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Everything posted by Psych

  1. Cool. Add something in the upper corners. It seems bland there. And add a bridge at where the oasis turns into a river.
  2. Not a Brave Sword. Like a Brave Sword. Different. Watch, I'll activate it in battle. It'll be a lot more fancy once she has all 5 hits.
  3. She only knows 3 hits. Not all 5. So it's sort of like her having a Brave Sword. I guess? A DQ is the only way Helios could win. <_<
  4. Ha. I bet Life is unlynchable too, and can just pull idols out of his pocket.
  5. More like just Astra. Rita's not gonna find her father, a fake prince, and her mother didn't lose her memory. >_>
  6. Dance of Vitality +3 HP Dance of Power +2 STR Dance of Wisdom +2 MAG Dance of Technique +2 SKL Dance of Agility +2 SPD Dance of Fortune +2 LUK Dance of Protection +2 DEF Dance of Immunity +2 RES For one phase. Breaks caps. There you go Lightning.
  7. Ah....gotcha. I'm totally pulling out Shooting Star Sword in the final round.
  8. Pssst Lightning! Go with my other dance ideas. >_>
  9. I'm feeling apethetic and depressed. Don't expect me to do much this game except my night action. I'll report tomorrow with my info. <_< For now, ##Vote NL
  10. Dance of Vitality Dance of Power Dance of Wisdom Dance of Technique Dance of Agility Dance of Fortune Dance of Protection Dance of Immunity Dance of Energy I already thought of em. >_> Like Lightning said, they boost any stat by +2 for one phase. Vitality boosts HP by +1 (really 3) for one phase. The buffs brak caps. Energy was the remove one.
  11. Okay, Kai is trying to God-Mod. The point of an Arena is to see who's better. You can use all weapons you have.
  12. Always me. Go ahead and kill me I guess. Well, I'm useful, but I got nothing tonight. Just gonna say Snike is clear. At least tonight.
  13. Helios: So! A pathetic priest! I'm totally gonna win! And I'm a virgin! Moudler: Not so fast sonny! *Silence* *Berserk* *Sleep* Moulder wins.
  14. Moulder is entering the tourney.
  15. Rita: "So 16. That means I have to fight whoever wins between you two." She said to Aiya and Chase. "If I win that is. " --------------------- Generic Priest (Not an NPC (I just want to stick it to Kai)) As the priest walked into the arena, he walked up to the fightmaster. "I'm here to sign up." "Alright. Name?" "Moulder. Moulder the boulder." "Okay, number's 7 mister priest. You might want to be careful, and make sure you don't get hurt."
  16. I want to control at least one enemy that fights Helios or something. I have the best idea for him ever. <_<
  17. Size yeah. Bones, just here and there. The desert should have some grass around it, and palms, but palms can be other places too. One of the corners should be the ocean though, and there should be a river. And throw in some towns, and the Jehenna hall or whatever. >_>
  18. Well fine. Helios battles can be rolls. But Rita battles will be plot.
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