "Um, Charlotte. Who's your friend here?" Rita had had trouble sleeping during the night, and was a bit cranky. Her mind was running a mile a minute, and she couldn't think straight. "Oh, hi Charlotte. >_>" Rita trailed off, looking at the ground keeping to herself. ------------ Pary: Riding on Sunny had been a bit uncomfortable, so he dismounted. "Um, excuse me? Who's General Alex?"
  13. Okay, try now. I think it's almost done, I just need to make sure what class Aless and Hannibal are.
  14. Update! I tried uping some enemy class growths, but didn't get very far. Fixed some double items, promotions. Moved some blood and growths. One weird thing I found, is Patty as a Free Knight when she attacks, it looks like she doesn't have a sword. Also, Sylvia is unable to get the Defence Sword in Chapter 4, but I gave you the Barrier Sword, and Fin comes back with the Defence Sword in Chapter 7.
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