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Everything posted by Psych

  1. ???: Diving along the ground before pulling back up, he took out the whip attached to his belt. The thorns along it and the frayed end helped in piercing the flesh. Swinging it in his arm, he wrapped it around her left ankle with the precision of a trained tamer. "Up bup bup. You really should listen Ruby darling. Mmkay?" He said before winking and sending a large pink heart of energy into her facing. The charm wouldn't last long, but it would be enough to calm her down for now.
  2. ???: Quickly taking a step forwards, then backflipping, he thought it safer in the sky, flying around. "You pain me really darling. Your old friend? And since I had been watching the fight for you all, I saw where mister wolfie went. So I have a feeling I know where Proxima is. Now Mistress can wrangle you herself, or you can let me take charge and clear this mess up. Shouldn't we save your "boss" anyway?"
  3. ???: Jumping again, this time landing several yards away from her. "Yes well, seeing as how your darling friend lost one of them, but you were able to get two, she thought it best I clean up your mess. Wouldn't want the group to get them back now would we?"
  4. Well, it's really more of a whirlwind romance..... I deserve to be shot for that pun. >_>
  5. ???: Jumping up, he quickly flew ten feet in the air. He flew around doing some summersaults and loop-de-loops, before landing on top of a rock. "Aw, Ruby darling. You hurt me. Don't remember my face? Mistress said you needed a little help. Said you were too stupid for that group to not realize your charade. So, here I am. Backup. What's the mission?"
  6. Rita: Rita had decided to let Cess take care of Morrey, since he still was feeling a bit dizzy from the ice. She walked along side the group. She walked over to Eric. "Um, Eric....could you help me with something?" ------- Pary: Pary walked behind the group, keeping an eye out. (>_>) ------- ??? (>:)) Slowing gliding above her, he watched Ruby walk along. Well, she was part of his responsibility. He might as well help her. He slowly flew to the ground, touching down without even a sound. "Oh, Ruby darling! Your prince is here!"
  7. So everyone aim for Daneka....>_> *sigh* I just realized something. Rita's gonna have to aim for Alphonse to stay in character...but I don't really want her to fight him.
  8. Staff that brings you back from the dead.
  9. Add Assassains. Please. Or Rogues maybe. :/
  10. I really feel we need a Valkyie staff for mid-battle....>_>
  11. @Stating Balista 1 Skill, 6 Strength, 0 Defense, 0 Resistance, 3 Luck, 4 Speed. Done. EDIT: Oh, and 5 HP.
  12. Yeah sure. >_> Conrad will no longer have a lady...but.....
  13. But she can still fly, so it's close enough.
  14. Too much thrashing. Not enough hot springs. >_>
  15. Viveka x Derek Charlotte x Eric Kelas X Amari Arrin Iso (backup Katie) Reika x Alf Esphyr x Aiya x Damian >_> Rita, Dani, and Irina are the only girls not paired. Morgan x Chase....
  16. @Phoenix *Mr. Burns* Eeeexcellent. >:)
  17. Pheeny! Viveka little sister. Y/N ? Lightning has been taken care of..... Morgan is an orphan... Ditto on Tessa..... Charlotte is Charlotte...... New guy is new...... Helios is.....ew..... Nomads.....yeah..... Wyverns.....yeah.... Iso.....yeah..... Reika.....yeah.... Hmmmm.......>_> So, yeah. I got like only 4 plans. @Phoenix Don't know? Google. It's a personality trait.
  18. Everyone in Sage's list in Low tier and below, except for Katie and Aiya are basically unpaired. >_> Something is odd about that.
  19. Well, then the only way to make Irina higher, is to do what the top tier characters are doing. That's right, pair her. >_> Seriously, anyone Low tier and below, and Katie and Aiya are al unpaired. I sense Bais.
  20. I meant me two. As in me three? I don't think that's me too, is it? <_< I never said that was my best plan, just that I want to try it....>_>
  21. @Phoenix I don't have a copm in my room...>_> Go gamble or kill a hooker or something, Vegas Boy!
  22. @Pheeny-kun Ha! I'm not in my bedroom. I'm not even in my house. Which is why I'm not on IRC right now. The comp isn't perfect for IRC. Give me an hour or two. @Snike Me two....>_> Oh, and I've met the Splishy-Splashy Water Colored Queen, and the Fierce Firey Fireball King.
  23. @Snike It's amazing how much you can impersonate me....and how much I want to do that plan now.....>_>
  24. I never said that Kai. You did. Stop putting words in my mouth. >_> @Sage NO! NOT THIS TIME! You will not ruin the surprise by telling everyone. I'll discuss it with Cynthia whenever she gets on. You're out for now.....unlesss she agrees to one part, in which case, I may need you. >_>
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