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Everything posted by Psych

  1. Berry, Marry, Verry: "Let's just say, we share a common goal. Her friends have something very important we want. And if that stupid Shanice gets to them before us ONE..MORE..TIME! Er...excuse me, where are my manners? We have methods that should prove superior to mere flight, but out mistress has currently taken a leave of absence, leaving us outnumbered, and no match for that pathetic group's tactics. We'll be sure to leave that wyvern rider and his girlfriend, and those Jerdonians to you, as long as we get those mages, and that soldier."
  2. Nice. I was wondering when Boyd would show up......so.....who's next on the queue?
  3. Berry, Marry, Verry: "Why of course. Where are our manners." The girls warped of of the window sill high up, and appeared down on the floor near the women. "I'm am Berry, and these are my sisters, Marry, and Verry. We would be delighted in helping you catch that Jerdonian princess, if you wouldn't mind helping us get her little friends. That Damian Kleine? Or that Ivankian Fire mage? I'm sure our powers and our.....connections, would prove quite handy for you, Madame Daneka?" Berry held her hand out to the woman.
  4. Cess: "Then do you know where I'd be able to take an exam? Without ever studying professionally, I'm not sure if I start at the bottom, or whatever."
  5. I meant metaphorically. >_> (We should talk about that by the way.) And they wouldn't fight what's-his-face. How do they have mooks too? Aren't they just level 2 for when they fight us?
  6. Cess: "Hmm. Well Dani wasn't sure about tests for Dark magic. The school doesn't really seem to study Light and Dark magic as much."
  7. When did I say I'd retcon? And why would they fight? Not to mention Xenia and Daneka are outnumbered, with mages that have Super Effective! magic against them. >_>
  8. Just have Daneka respond or something. >_>
  9. Cess: "I was wondering if there are placement exams or the kind here. I've never formally studied magic. Or are there divination exams for my fortune telling?"
  10. Actually, if it doesn't involve your characters, it isn't yet your business. ........Should I switch Daneka and Xenia for Alex? Decisions, decisions....
  11. Well, they were around the campsite when the demons got Morgan. And Xenia showed up a little while after. They could have followed her until she found Daneka, and that fixes that.
  12. Phoenix is not saying No right now. He's saying why. Difference. You should try to keep your nose in your own business, Sage. >_>
  13. Because they were spying when Lev went to go save Morgan.......I suppose I was trying to have them distract the group when they wanted Morgan back, but they just let her go....>_>
  14. I'm strangely surprised no one is yelling at me for the girls meeting Daneka and Xenia. >_> (Well, except Sage, but he yells at everything.) Just because no one likes them, that doesn't mean they go poof. Reika is still around, but all the characters hate her. >_>
  15. Mage girls are here to stay Sage. I have them planned for Verry (C wut I did thar) important plot in the future when we fight Helenos, the demons, and the lord. Xenia, Daneka, mage girls team, gogogo!
  16. They might just have to get help that isn't this person you speak of. >_>
  17. Rita: Rita chewed some leaves to arena medic had given her, and finished her water. Watching the bandit go down in close to just one hit, she cringed. "Owwww. That had to hurt." ------------- Berry, Marry, and Verry: As the girls warped onto the large window of the cathedral, they could see the two women and the man below them. The wyvern had been staring at them for some time, but neither of the humans had noticed them. Berry called out. "Oh, hello. I'm looking for an ex-Ivanko mercenary, and a turncoat Jerdonian commander. Either of you two know where I could find them?" ((If Shanice won't team up with them, then I'll use a different set of cards. ))
  18. Ah, but she has little do to but watch the fight. So......MAGE GIRLS FORESHADOW POST TIME!
  19. Eh fine. Since Headmaster isn't replying to Cess, Damian didn't notice Rita, and Morgan doesn't care about Pary........MAGE GIRLS FORESHADOW POST!
  20. How does the stat, class, and skill system not fit? Unless you're putting in laguz or something crazy like that. Still, the system works for the basic fighting system. Dice are good. I'm scared to think what'll change.
  21. Rita: Rita walked over through the stands to where the others were sitting. She held a cup of water in her hand, sipping from it occasionally. Her head still felt a bit fuzzy, but she sat down. "Who's the next fight?"
  22. Snowy, could the Headmaster please reply to Cess?
  23. Psych

    Insanity Mini Mafia

    Uh, Bizz? You okay there?
  24. @Phoenix You're overhauling the entire system? Wouldn't it be simple to keep the skeleton, and ditch everything else?
  25. No, you use Fred to recruit her, than dump him. She's fine without him.
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