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Everything posted by Psych

  1. RIta: "Oh sure. Here, try some." Rita spooned some soup out into a bowl for Dani and handed it to her. --------- Cess: Walking over to Rita and Dani, he spotted Dani about to eat something. "No!" He quickly swatted the bowl out of her hands. "If you want to live, don't eat that." "I'm and excellent cook, thank you very much." "If you're cooking for vultures, maybe...>_>"
  2. Cess and Rita: Having ridden for the majority of the day, Cess and Rita dismounted, and set up their tents. Cess built a large fire so the others would be able to see them, and Rita took to making dinner. --------- Pary: "Owww....." Helping Viveka up, he stood, rubbing his head. "Is she always like that?"
  3. Pary: "Oh, um. I guess so. Sorry about that. It kinda gave me time to think. Say, you're going to the ball thing right? Wanna go with me?"
  4. Pary: "Wha? Who's what's it?" Pary slowly jostled awake, before rubbing his eyes.
  5. Yeah, I'm stuck out too. >_> Your idea didn't work either.
  6. I vote for Lumi! D: Totally not a pity vote. Totally. Nor because I like her fanservice.
  7. But she picked the one that's strong against Bizz! D: Unless Bizz picked Pikachu or something....>_>
  8. Obviously you invite her to dinner. Only there is no dinner. She is the dinner. Or...call her fat or something?
  9. Psych

    Psych's Mini Mafia

    Bump Just two more people.
  10. I thought he looked like...>_>Levail
  11. Pre: Pary: "Yes..aquainted. I don't think she likes me very much. I tried giving her a snack, but she just tried to have me leave her alone. :/"
  12. Pre-skip: Pary: "Um...Viveka! A little help...."
  13. Pary: Pary held his arms out and waved them like wing. "You fly right? F-l-y! Fly!" He pointed up."In the sky? Like a pegasus." He tried petting her again. "Right?"
  14. Pary: "Um...are you okay? Should I get Viveka?" He took out another cookie and ate it. "See? It's safe to eat." *chewchewchew*
  15. Pary: Pary moved closer to Sunny, with his hand trying to pet her. "Nice girl. Nice Pegasus. Nice wings. Here, have a cookie." He took a small cookie out of his pack to feed to her.
  16. Pary: Noticing Viveka and Derek in the yard, he walked over. "Your cold got better? THat's good. We wouldn't want anyone else to catch it. But, um, do you mind if I get a ride? I think we're leaving soon."
  17. Rita and Cess: As they strolled along, Rita slumped over Cess. "Why did you never want to be a mercenary with me again?" "Cause I'm not cut out for it. You always have all this energy and action. I'm not tough like that." "You could have just told me. I thought you came with cause you liked it." "You'd have thought it was stupid. Besides, someone has to keep you out of trouble. And I probably don't do a very good job of that even now." "I'm sorry. I'll try and act calmer. It's just everyone is really nice, and all." Rita hugged Cess tighter, and the kept riding.
  18. But Canas is dead! :o But it's Canas! I love you Arch.
  19. Make her a pupil? >_> I like Arch and his hacks, but distinct lack of FE6'ers makes me disappoint.
  20. Rita, Malcom, Cess: As Gemini managed to get away by slipping out of Krinkov's mouth, she flew back to Malcom. "He owes me a mouth's pay. >_>" Rita and Cess said their goodbyes to Malcom, and gathered their things. Mounting on Morrey, they went ahead on the road, while Malcom flew off towards Halton. ------------- Pary: Pary went over to Chase. "I need a ride. Would you mind? It looks like we're setting out soon, and Viveka is still sick, even after I gave her something. I'd prefer to try not to catch it."
  21. Um...Cecilia, Douglas, Percival, or Dieck. Because the ones that made sense are obviously wrong. Stupid Psych. >_> *sarcasm* Lilina bette be playable in the Ostia. I'd guess Hector, Serra, Lilina, Oswin, Bors, Barth, Wendy, Matthew.....probably someone else I'm forgetting. They must be in the Zephial one. And that would mean Yuno and Zealot are the Ilia tale with maybe Niime and Hugh. >_>
  22. My guesses are either Sophia, Igrene, Fa, Klein, or Clarine. I wonder why Nino isn't getting a tale. About after with the Fangs and the twins, and Legault...>_>
  23. Oh god. I really want Serra in there now. >_>
  24. Erk as Mage Knight? No wai! Arch is trolling again! Actually, I like that there's a mounted unit there. Now to find Serra...>_>
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