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Everything posted by Psych

  1. Because Halton wants to be seen easily and die quickly.
  2. Who does Cynthia not hate? And there was that time RIta would molest all the sexy nomads, and drink crazy love juice, but then that stopped. And now my mind's been blank for the last 3 hours thinking of what to comment on besides introducing her brother or something.
  3. Psych

    Mafia HQ

    Alright. Why did JB decide 72 hour day phases for Driver mini would be a good idea? >_> Um....I mean, since it's really close to having everyone, and Spoon's officially ended, can I go ahead and start around tomorrow afternoon? Maybe Sunday morning?
  4. And I finally thought of something! Conveniently involving Phoenix and Lev. >_>
  5. Cess and Rita: Walking back to the mansion, hands empty, they noticed Lev. "Watcha doing Mr. Lev?" "You probably shouldn't bother him Rita...>_>" ---------------- Pary: Haven awoken, and prepared himself, he walked outside notice Cess, Lev, and Rita. "Some party or something?"
  6. Drunk Harold at the ball?....That'll end well.
  7. DO IT! We need someone drunk at the ball...>_>
  8. And then Russians...>_> I don't know what to post. ;_; I got nothing so far on the humiliate Reika and Dani plan, and I don't know how to send the other two shopping...>_> I kinda need a TS, or some other big scene.......blahblahblah NPC's... I'm tired of making future plot items.
  9. Psych

    The Resistance

    Go ahead and move to Hemlock in the order Tables. But he said he's out or something so....>_>
  10. SNIKE IS BACK! AND I NEED HIS SOUL I MEAN WARM BODY! And uh, yeah..>_> Catching up. Making some sort of post.
  11. Psych

    The Resistance

    Oh gawd, not this again...>_> *Berserk status* Oops, sorry Lord Yurius! You know, that was kinda weird though. He brough his father, his girlfriend....so Me, JB, and Bal must be evil! >_>
  12. Psych

    The Resistance

    Is this because I'm Ishtar? JB had to bring me! It was....forced...>_>
  13. Psych

    The Resistance

    That's because I suggested it. ANd no one likes when I have ideas...>_> ##Vote Disapprove I do want to see Proto go on the mission though, since I want info about him or something. Weapons is.....yeah.
  14. I didn't count Tables as a person...>_> Sorry Tables..>_>
  15. Um, the OP says otherwise. >_>
  16. Psych

    The Resistance

    THis is what I get by bringing Corple. -_- Useless Corple...>_> Core, don't bring Corple. Or go with the JB, Me, Weapons, Proto.
  17. I'm here. Trying to start a normal sleep schedule...>_> BlahblahblahCessandRitagoShoppingandParyGetstoMakeFriendsWithChaseorHeinz....>_>
  18. Um, JB..... Why does the signup only say 6 people are alive? Cause that would mean the mafia has already won....>_>
  19. *coughtheguykillednightonecough* >_>
  20. Psych

    The Resistance

    Oh I'm sorry, I thought you said not to take yourself...<_< Which how to we do kids? By figuring out the moles, and not bringing them. I took myself because JB said it would be a good idea to bring someone from last round. Excuse me for trusting myself over Bal or JB. I just think I'm really good looking. <_< When I suggest JB, Me, Weapons, and you, that would include 2 people from last round, and two new ones. I don't think we should exactly start fresh with a whole new team.
  21. Rita: "Idea? Everyone know that! It's the first rule of balls! Right up there with, If you want to look like you have no class, stuff your face at the hour de vous table! There's so much you need to know! I wonder if they have of copy of Etiquette for Dummies around here...>_>" Rita stood from her bath before drying herself. She got dressed and wondered out to the halls and to the front door where she met Cess. "We have to go shopping!" "You're paying this time! Especially after you ordered so much then puked everywhere."
  22. Not Sense and Sensibility.....with Sea Monsters? We'd have Sea Monster if we ever went to the islands goddammit! >_>
  23. Rita: "You know that means they intend to marry you? And if you accept you're interested in them? So you have to ask them first! That way you don't end up married just because you want to dance!"
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