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Everything posted by Psych

  1. You're signing up? That's great, but you really didn't have to do that. We'd have filled you in on what was going on currently, and the major past details. Most of that was probably useless. >_> And don't even bother with Chat. We babble mindlessly here. I do suggest looking through the sign ups however, so you know what a good class idea would be. Like being one of 4 wyvern riders isn't very fun.
  2. Rita and Cess: Having followed the group, Morrey had stopped in the middle of the cave and sat down. Cess was still dead asleep. "Just have good old Iso here start us a fire." ---------------- Pary: Pary was still riding on Derek's horse. <_<
  3. PHOENIX LIKE TO BOTTOM. Whoops. And night as well.
  4. *squee* I learned something about Phoenix! I disregarded it by not saying it outloud. -_- But I shall forever have this knowledge.
  5. I know what you were going to sa~ay! ♫♪
  6. Is that what you're Urgh-ing about Phoenix? There'd be 2 in chapter 1. 2 in chapter 3. And 1 in around chapter 6.
  7. Yes, but you'll have a 2nd. And if it's Pheeny. ♥ If it's Cynthia, that works too. If they come in at the begining, then that'll allow better working in.
  8. The demons can use whips! So, whatever the next thing is, I'm set with all my characters. Bow Armor Pirate Wind Mage Incubus Succubus Oh, and Pheeny, you can control the Succubus if you want. <3 Unless you want the one on top. ♥
  9. Demons are everywhere! Well....at least...sexy demons.
  10. >_>.............................>_> I totally want to make sibling Incy Succies in the sequel, regardless of where we put it. >_> They can follow us around like Travis or something.
  11. Yeah, typically killing the host in the process. >_> But uh, Incies can't uh, make it....so they have to be Succies and get it from someone else. >_>
  12. >_> I bet that's how you want to die...... You know that Succubi and Incubi were typically the same demon? They would become the Succubi and <CENSOR> and become and Incubi and use <CENSOR> to <CENSOR>......>_> I know too much.
  13. Is that last one a real rule? <_< Cause I don't know....I mean Shanice is.....
  14. You're supposed to date someone half your age plus 7. That's the youngest you go. Then oldest is I think twice your age minus 7. Conrad misses out. :/
  15. Rita: "Well, you at least have those wyvern wings to cover you. And my poor shirt has no sleeves. ;_; I don't think I can feel my arms...."
  16. She likes older men? >_> Conrad however, is too old.
  17. Rita: Hmm, poor kid. Rita turned and looked. The village, or what remained of it, had firmly disappeared into the horizon. At least, she though. The blasted rain and wind was too much to see through. She was getting tired herself, but turned to Iso. "Hey old buddy. How's it *yawn* going?"
  18. Rita is like, 5 years older than Arrin. >_> She'll be all buddy-buddy with Arrin and Iso. She can crush on Eric, or Derek or something. >_>
  19. I say deal with that in the morning. And if Arrin is closing soon, Iso's up Pheeny! ♫♪ ^_^
  20. Rita: "Aw, buddy! You remember me! I'm Rita! Ya know, Cess's friend! I'm a master swordsman I'll have you know!"
  21. Don't worry Pheeny. Iso is Rita's first target, them minute we arrive in the caves/finish Arrin. ^_^
  22. Rita: "I don't remember if we met before. Let's see your that mage with the.....wyvern rider as a sister? Right? Or that one with a nomad brother?"
  23. Phoenix got off? How bout she talks to Arrin then?
  24. Well that's sort of another thing. I don't really want to be mean, but..... I couldn't really tell that was Seth unless you told me. You need to make him more....manly? Or hardened? He looks too yaoi...>____> Lakche's great though.
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