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Everything posted by Psych

  1. PS I think we need to allow staves now, because you can fight with them, and their held effects will be fun to play with.
  2. That actually sounds good. Valaura poison stall meta incoming Just use Tier Two units and things, though I'm unsure if Laguz act in tiers since they just have 40 levels. I think we should probably fix Florete so that is uses Magic as intended, rather than it bugged, since Amiti makes Elinicia okay, but Runesword was kind of Mist's only option in FE9. Another thing is that all items will be available except Lehran's tome I think. I don't remember the name, but Disarm and Stealing allows other items to be taken.
  3. If Nailah is a Tiger, Volug should be whatever is under that. I was thinking Nailah would be Lion and Volug Tiger but I guess Tiger/Cat works. He should just be below her since Wolf < Great Wolf . Also Elieson, Sword Generals get Swords and Lances. Tauroneo and Gatrie are Lance Generals and get Lances and Axes while Brom as an Axe General gets Axes and Swords. They'd get the remaining weapon as tier 3 but that part is irrelevant. I think it's help give more trade offs between the armies if they each had different weapons too.
  4. What about weapon access for the other generals? Brom should lose lances and get axes and the other two lose swords and get axes.
  5. I think just going by site averages would be smartest
  6. You could make him custom skills only with no access to Nihil
  7. Right now I don't think there's an issue. Nolan has a higher Resistance cap in FE9 Warrior than he would in 10, so that would have to be calculated as if he didn't. Bishops have lower caps in 9, but genders are the same except for 2 points in defense and resistance, but because no stats go above 30 for Beorc except Luck and HP it should be fine. I'll try and maybe make a spread sheet to find out the level 20 averages for them and give it to you and Espinosa if we want it for records. I'll try and see how custom classes like Rogues and Light Sage will work, as well as Dark Sage, but for now it should be okay. I'm a bit concerned if we do this though, because then we should switch Brom to an Axe Armor since he doesn't use lances and I think it should be fair for him, Tauroneo, and Gatre as that way you have more differentiation between the 4 armors. I think we could probably make Sanaki into a Sage or something, comparative to the Archsage/Apostle caps and give her Light access too. Probably either artificially lower the laguz caps, make transformation bonuses more similar to FE9, or some third option. We can also bring over the Items if we need to, but that makes Nullify less useful as it's a Full Guard that takes up Gauge. We could probably come up with a list of logical supports the majority agrees on, since things like Micaiah/Sothe, Laura/Aran, and Edward/Leonardo would make sense. The Dawn Brigade items might need looking at now that I think about it.
  8. I'd be up for that. How would something like Laura or Meg be handled, since females have different caps in 10 but there's no one to compare them against for 9? Or something totally unique, like Micaiah or Rogues?
  9. I know this is premature, but looking at FE10, I feel Laguz royals and Trueblades should probably end up banned. Their speed caps are just too restricting and basically prevent almost anyone else from use. Mages are also in serious hurt so something might want to be buffed to them or something like that. Another idea is to ban mastery skills since I vaguely remember there was discussion over them too.
  10. it's ok, i'm the balance team I just checked Rhys caps and wow even if you attempt to have him Nosfertank as you would Runesword, his speed cap is awful, and requires 2 speed wings and both drops and is still then weighted down by 5 to 20 speed by Nosferatu. Bottom tier.
  11. Fire Emblem Link Arena Balance Patch 1.2 Nasir Nasir's power is too much for a laguz with Nihil. In exchange, we're making him unable to transform, unless he enters a lot of combat. Gauge per turn -> 0 Calil Calill's magic chip is too strong for the resources required to make her a good unit combined with her Nihil. We're looking to make her more of a risky pick. Hit lowered by 30 Tanith We like the direction her Reinforce is taking her, and want to buff that to make more of a niche pick. The amount of units summoned during Reinforce is doubled. Ex: 2 Falconknights and 4 Pegasus Knights Shade What the hell does this thing even do? Shade has been removed Provoke See Shade Provoke has been removed Runesword We think the regen from Runesword is a bit strong especially for units who aren't supposed to be mages. Health returned on attack is now equal to ¼ of the damage done, down from ½. Nosferatu We think Runesword is too strong, but we're fine with being hypocritical and buffing Rhys. Health returned on attack is now equal to damage done, up from ½. Stealing We're making the thieves pure gimmick troll picks, since their combat sucks anyway. ​Volke and Sothe can now steal.
  12. Calill might take up a lot of resources, but Largo certainly doesn't, coming with max HP, Skl, and Str. Running a Calill based team really just focuses things on her as Geoffrey and Neph do want things but aren't nearly as desperate as her . It wouldn't be smart to run both her and Tormod though. So it's not a burden to just get her as it might be to work on things like a Mist team or a brothers one.
  13. Yeah, but it's not really able to be compared since the value isn't the same due to higher caps and the ability for more skills in FE10
  14. True, but FE10 has higher caps due to third tiers
  15. They likely make it if there's another viable target, the enemy will attack them before the Shade target and vice versa for Provoke. It'd likely just be easier to turn Shade into Stillness from FE10.
  16. True, but I like the idea of it. It would allow for some heavy cheese if you run Provoke/Vantage/Resolve and just set up a time bomb for late game. It would also help sages a lot, as you could choose to Seige someone then activate Shade for no counters.
  17. Any ideas on what I could have done better? I feel like I picked too many squishes. Even Boyd and Largo couldn't really take a hit.
  18. Why can't this be fe10 and just have royals always transformed. Attack Rolf, then Kieran, then Marcia Till they're each dead then move on to the next, or until Tibarn dies I feel like the rest of my team went down way too fast
  19. Can I equip the full guard and still be transformed? It says his gauge is at 20. If I can, equip the full guard and attack Rolf, otherwise keep the Laguz band and attack Rolf
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