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Everything posted by Psych

  1. Rita: "Yeah, well...." She turned to Arrin. "Hey buddy! How's it going? You cold too? ^_^" ---------------- Cess and Pary: "Zzzzzzzz"
  2. Well, she has her reins infront of her, and she can't see Kelas's front.... She might just like her men dripping wet. >_>
  3. WELL THEY ARE REALLY GOOD; But the, um, the, yeah, um, uh, so....Seth...yeah >_> Creapy.
  4. THAT COULD WORK TOO! I mean, Kelas is kinda flat...
  5. ;_; Hmm. Decisions, decisions....I mean, she could drop the illusion and the crush, drop the illusion and keep the crush, or keep both and talk to like Iso.
  6. Ooooh, you do not want me to go there. >:)
  7. @Clocky Cool. Ohhhh, so now everyone comes back. >_> Aaaand Charlotte blew support building out of the water. >_>
  8. Well, Cess has the reins, and she's riding, so it might not be that bad. >_> Pary could talk to....dammit. Snike is offline, and so is Phoenix. And not so sure about Cynthia.
  9. That's because she's your pimp. She doesn't have to rape you. Duh. >_>
  10. Cess and Rita: "A farm will just keep us out in the open. Caves will probably be our best bet, since someone can keep guards at the entrance." "Can we just stop somewhere and get some food? I'm cold, wet, tired, and hungry. <_<" "Just do something to keep your mind off it." "Fine then." Rita spun around on the horse, so that she was back to back with Cess. His cape was still wrapped around her arms like a blanket. "So Charlotte. What's up?"
  11. Bizz never gives up when she wants to rape. You're probably next on her list. >_>
  13. Well, what? It's true, as sad as I am to say that. The only people who I don't remember you saying anything about are; Your characters, Heinz (and I'm not even sure about that) Eric, Derek, Morgan, and Charlotte.
  14. Don't listen to him. He just has to criticize everyone. <_< I like Aiya, but I kinda want her to try and make another male support with someone other than Damian, or at least be more friendly. She has Irina sorta. But her only male focus is Damian.
  15. Pary: "Ugh...My head. Where am I?" Pary jerked to life, having been limped over Derek on his horse. -------------- Cess and Rita: As they rode together on Morrey, Rita pulled Cess's cape around her arms. "It's s-s-so c-c-cold. The wind j-j-just makes it worse. Can we stop soon?" "Just a little farther. We've only been riding for a few hours. Just a little more, then we can stop and rest."
  16. Psych

    Insanity Mini Mafia

    If there is a "fake cult", you would know Fayt is still mafia then. And if my kill didn't go through, then either the doc worked, or I was culted. Then second one doesn't make sense, since I was able to Silence Ether though. Oh well, I'll take him down for betraying me then. ##Vote Fayt
  17. Mine were leaning; AyraxLex FuryxClaude TiltyuxLevin AideenxJamka LachesisxArdan SylviaxHolyn BriggidxEither Fin, or Beowulf Everyone play it! Items have been moved too. Let's just say, you can get a Barrier sword, and a Defense sword. And a Berserk staff, and Volcanon in Gen 1. And both Aura and Rezire. >_> @Ether Maybe later when I update it with harder difficulty. This is fine for now. @Blade Feedback would be appreciated when you play. You too Ether!
  18. Yeah I guess so. Eh, I'll give you all the kids's classes now I guess. Lakche Dancer Shakasher Prince Rana Shaman Lester Thunder Mage Nanna Priest Delmund Dragon Knight Leaf Thief Altenna Pegasus Knight Tinny Troubadour Arthur Bard Fee Fire Mage Sety Mage Fighter Leen Swordfighter Corple Archer Patty Free Knight Faval Arch Knight
  19. Oh, but if you do HolynxAyra, Shakasher won't inherit anything though! Let me update it real quick. I kinda would prefer Leaf as a Thief, instead of two princes.
  20. I believe I switched the blood list to: Midir: Minor Blagi, Minor Tordo Aiya: Minor Odo, Minor Baldo Aideen: Minor Narga, Minor Ulir Holyn: Minor Odo, Minor Ulir Lachesis: Minor Hezul, Minor Blagi Lex: Minor Hezul Fury: Minor Fala Azel: Minor Neir Tiltyu: Major Blagi Sylvia: Some minor sword one Claude: Minor Fala, Minor Tordo, Minor Holsety >_> Claude is broken, yes.
  21. Shanan is a Forrest now, I think. >_> But Ayra has minor Odo and Minor Baldo so she can use blades as a thief. >_>
  22. Rita is awesome. >_> I tried putting in she's afraid of earthquakes, but no one seemed to notice her cowering in the corner. And no one asks Cess for fortunes. He's basic, just there shaman, otherwise.
  23. @Kai Damian would have to go there. Don't know what, but there's something about Mid-High I just don't like.
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