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Everything posted by Psych

  1. .......... PLAN. If Jerdon + Bandit group is able to get to the capital before being kidnapped, I may not need a harbor.....
  2. HM and Lev eat the corpse gogogo! What if we just send Esphyr, Damian, and Aiya to Septimus, and the rest head to the capital?
  3. Psych

    Advance Wars Mafia

    I'm the bomb. I'm useful. ;_; But at first, Sync's looked like a BP or BG to me, so I let it slide. And if Fayt is telling the truth about being tracker/watcher thing, that makes sense too. ##Unvote Ulki
  4. Psych

    Reverse Mafia

    Ulki has turned against the mafia. Bal shall live another day. Ulki shall die tonight. If it happens, it proves my innocence guilt.
  5. Psych

    Reverse Mafia

    Yay! Someone's amusing me. I shall spare you Raymond. Hmmm... Tonight's first priority is Bal, but I feel we shall lynch Snike today! ##Vote Snike
  6. Psych

    Reverse Mafia

    ....I love how you'll counter Bal's claim, and not say a thing about mine and Ninji's.
  7. Psych

    Reverse Mafia

    There is no BP. Check the opening.
  8. Psych

    Reverse Mafia

    I'm a mafioso and Ninji is my partner. You must all love and worship us. Now!
  9. Psych

    Advance Wars Mafia

    Whoever said the factors can fake their visits? I'm sticking to this unless I get a different feeling.
  10. @Cynthia Yeah, It would make sense for Derek to go with his sister.
  11. Marth 5 Abel 17 Frey 11 Cain 12 Draug 15 Norne 10 Caeda 9 Ogma 10 Bord 8 Cord 10 Barst 6 Darros 10 Castor 6 Lena 10 Julian 10 Navarre 15 Merric 21 Hardin 10 Wolf 10 Zagaro 10 Roshea 6 Vyland 6 Athena 14 Bantu 6 Caesar 10 Radd 10 Roger 10 Jeorge 11 Maria 4 Minerva 14 Linde 10 Jake 10 Midia 10 Boah 10 Dolph 8 Macellan 10 Horace 10 Beck 10 Astram 10 Palla 19 Catria 9 Samson 10 Chainy 10 Etzel 23 Est 10 Tiki 10 Elice 14 Nagi 14 Gotoh 10 >_> Etzel's gonna win!
  12. Psych

    Advance Wars Mafia

    *yawn* What's going on? I'm more confused how Ether died without being visited. I'm going to ##Vote Ulki. He visited Yoss, Yoss died. Pretty simple logic if you ask me.
  13. Where was Morgan going? Septimus? Because that might determine where my characters go..... Pary is still probably not too keen even if he's being paid.
  14. Pary: Pary had been running around healing the wounded when the group was talking about where to go next. "Unfortunately, I am not going either. I am from Jerdon too, and well, you know what happened." ------------- Cess: Cess sat up. Morrey was fine, and almost everyone ended up okay. "We're going to Septimus? Are you sure that's a good idea? I'm not too keen on the plan myself."
  15. Esphyr said she didn't want to go to Septimus immediately because of her birthday. .....which is why I'd prefer to head to Halton's coast. .........or somewhere totally surrounded by water.
  16. Marth 11 Abel 17 Frey 11 Cain 12 Draug 13 Norne 10 Caeda 12 Ogma 10 Bord 8 Cord 10 Barst 6 Darros 10 Castor 8 Lena 10 Julian 10 Navarre 13 Merric 18 Hardin 10 Wolf 10 Zagaro 10 Roshea 8 Vyland 10 Wendell 4 Athena 13 Bantu 8 Caesar 10 Radd 10 Roger 10 Jeorge 11 Maria 8 Minerva 13 Linde 10 Jake 10 Midia 10 Boah 10 Dolph 8 Macellan 10 Tomas 6 Horace 10 Beck 10 Astram 10 Palla 17 Catria 5 Arran 6 Samson 10 Chainy 10 Etzel 22 Est 10 Tiki 10 Lorenz 4 Elice 13 Nagi 13 Gotoh 10
  17. If we're not going to Septimus, or after the demons, which I also doubt, then other than this ensuing fight, where do we go next? @Snike What? When did I say I wanted a Sea Wyvern?
  18. Ooooooh. So now you want Pary in the group. Let me catch up with stuff. Morgan is mow a water mage.
  19. I got MInerva and Cord, but I never saw a post about Darros. I'll keep looking but yeah, you can get Draug.
  20. @Phoenix I never said you couldn't hurt my characters, I mean, you grabbed them in the tentacle things. What I said was, or at least what I meant, was if the group starts to loose too badly they'd pop in. Like if you had gotten Iso and Morgan's weapons, they'd have shown up. Or if too many people got wounded. They were to basically draw the demons off, and give the group room to breath. Trust me, you'll know when I'm dangling them.
  21. No there isn't. Are you guys okay with the turn count for Gaidens and Prologue thing though?
  22. I just wanted a decent healer, since early game you don't have much option out of her or reclassing Merric. (Yes, I know I'm forgetting Wrys) Plus she can use Hammerene.
  23. I wasn't aware during what happened last night that I was doing anything wrong. My posts are typically detailed, and cover the bases on what my characters need to say, think, etc. They're not on Bal level detailed or wall of texty, but they're good. Probably Snike or Sage level. The graveyard thing, Sage is just getting angry because apparently I didn't prepare, which is a lie. The skeleton issue was solved in a matter of minutes, and everything else ran smoothly from there. Another reason my posts aren't as long as Bal's or detailed or whatever, is rather than the characters thinking to themselves, they talk to others, which requires a post by them to respond. Tessa's more self interaction I think. I do describe the area around them however, and I try to be detailed with that.
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