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Everything posted by Psych

  1. Well, I kinda wanted everyone to freak out or something. >_> So maybe a snatch up would be better than falling? She's probably unconscious. Killing still seems a bit unlikely until they can figure out who she is and what she wants.
  2. @Snike >_> No. Or...she can take Dani with her? @Phoenix She ran really, really far though!
  3. @Phoenix Well, they've never met. So killing would probably go down. :/ She needs something to catch her though....
  4. If you focus more on offense, you don't need defensive timing. :/ Oh, and people can hear RIta's scream too....>_> I mean, she fell off a freaking cliff.
  5. Pary: "And you didn't tell one of us? A fever in this canyon heat could make you nearly keel over. You know....Hold on a sec." Pary dug threw his bag, pulling out some herbs and some fruit. "Eat the herbs with water, then eat this fruit."
  6. Dude, Xianghua is where it's at. Her and Kelik. :/
  7. Can Rita fall on top of ALphonse? I don't want to kill her by throwing her of a cliff, but I do want to throw her off a cliff....>_> Genius idea!
  8. Pary: Wakling along, Pary notice Viveka on the back of Derek's horse. She wasn't riding Sunny, and she still seemed to be shivering. He couldn't remember if she had spent too much time in the cave. "Are you feeling alright? You seem to be a bit dazed or something of the sort." ------------- Rita: A good distance away from the group, she couldn't see them anymore. She sat down. Angry at Eric, at Charlotte, even at herself. She got up. "I guess I should say sorry." Then she tripped. A loud scream, a dropping her sword, she fell down into the canyon, screaming for her life. That is, until something caught her. Something, soft?
  9. FE5: Salem Tina Homeros Lara (Dancer Style B)) Olwen Miranda FE6: Lilina Hugh Niime Sohpia >_> FE7: Um....probably....no one I use here is generally hated/disliked FE8: Lute, but no one hates her Niemi Ewan Amelia Ross FE10: Heather Ilyana Laura Meg Sananki
  10. Psych

    Mafia HQ

    Um, I had made a mini mafia game, but all the sudden, Weapons has two in the sign up under where mine should be.....>_>
  11. Rita: Not her too! Rita hopped down from the horse. "He never was my teacher! I asked for advice! And you're just some Cleric who thinks she's better than everyone else that fell in love with her knight!" Rita ran ahead of the group, tears in her eyes. Not stopping till she was out of breath, she couldn't see the group behind her any more.
  12. Rita: " " Rita went up to him, and slapped him in the face. "You could be a little more considerate when you talk to a girl!" She ran over to Cess, and mounted Morrey.
  13. Rita: "Well, it was about my Shoot Star skill. I'm still stuck on the third blow. People keep knocking me out, or something before I can strike. ;_; Oh, and I'm totally in love with you, and am going to steal you from Charlotte."
  14. >_> Teodor is the only Druid with a face sprite. Either Dark Druids (Nergal), Shamans (Heinz, Zoldam, Canas) or Generic Druids don't. He's the only boss one. >_> I'm not counting Canas promoting, since he starts Shaman.
  15. ???: "Hmph. Well I'm going ahead Ruby darling. Do catch up." He jumped, before his wings took flight and flew above past the trees.
  16. ???: ((Ohhhhhh, bad move Kai)) As he was slashed down, and the woman turned to leave, something was not right. The body had stood, before grabbing the head and placing it onto the severed shoulders. Loud cracking noises could be heard as the bones rejoined. Spitting out some blood, he talked. "Oh Ruby, you hurt me. Surely finding that tome and saving your boyfriend would earn you some brownie points? And you think I'm useless. Tch, tch, tch."
  17. Rita: "Well, I need your help with this stroke.....>_>" -------------- ???: As the whip regrew to it's original length in his hand, he sent another charm at the woman. "Oh Ruby darling. You really should listen to mistress. Do I have to tell her you won't listen to orders and fled turncoat, or should I show you to where that wolfie demon took the fire tome?"
  18. Well, that's what you think.... Huzah! When he does try to attack us all, he'll sneak into the camp at night, seduce the females, and have them fight the males. Just seduce them....>_>
  19. I never said it would work.... :P He has it for the humanz.
  20. He's a fucking sex demon. He has to mind-screw somehow. >_> They'll basically go all "Blurgh" and have swirly eyes and can't control themselves.
  21. Well, he has his charm spell thingy. (That pink energy heart) >_>
  22. @Phoenix He doesn't want too. He wants to help Ruby keep up her act, and look good to Shanice. He helps Ruby, Helenos style. He may try to rape Shanice, cause he a cool Incubus like that....>_>
  23. When the hell did I get a second chance? o.O I'd like to keep track of them.
  24. Cynthia did. >_> He helps Ruby, okay? On the Helenos side.
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