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Everything posted by Psych

  1. Pary: Walking with the Pegasi Knights, he looked at all the different food stands. "So we want pasta, maybe some baking things for fresh bread. Some fresh fruits and vegtables might work. Anything else?"
  2. Satanic Killers turn you on?.......That's something I'd expect from Kai. Thinking of something for Pary. I'll wait till tomorrow to do something with Cess, Rita, and Snike.
  3. Lara is an awesome dancer. @Phoenix Yeah, but....it's shopping. What do I say? He took them around buying them stuff?
  4. @Sage Then what's up with the Thunder Sword? My characters are waiting for interaction, in the form of either Snike, or Phoenix.
  5. Dew gives them God like speed, and the Wind Sword. Lex passing down nothing, is not a good thing.
  6. Eh. I like Jamka for some reason. Lex can't get the Wind Sword. You get Lex to give Ayra the Hero sword, then dump him and glue Dew and Aiyra together. You have Dew get the Silver Blade, Power Ring, and Wind Sword, and Skashkser Skhekers Lache's brother is set. If no one uses Delmund, we'd want Lachesis and a magic pairing. But we don't. Yeah, I pair her that way too. I was arguing your substitutes are better. @Sage Holyn and Briggid for a reason. I give Holyn an Iron Blade, the Elite Ring, the Barrier ring, and the Thunder Sword. Patty and Odo blood helps her use the Hero sword before promo too. And with Elite, she'll be fantastic.
  7. Jamka gets the bow too. >_> Ayra can take the sword, then dump him for Dew. And Sol. Finn gives Nanna the speed. And Delmund nothing. Which, is definatly inferior to Holsety if you go that way, but otherwise, he get's Vylkerie staff, Fortify, probably Libro, Silence, and Sleep while you're at it. He's too late to promote anyway.
  8. 3-2: With a thunder forge, and the rest of your drafted units, her heading down and the boss kill should be relativly clean cut. 3-5: If she isn't holding the left ledge, and killing the mages, you're probably using her wrong. 3-10: The bridge. Onagers, and more mages. Few Snipers and Halberds. Sure, get her stuck in a hole, and it might be game over. But if this is a draft, we'd be aiming for low turns. And someone wanting low turns, would be sure of where the holes are, and aren't. Should probably be Tier 3 by now. 3-E: You'll have even more people, now that you teamed up with Crimea. Definatly Archsage by now. Can stay back and heal, and there's a set of SM's and Zihark, Halb's and Aran, Warriors and Nolan, and Armors and Meg. None have fantastic resistance. You'll have joined with the remains of the beast tribe as well, which the computer will prioritze attacking over Ilyana anyway. For part 4, her best team is probably Micaiah, but I can see putting her in Tibarn's as well. She even gets her own SS weapon, before any of the other types.
  9. No! Midir sucks! Elite is not as good as Bargain, Sol, and passing down Swords. Si Si Prayer isn't that useful, and no inheritance sucks. Si Si, but inheritance is minorly better than Charisma/Berserk.
  10. Well, Jill, Nephenee and Haar are drafted pretty quickly. Assuming you want Lehran or something like that, Ike gets dibs on the Wing, but otherwise, she's probably getting at least one. And yeah, the move and the 3-range Rolf gets upon promtion hurt her, but she's got access to Seige tomes which are a lot more effective and common compared to Balista. And Healing, even if it is low ranked. But there's always Discipline I suppose. >_>
  11. SAGE! PAIRINGS SHOULD BE: JAMKAXAIDEEN DEWXAYRA FURYXLEVIN AZELXTILTYU LACHESISXDELMUND HOYLNXBRIGGID SYLVIAXCLAUDE Just try em. ---------------------- In other news, I have very important future ideas for Snike. But they're not what you think.
  12. Ilyana also gets enemy phase without Bowguns. And Bowguns aren't effected by his strength unlike Ilyana's magic. Typically, she should probably be close to Soren's level when she arrives, but he'll be higher by then. And her competition is much less competative thatn Rolf's competition.
  13. Psych

    Insanity Mini Mafia

    Well, what role do you think I have? >_> Cause I don't think you think the role I have is the role I think you think I have. I think. >_>
  14. And the Ilyana topic I brought up?
  15. Psych

    Insanity Mini Mafia

    See my previous two posts.
  16. Psych

    Insanity Mini Mafia

    Thank you. That's all I needed. Now Draco, Weapons, and Slayer, then I'm fine No Lynching.
  17. Psych

    Insanity Mini Mafia

    I'm not asking you to reveal the whole freaking role. I want how it works, or what it effects. Ether's and Bal's affect votes. Lightning's affects Inventing or something. Mine affects if you live. Fayt's involves investigating. Ulki, Draco, Weapons, and you could be anything from finding out visitors, roles, saving someone or something. I just want the bare minimum so I can get a base idea if anyone's roles counter someone or something.
  18. Psych

    Insanity Mini Mafia

    Well, considering if you don't hold on to me for at least a few more days, you're all gonna die, yeah. I think I am a more important role. Fayt's doing typical "I'm Fayt, and I'm doing stuff and helping you, so I'm important, and I'm the leader." stuff, so he's seeming fine to me. Again, Draco, Slayer, and you have given the least amount of info comparatively to the others, so you're seeming most suspicious to me.
  19. Cess and Rita: "Hmm, I think you can use that to see far away. Give it to one of the flyers when they're scouting." "Rita, put the stuff in your pack, and let's go see the school." "Okay, but why? You've never worked with them before?" "Well, I was wondering about that sort of. I want to go see about what the ranks are and stuff." Cess and Rita walked over towards the school, leaving Damian and Esphyr with the Spyglass. They saw Eric, Derek, and Dani in front of the school. Rita went over to Dani. "What are you guys doing?"
  20. She handed him the spyglass to look at. Or ask who the pirate dude's who name I forgot (>_>) is?
  21. Psych

    Insanity Mini Mafia

    ##Unvote Slayer, ##Vote Weapons Want more info from him. Same deal. Ether's okay in my book, but Bizz, Draco, and Weapons are still kinda worthless. Slayer said absolutely nothing useful. >_>
  22. Ether, could you maybe respond as Damian as well? >_> I'd kinda like to move forward or something, and I have a plan for Cess to follow Dani.
  23. Pary: "Well, I can make Pesto sauce and creamy butter and cheese too. Oh, well, I could put some in a salad if you get too many. Let's go look for some."
  24. Pary: "Well, whatever you want I guess. Depends how you want the pasta though. You want grapes....?" ---------- Rita and Cess: "Um....The shop keeper said his name was.....Nordvik?" "And where have we heard that name before? Hm?" "....... :o Oh my gosh! No way! You really think this is his chest? And his mirror? That's so cool!"
  25. Pary: "Well just basic groceries. But do you two want anything different? Stews and curries get boring after a while. You two seemed hungry when we left camp. I suppose I could treat you to a meal here in town or something though....."
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