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Everything posted by Psych

  1. @Kai I know, but I'll do all the switching and stuff with items and classes for now. I need people for other classes. Probably want, 1 merc, 1 cav, 1 monk, another thief, and a pirate.
  2. For FE8, I came up with this: Eirika Esphyr Seth Gilliam Franz Kelas Vanessa Irina Moulder Iso Garcia Ross Neimi Colm Dani Lute Reika Artur Alf Natasha Cess Joshua Rita Ephraim Morgan Kyle Tessa Forde Arrin Orson Tana Helios Amelia Heinz Innes Damian Gerik Chase Tethys Clara Marisa L'Archel Charlotte Dozla Eric Saleh Aiya Ewan Cormag Rennac Derek Knoll Viveka Duessel Conrad Myrrh Syrene We'd need some generics though, or at least random people.
  3. I only made an Irina one. And if it's an FE7 hack, we'll just follow that. For now you should just get basic stuff and work on things like writing and maps done later. FE8 might work better. >_>
  4. Charlotte makes sense. Let me think of a character list real quick. I'll do Lyn's mode for now. The mugs are in our sigs? Move this to PM too Kai.
  5. FE 8? 4 would be awesome if I could do it. I'll try and help you with 6 I guess. The routes can be when the group went through the caves, and went to the city and fought the mages. Even if they "died", they're battles are important. You'd need maps, and other spells, but I could do basic hacking stuff. Mugs you have: Damian Aiya Cess Rita Pary Helios Tessa Chase Conrad Arrin Kelas Charlotte Morgan I made an Irina mug...>_> Just Phoenix's characters, Sage's characters, Esphyr, and Snike's people. If you hacked 7, Lyn's mode could maybe be pre-war, and Eliwood's would be Esphyr, and Hector's would be Damian's. Or Lyn could be Aiya and stuff?
  6. Cess: Cess ran out of the school, the three golden rings now on his cloak. The earthquake had shaken the school, and shocked everyone. He ran to stables and grabbed Morrey, and ran to the inn to meet the others. Rita was still kneeling on the ground. "Make it stop. Please." "It's okay Rita. The quake stopped."
  7. Stats, I'm just sort of customizing. Esphyr has a Magic ring, and a high growth though. Changing people's genders might mess some things up though. Cause, Lachesis, Dew, Ayra, Levin, Briggid, Alec, and Lex are switching gender, but if I try switching character data for the parents for children, then that messes up recruitment and conversations. >_> What to do, what to do....
  8. Wind Mage. I might be able to change the Pursuit Ring into Holsety, and Holsety in a Pursuit Ring though....
  9. No, he's set. But I want to try and change it so he'll enter Silesia instead of Charlotte, who is replacing Levin. I should totally make it so no one can fall in love with him. But just cause we use all the weapons in First Gen, we won't in 2nd. Or I'll have to make it super hard. >_>
  10. So.... Esphyr has become a Celice Lord. >_> She can't seize otherwise. Oh, and Mage Knights and Shamans now use Dark.
  11. 11) Take a drink whenever Psych acts stupid in a Mafia game. 12) Take a drink whenever someone makes a stupid topic.....wait, that would kill us all. <_<
  12. No one responded to Rita or Cess, so I went to do other stuff. >_> I'm working on the FE4 hack I was doing! And Esphyr has to be a Lord Knight, or you can't seize so....>_> Derk has Luna, and Heinz has Sol, and I have no idea what to do about love and things. And Damian and Alex are Lance armors, since Soldiers glitch up. >_> Oh yeah, and Esphyr and Alex are Sigurd and Diadora. >_>
  13. I would be fine with a rain shower actually. >_>........Oh, Clocky! ♫♪
  14. Psych

    Insanity Mini Mafia

    When did I claim mafia? I claimed Baker.
  15. Psych

    Insanity Mini Mafia

    Any info you want? My bread gives?
  16. It's someone for your sequeal Clocky. Just revealing her early.
  17. In all reality, it shall be revealed soon. Sage can never keep his mouth shut.
  18. Pary: Pary was drapped over Morgan's legs, having been in her room with her when the quake hit. He had been hit in the back by a beam, and was out cold. ----------------------- Rita: As soon as she felt the shaking, Rita had run outside. Once it had stopped, she was in front of the ruins with her head between her legs, and her arms over her shoulders. "P-please. Make it stop." ----------------------- Cess: Even thought the school had stopped shaking, Cess had fainted onto the ground. He was begining to wake. "Ugh..who's it?" Someone was standing over him. ----------------------- ???: "Well Jerimah? Did you feel that?" "Yes mistress. I assume you'll start to research what could have caused that huge quake?" "On the contrary. If my notes are correct, the timing should be perfect. Come, we must gather some things. Go fill these two satchels with oasis water and some warm sand. I'll finish up here. We must go meet the children of fate. And of course, that spirit must be with them. I'll need to start collecting the ingredients. I should need those pressed Jasmine blossoms, a cactus fruit...what else?"
  19. I like your signature, and feel I must post this. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7X3Kcyv3XLA&feature=related
  20. Adrenaline, would make people think unclearly and want to fight. Thinking clearly would negate adrenaline and have them calm down.
  21. 1. Let's them think clearly, and shut down skills. >_> 2. It helps them see what the skill does to find how to shut it down. 3. Eh. You asked for a reason. I don't really see a need for evasion skill.
  22. It slows down the wearer's pulse, giving them more time to react? It lets them focus on details to see openings? It makes them predict the opponent's next move?
  23. <_< Then they have some charm or something?
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