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Everything posted by Psych

  1. @Cynthia Bait is actually a plausable idea. @Sage Well, I don't care if it's cliched, that's how she'll act.
  2. Marth 4 Abel 17 Frey 11 Cain 13 Draug 16 Norne 10 Caeda 8 Ogma 10 Bord 6 Cord 10 Barst 6 Darros 11 Castor 6 Lena 10 Julian 10 Navarre 16 Merric 21 Hardin 10 Wolf 10 Zagaro 11 Roshea 7 Athena 12 Bantu 6 Caesar 8 Radd 10 Roger 10 Jeorge 11 Minerva 14 Linde 10 Jake 10 Midia 8 Boah 10 Dolph 8 Macellan 10 Horace 10 Beck 10 Astram 10 Palla 20 Catria 7 Samson 10 Chainy 10 Etzel 20 Est 10 Tiki 10 Elice 15 Nagi 15 Gotoh 10
  3. Pary: Having been able to get into the town, Pary walked through, looking at the various shops. He say Morgan near Chase, and decided to go over to negotiate. "Are you okay after everything that's happened with your tome and all? I'm not sure if I shouldd worry or something. And I'd like to ask to increase my contract by an additional gold, since I'm not to keen on going to Septimus." ---------------------------- Cess: Cess walked with the group through the gate, and followed Kelas, Tessa, and Arrin to stable Morrey. He saw Arrin in the distance. "Arrin, could I ask you something? ---------------------------- Rita: Dani and Rita went ahead and got a plate for the buffet. "Look! They have buttered shrimp! And real Tora beef! And chicken soup!" Rita kept walking down the aisle. She reached the dessert cart. "Oh. My. God. Look at all the desserts. They have chocolate souffle, canolies, and I think you can even request ice cream! Woah! They have Shoon coconut cakes! I love the capital!" ---------------------------- Berry, Marry, Verry: Far away on a warm beach "Mistress, I have a report on the group. They've split up. Some are heading to Altia, and some are going to meet Jace, and that thief woman. They haven't encountered the Earth dragon yet. Should we head for the smaller group and maybe use them as bait? Or shall we wait for Jace to clean up for us, and swoop in for the spoils?"
  4. The only thing we multiply is HP, by 3. So you have the stats you have, and 9 HP. Other than that, you should be able to pick it up as you go. Good luck.
  5. Don't worry, it's being taken care of. I'm posting as everyone in a minute or two.
  6. Yeah, you're good. My character doesn't have Luck, since I'd rather have him get more stats elsewhere, and he has a skill to help with death/saving rolls. You get 5 exp for each chapter you've missed. So if you jin this chapter, that'd be 65. Add it in whenever.
  7. @Sage Just because it's not going to work, doesn't mean she won't try. And the HM will effect the recruitment as well. If the other two join as well, it'd be after Helenos's death. Verry will just regret and act all sad and sorry to join.
  8. @Snike If Counter is Str/2, it sucks for magic units. We should make it main Might. Otherwise, it's more balanced towards physical units.
  9. @Sage It's called HeelFaceTurn, thank you Verry much. Read the backstory. They don't want to work for Helenos, but they have too.
  10. @Snike Don't we already have Counter? You might want to add 2 to HP and 1 to Strength. If you don't have at least 1, you lose speed.
  11. @Sage They're not pointless. Whenever we try to kill Helenos, they'll be there, and they'll be really important come epilogue/near the end with the HM. Verry will even Lev/Katie/HM NPC-join around, following the predicted timeline, Chapter 18. She'll fall in love with someone too. They're sticking around for a while. They're not throw away characters.
  12. So yeah, my mind's set their appearing soon. Kidnapping may/may not happen, or they could kidnap someone unimportat like Naelia or Jace, since Helenos did tell them to lead the group away from Earth Dragon girl. They could kidnap Morgan, but no one would care now that she doesn't have the book.
  13. @Snike Dirty. They'll shadow-screw everything. Or pop in once one of the sides have lost, to take advantage of the weakness.
  14. Bal needs another character too. I might toss him Verry when she stalks follows us. Everyone has like three. Snowy has Katie and HM, but Bal is just lonely with Tessa. ;_; Plotting how to bring back mages. I might make Septimus a living hell, depending on when they pop in. (Mid battle when everyone's weak. )
  15. @Sage She's supposed to be intense. She'll basically annoy you if you hang around too much, other than Cess though. @Phoenix Why though?
  16. I know...but I probably can't stand it if we end up with 4 wyvern riders. And other than Berry, Helios is the only Wind mage we've seen. Verry uses fire, but she's not changing heart for another couple chapters. I need a new plan for them too since kidnapping failed. They might make Septimus a bit more hellish for everyone....
  17. Erk. I might not be on till late tomorrow. If that's the case, just have Snike take Rita in the case that that group battles, and basically if she need to RP, make her kinda air-headed and focused on fighting. I need to write CC's for her. And in the case Snowy's group is attacked, have Cynthia take Pary and Cess I suppose. Since Charlotte left though, Pary's Charisma will effect Morgan and I guess Arrin. I'm still on for a couple minutes, just wanted to get that out of the way.
  18. Rita: "Ick, Jace. I'd rather meet someone like Harold! Someone who really knows how to use a sword. And if you guys only have a general idea where he is, it be better to stick with you and meet the rest of your friends, than get lost trying to find him. Plus I can keep training with you! I will perfect the Shooting Star skill!" Rita lifted her arm above her head in a victory pose. "Anyway, let's go eat. I hope they have chocolate!" She grabbed Dani by the arm, and led her through the inn to the dining room, leaving the other three in the dust.
  19. If you do join, just a piece of advice. We already have a lot of certain classes, but not that many of: Wind mages, Armor knights, Fighters, Pegasus knights, Archers, Troubadours So it'd probably be better if you picked those over something like Myrmidon, or Wyvern Rider or something.
  20. Rita: ;_; "I lost him again. I'll never find him. Wait...you said you were with the Crimson group? Then that means the play was... Whoops. Sorry about how I thought you guys were. Where are you all headed next though? If you saw him last, maybe I should come with you guys!"
  21. Rita: "CESS! YOU SAW CESS? WHERE? TELL ME! He's my best friend! We were neighbors, and I brought him with me when I became a mercenary. I lost him in Elysima though, and I haven't been able to find him. Please! You gotta tell me where he is!" OOC: Totally ruined Charlottes's "Be discreet" moment.
  22. @Sage She's also following strong swordfighters (Eric) with the promise of more (Esphyr and Derek). She wouldn't have any ill will towards the group, at least not visibly, so there's not a real negative reason. And once the groups meet up she'll meet Cess before anyone can say no, so that'll fix that. Basically, diamonds that are worthless to the island dwellers, but worth fortunes everywhere else. Easy plot money for my characters sorta....
  23. Rita: "How do you know about the islands? Not many people go there. But it's always warm, and the beach is always very close. It's wonderful. I live on the same island as the Waterfall lagoon, and the Twin Peaks Gorge. The gorge is a mating grounds for sea wyverns. My brother rides one in fact. Where's the dining room? I'm starving."
  24. Also, we're probably very likely out of Alf's guiding area, so he's dead weight tagging along for no reason either.
  25. @Sage & Snike Yes. The stalking. As well as the mystic Shoon diamonds (Oh! Ah!), and semi-blind knowledge who they are. Plus Eric is strong, and she'd want to follow him and train with him, and he might know more stronger sword fighters.
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