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Everything posted by Psych

  1. Rita: Running up to the counter, Dani in tow, she quickly pulled out a small bag from her satchel. "3 rooms please. For me and my friends!" She handed the man a fist full of small diamonds. "Keep the change." The others had walked in by now, and she turned to talk to them. "Oh, yeah, sorry. My name's Rita. I paid for your rooms already too. I was going to see if one of the heroes was there, or a master swordsman or something. I was thinking of heading home, but the boat got delayed, so that's not an option any more...."
  2. @Bal I do Cynthia-Morgan a lot, but I catch it. It's only her strangly... I have to go to a lake tomorrow, so my time'll be cut a bit. Lakes are dirty and have diseases. ;_; @Sage She mostly fight anyone who has a sword, the minute she sees them. The same thin'll happen when the groups meet up with her, Esphyr and Derek.
  3. @Phoenix That would make him too good. HA! I think she left them with Lev.... He dies with or without it against everything You can't steal something that doesn't yet exist..... Dani and Rita are BFFs.
  4. Are you going Neimi -> Ranger? Or Sniper? Innes has you for Balista, and Ranger could give you some move, but..... You might want an unequipped Seth/Vanessa to go get the villagers since you need the Orion Bolt.
  5. IMO, it's more: 10>7=11>4=12>8=5>2=6>9 12=3, and 1=11. I really don't like 9.
  6. Rita: When the swordsman had parried her blade, it had flown out of her hand, and landed a few meters away. She went and retrieved it. "Awww. ;_; I was so close. I only got the first Star hit too. ;_;" Rita stared at the ground. I'm never gonna perfect the strike. I keep losing. "Well! Anyway, the inn is right behind you. But if you have time tomarrow, you should see the play in the park about some crimson group. It has this one zap-happy thunder mage, some pathetic swordsman, and this pretentious cleric, just to name a few. It's so funny! I suppose I can head to Septimus tomorrow." She turned to Dani. "Come on! We can eat. They have the best fish and all sorts of meals! Maybe they even have chocolate desserts!" She grabbed Dani by the arm, and puller her into the inn while the others were still outside. OOC: I picked those three on purpose.
  7. Then divide that number by 4, and multiply by 6, and you have the hardest one.
  8. No 5. You have it in your sig. Dammit. I hate Resolve. Stupid speed boost. She'd need Luck to dodge, but your first hit shouldn't kill, should it?
  9. When she said "Time for the first down stroke", imagine her five strikes in the shape of a star. Up stroke, down stroke, up stroke, side stroke, down stroke. In a shape that resembles a star. I suppose Charlotte's support is active too.
  10. Rita: "Fight, fight fight! Let's go, go, go! Perfect time to try out my Shooting Star skill! Even though it's not complete yet...En garde!" Roll Hit! Damage delt, 6! Eric 3/9 Rita quickly dashed towards the man, stopping short. She gave an up stroke he wasn't expecting, and was able to nick him. "Up! Now the first down strike!" She quickly back flipped away, as to prevent him from getting too painful a hit.
  11. @Snike How did Eric get two skills? Because if she can get him low health, it's almost instant lose.
  12. Psych

    Reverse Mafia

    Well, I'll trust Ulki tonight. You have been spared me wrath. I'm still leaning towards Snike lynch, Bal night-murder, unless anyone can change my mind.
  13. Rita: Rita led Dani by the hand through the streets. She say the inn from a distance, and a man with an axe, one with a sword, and a girl with a staff were in front of it. "Okay, it should be over he-YOU! You must fight me! You have a sword! Let's duel!" She quickly drew her Wo Dao, and stepped into a battle stance.
  14. @Bal Maybe not Svetlana, but I saw most Sea Wyverns this color: Link With their bellies your color.
  15. @Snike You might want to post something where the others see Dani and Rita, cause if she just takes them to the inn, then the others won't know where it is. Cess and Pary have nothing to say really. They're just standing right now.
  16. @Phoenix Half and Half It's also how Cynthia said, and if the others start to act like the play around her sort of, she'll go lightbulb moment.
  17. Maybe you should try Jamka and Fury. That seems like a worst pairing for her than Holyn.
  18. We've blown up an inn, saved the capital from bandits, probably seen travelers on the road, and been to a hobo town. How do people not know about us?
  19. @Lightning Where's Chase? Because the play is in the capital with Rita and the group that didn't go to Septimus, and Chase is with Morgan and they headed towards Septimus.
  20. Rita: Companions? Maybe one uses a sword... "Yes, actually. I was headed there right now. I was going to hit the road, but I saw the most hilarious play about some weird group with Crimson weapons, and time got away. It's this way, follow me!"
  21. @Sage Dani split off away from the group. I'd assume she's not near Alf. And Rita probably wouldn't be talking to him right now.
  22. Rita: As she walked back towards the inn, she saw a girl with green hair walking the street. She seemed lost, and confused, so she went over. "Excuse me, are you looking for something? Maybe I can help you?" OOC: Dani
  23. @Snike I couldn't say "Princess, princess, princess.", could I?
  24. @Phoenix She acts like a Valley girl. @Snike That's the easiest way to describe Helios. And people like Cess, Pary, Alf, Hienz, etc without Crimson weapons don't get much attention.
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