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Everything posted by Psych

  1. If it's plot money, I want plot battles. Especially with no EXP.
  2. Not really. What would we use the money for anyway?
  3. I'd rather the arena be a plot battle. I mean, we aren't even getting EXP for it. >_>
  4. Nah man. I have an idea for someone. But he has to fight a magic user. Wait. We're rolling for this? I thought it was plot.
  5. Nah, FE 8 for me. Put some bones in it too.
  6. Can I run an enemy in the arena? I want one to fight Helios!
  7. Rita: "Oh well, next time I guess." Rita followed behind Helios and Conrad. "I've never fought in an arena. What's it like?"
  8. Rita: "Yeah, sign me up too. Name's Rita. Um....can I enter the team battle?"
  9. Rita: "Well I guess I'll sign up too. But maybe we should try the team challenge after this. That would be interesting."
  10. Psych

    Insanity Mini Mafia

    Do you trust me now Bizz? Do you see why Fayt is in trouble? Do you see why we need me for once?
  11. Psych

    Insanity Mini Mafia

    I'll send it to you Bizz. Gotta keep it hush-hush right now. Hushity hush!
  12. Psych

    Insanity Mini Mafia

    Lightning must be mafia. >_>
  13. Psych

    Insanity Mini Mafia

    Mother We know that most of the roles people have involve votes. Thus, we should look for Double voters and for Switch votes. We know Lightning's role involves inventing or something, and most people's role doesn't involve others. I'm trying to get info for CC's and for other stuff. Excuse me for trying to help the town. I'll go ahead and claim so you can all shut up. Actually, Bal told me that's a bad idea, since Fayt would be in trouble right now. Just trust me, killing me is a bad idea for everyone. And I'm getting a special power in a few days too.
  14. Psych

    Insanity Mini Mafia

    ##Vote No Lynch Unless I'm missing something?
  15. I feel like screwing everyone over by picking Rennace. Especially Integrity. But I'll pick......wait. No. No Ewan. I'll pick Rennac.
  16. Rita: "Well I suppose I could enter. I don't really need the money though. Hm.....Aiya, would you want to enter the tag team match with me? Or should we all enter the singles?" ----------------- Cess: "Okay. I guess it wouldn't be too hard. Any tips or anything? My magic is fine, but if it's something difficult....." ----------------- Pary: Pary walked down the isles, before noticing a nicely worn copper skillet and pot. "This should do nicely." He grabbed them off the shelves, and went to find Viveka.
  17. So....Life is evil incarnant, but my favorite player......how does this bode?
  18. Have Iso go ask him for a love fortune with Katie. He doesn't really do fortunes for people unless they ask. Otherwise, it'd be useless
  19. Yeah. Myrrh if she isn't free, Amelia otherwise.
  20. Cess is much more active with Rita around. No one wanted to support him either. >_> So...Dani and Cess to the school? @Phoenix No one wants fortunes right now. >_> Now, if you want an Augury for the next battle, that'll cost money.
  21. I guess Rita is trying to spur Dani to interact or something. Oooooh yeah. Aiya uses a sword too. I forgot.
  22. Neimi Team: Vanessa - Wyvern Knight Colm - Rogue Joshua - Swordmaster Artur - Sage Neimi - Ranger So....at least all my people have supports, save Vanessa. I guess I know who my next pick is....
  23. Rita and Cess: "Well you two go see your magic school. I'm going to go look around the shops some more." Rita walked down the street, and saw Helios and Aiya. "What are you guys doing?" ---------------------- Pary: Pary and Viveka looked around the market. He saw one shop with cooking wears inside, and they went in. "So what exactly are we looking for?"
  24. And I want a desert map with an oasis and palm trees, some villages, the ocean, and maybe a river. Large, but not too large. Maybe the size of like a chapter 14 map or something.
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