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Everything posted by Psych

  1. *sigh* I have two ideas. Both so everyone can stop complaining. >_> 1. Pary gets a Fortify staff so everyone stops yelling for a healing. 2. He gets a Sleep staff to take care of Damian.
  2. Though, if said orphans are properly armed with chainsaws and base ball bats, they might be very effective...>_>
  3. Psych

    The Resistance

    Wait, he's Yurius, and I'm Ishtar.......>_> Ew.... ##Vote Yes
  4. ((OOC: *cough* HE"S ALREADY OUTSIDE AND I SAID NO ATTACKING!)) Pary: Hearing that crazy mage's voice, he ran faster. Noticing the bandit near the gate, and Esphyr walking towards the in, he ran up to her. "Tell me what he just said to you. I'll give you all the money in my pocket. All.....95 gold pieces!"
  5. Pary: "I have done nothing of the sort. As I said, these are my old staves. Maybe you should get your head examined you old coot!" Pary dodged the staff swing. It wasn't very hard to do coming from a old geezer. He didn't feel like talking to Viveka right now. Who was the bandit talking to? Esphyr? Where was she? Pary headed out the back entrance to search town.
  6. Pary: "I don't know what you're talking about, I those are old staves of mine. And that bracelet is from my sister. I needed money for herbs for my sick friend. How dare you touch a holy man like this!" Pary broke free from the guards clutches, before walking up the stairs to Viveka's room.
  7. Well, she's domestic, so she knows her babies would be safe, and thusly her need for a good genetic pair drops some? >_> Kiev has the shotaro angle working for him...>_>
  8. Don't worry! She'll just crush on Kiev. And fight with Krinkov.
  9. >_> That would be genius. And now I have an idea for her brother's wyvern.
  10. Pary: Seeing as the shaman was tied up, Pary went ahead to the herb store. Buying a few medicinal treatments, he walked further into the pawn shop. A gruff looking man sat behind the counter. "Oy, what do you want?" "You take dead goods?" "Depends what you be selling." Pary unwrapped the two staves, and the bracelet. The condition was relatively good, and would probably fetch a hefty price. "Hmm. 20 gold for the staves, 35 for the trinket." "Make it 65 total and you have a deal." "Grr, fine." ((I'm tired of saying apothecary ))
  11. Why, tell us a little more about this so called "wyvern logic" Shut up Clocky. We're changing the subject...>_>
  12. So, Phoenix....how's the weather out in Vegas? Tell us more about wyverns.
  13. Rita: "She had a Sea Wyvern like my brother? Hmmmm. He never told me anything like that. Well I guess I can help you guys. I have nothing to do, and I'm not tired yet."
  14. Hey Slave, remember that thing you posted in my profile? QUICK, COMPLAIN ONLINE! Both of you. Time outs. Go to your corners. Ten minutes.
  15. Rita: "Um...like a lot? Why didn't they freak out when they saw that blue one back in the canyon?"
  16. Rita: "Oh you mean that pink one from earlier? Why would you want to capture it? That man said it was causing a lot of trouble. Seems to me like it's do more harm then good, especially after how all the other wyverns acted around her." --------- Pary: "Regardless, some symptom could come back or get worse or who knows. I'm going to the apothecary." Giving her another blanket, he walked out of the inn, heading down the road. He noticed Morgan looking around for something. "Is something missing? Or do you need my help with anything?"
  17. Psych

    The Resistance

    I'm still for either JB, Core, Me first team, or JB, Weapons, Bal first team. Both have their advantages. The first one goes how you said Proto. The second gets some info from some relatively normal and dangerous players.
  18. Rita: Waving her hand in front of his face, Rita started getting a bit angry. "He-llooo~ Mr. Lev? Irina? What are you two doing?" --------- Pary: Seeing Viveka laying down, shivering, he walked over. "How are you feeling? A simple chill should have gone away by now. Let me get you some more medicine." ((I'm assuming she's lying down or something?))
  19. >_> She is not going to be bait. Oh, well thank you. XD
  20. >_> Damn you! Now Morgan is all schoolgirl "I forgot my homework. I need detention.", and Lev is all like "I have a different plan. " She still talked to him and Irina. Maybe she can help? >_>
  21. Phoenix! Lev x Rita! Nao! Must use Lev to make Kelas, Iso, and Eric jealous....>_>
  22. Rita: As the woman brushed her off, she saw the rest of the group wander inside the town. She walked over to them, and found Lev. "Oh hi there Mr. Lev. Hi Irina. Whatcha doing? Where's that friend of yours?"
  23. Rita: Exiting the shop, Rita was a bit disappointed she found nothing. "Might as well find the group." Turning, she saw a woman in a silver dress, with a bloodstain running down it, and a young boy, hardly 9 or 10. "Um, excuse me miss. You appear to be hurt. Should I get a healer or something? That looks painful."
  24. What color is Kiev? What color is Ulfhrahn? What color is Krinkov? What color is Victor? What color is Svetlana? Red Black Burgundy Black Blue Gawd Kai, pay attention
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