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Everything posted by Psych

  1. I'm going to murder Intergrity. You can't just steal Lute and Tethys from me so easily. >_> Joshua.
  2. That's not FE Arena music, but good try. >_>
  3. I'm still pissed off about Lute. >_> Artur, I guess.
  4. Kai, and anyone else entering the tourney, you have to have this music playing when it happens.
  5. Dude, Fiona isn't salvagable on EM. Trust me, I tried. Astrid contributes mor to her team, then Fiona does to the DB. Astrid probably has less competition for the Double Bow than Fiona does for the WishBlade. They both get Bows and Lances tier 3 though.
  6. She probably will if Snike doesn't respond soon.
  7. So......no Rita and Dani talking? >_>
  8. I hate you, I hate you, I hate you. Still up for trading Colm or Vanessa. >_> Ewan could make a decent Mage Knight, but.....it's Ewan, and no Tower.
  9. I'd trade Vanessa for Lute. >_> ;_; Um, shit. Colm.
  10. That works too. I'm liking it. NOOOOOOOO. ;_; You took Lute. I needed her.
  11. Oh that. I would just like one. I'm not forcing a desert visit right now. I thought you meant the school.
  12. Vanessa Free Myrrh, I like. Don't throw out Rennac. Then we only get Colm as a thief. Throw out.......Either Dussel, Syrene, or Dozla. Keep Orson so one of us doesn't have an Ephraim solo of 5x.
  13. Yeah! Lightning, regardless of if she fights, I have an idea for her. She can use a sword to fight, or use these dances. Dance of Vitality Dance of Power Dance of Wisdom Dance of Technique Dance of Agility Dance of Fortune Dance of Protection Dance of Immunity Dance of Energy The top ones boost a stat by 2 for a turn, except HP which is 1 (3). Energy is the one that let's us attack again. What did we do about Dancer caps? @Phoenix What is it this time? I'm going with Snike. I'd be his fault.
  14. Allow Orson in case people don't pick Forde or Kyle. Through out Myrrh, or allow her free. If we go the 4 people route, through out Myrrh and Syrene. 5 is fine. It gives a team of 8 with the two lords. Wait. For 4 people, slot 2.
  15. Arenas, and Secret Shops. I totally want us on a boat somewhere now. We haven't fought inside anywhere yet, have we? We need a desert fight. @Snike Just replace school with inn. They don't need to talk to Iso and Katie. >_>
  16. Rita and Cess: "I've never been formally schooled. Are the magic exams really that hard? Do I have to start at the first level, or will they place me somewhere else?" "I never knew you went to school here Dani."
  17. Hey Snike....Rita and Cess are next to Dani too. >_> Can you be the administrator? Cess is gonna take a placement exam.
  18. Well, dura and avaliability go to Ilyana probably. Weapons to Soren. He also gets base Meteor. How bout: Meg between Muarim and Skrimir, Swap Mordecai and Soren. Other stuff: Isn't Sothe free? Isn't BK free? Gareth should be lower, or Pellease should be higher. 1 chapter and being laguz with a gem < 7 chapters with dark magic. He should promote by 4-5 if you're using him. Nasir should be higher too. Speed is good, regardless of mode. Lucia should probably go down. Nailah might want to go between Mia and Gatrie. List of things Heather can steal: Dracosheild Bolting Energy Drop White Gem (Senator) Ashera Icon (Senator) Statue Frag Random Vulnearies Things from the DB Bunch of other stuff too Combat isn't perfect, but I'd say she can go over Elincia, maybe Boyd if someone can argue her really well.
  19. Haarod? Now let's argue why Ilyana seperated Soren by a tier, and Cain, Meg, and Maurim are higher then him. >_>
  20. Pary: "That would be ideal. But it'd be hard lugging a kitchen around, even with horses, an what would we do with the things during a fight? I mean, you could pay Lev to handle it or something, like the rest of your bags, but......"
  21. And how is there a problem with that? Not everything has to be romantic.
  22. I see Helios, Conrad, Charlotte, Hienz, and maybe Pary working. >_>
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