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Everything posted by Psych

  1. No one has even given me direct questions to answer
  2. Darros hit the nail on the head with my arguement and not voting for Paper. There's been dozens of times where people were in my position and ended up with a wrong lynch target, so maybe I did pick wrong with paper. And I attribute some of that to my messed up reads this game, but other than that I don't have anything to defend myself with because they all seem to just be saying i'm scummy because I'm being scummy.
  3. I don't have a power role technically?
  4. I'm going to say BBM must have been the one who role blocked me? Which sucks cause I could have proved my role too
  5. I'm not saying he shouldn't because he's a 3rd form, I'm saying that since Shuppet and Duskull are counterparts, Mega Banette makes up for Dusknoir.
  6. I have doubts on Mega Dusknoir considering the Duskull line has a 3rd evolution whereas the Shuppet line doesn't and instead got a Mega. Mega Flygon or Mega Walrein could be possible. I'm also exciting simply for Gallade and Roserade to be available considering they're now available, but they could also get Megas.
  7. you know what ##Unvote, Vote FFM his ISO has him focusing on darros but voting sangyul for no real reason and this is exactly what he did earlier in this post he felt frustrated and wanted to rage quit, and then came back the next day and asked if he should claim early, which makes me feel like he's scum trying to get easy cred but claiming before he needs to
  8. IDK we have 2 hours till phase, and I feel like we could come up with a better target i'm not saying I think paper is town, but I just think his absence just like sits bad with me so I just feel like it's unfair maybe i just need to read his ISO again but I feel like we could get a different lynch in time if we want
  9. I meant that pushed him up from where he was previously. I worded that badly.
  10. I'm okay with a Paper lynch, but I feel like he just hasn't said much of value since he's been gone so much, and isn't that fair of a target. ##Unvote, Vote Paper
  11. please tell me we don't have to start looking for clues for sinnoh remakes now also I'm not sure Gen 4 remakes are need, considering they're much more align with the modern graphics as opposed to how the gen 3 games were it's also kind of weird since now we could hypothetically transfer pokemon from gen 3 all the way through to gen 6 now
  12. oh and if i didn't answer prims question it's basically j00 and bbm are my big reads right now, but I think sangyul is town
  13. My reads have been all messed up this game. It's basically what I think is a negative action/arguement/whatever versus what I think is actually scummy like sheeping or lurking or whatever. I'd kind of contribute this to my not playing much in a while but I'm just kind of a mess with my signs. I don't like this post, because after reading Makaze's post I got a very good town feeling from him, and this makes it seem like j00 is trying to throw suspicion on Makaze for being doubtful and not wanting to push a read. I'm not exactly doing the same thing, and yet he's not feeling the same about me. I don't like this post either, because it feels like BBM isn't addressing one person directly for most of it and just talking rhetorically. It feels like scum trying to say things like "well i'm obviously not scum because xyz" I agree with j00 that BBM's posts are a bit strange, so BBM is higher on my scum read list, but I also don't like j00 so I don't know how to lean on that or if it's messing with me read. j00 keeps arguing with Sangyul about a lot of silly reasons for town actions. He complains about her going for an easy case and brings up how FFM had a similar thing yet hardly condemns him. ##Vote j00 I don't like the 'reaction test' thing either, but Cam doesn't seem to want to let it go, especially considering no one else has even barely mentioned Junko. It just feels to me like he's tunnel visioning too hard, and ignoring other people who might be scummier. I just read the votals and am confused, because the part I bolded from BBM makes me wonder why he sees Walrein as a possible thing but then is voting me.
  14. Rubbing me the wrong way doesn't mean they're on my scummy side. We have around 48 hours left, why do I have to have a vote down right now? I'm gonna call it quits early tonight though, i'm exhausted.
  15. Are you talking about me not addressing myself being voted? I never really do that. I don't know what you mean otherwise. I don't find Pascal scummy, so to say, but I don't like his attitude and other stuff though that feels mostly like a newbie reaction for now. He, Junko, and Darros are just rubbing me the wrong way right now. Darros I was defending earlier, but since then I haven't liked his arguements and the fact he seems more worried about other people's activity/vote placement as opposed to their logic or reads. Just cause I said I didn't like what Pascal was doing at the time didn't mean I found him scummy then. I might now, but I mostly just feel he's being naive and using OMGUS.
  16. In that case, just do Tiltyu Lex and Brigid Midir. Those are your best options left, and Claude doesn't really help Tiltyu since her son can't use Staves. You could also just kill her off, as her replacement children are pretty good compared to others as well.
  17. ##Unvote Shinori idk why i was scummy for voting shinori, especially considering most of the arguements today they're all basically x is scummy for voting this person over this person and I don't really like that if the numbers claimed 12/3/1 and the third party is an sk instead of something like a survivor, that just feels like a lot of kills possible. giving the sk a nexus and the possiblity of a vig or something in town makes me really concerned about the possible amount of kills in a short amount of time
  18. It looked like they had the Red/Blue orb instead of a Mega Stone. That makes me feel like Rayzaquaza will have one too even if they haven't announced it yet. At first I thought the gym with the trapdoor could be a redesign of Brawly's, but the rock formations make me think it's Roxanne especially since they showed her design. The other gym looks like Watson since none of the other gyms fit the theme except maybe Tate/Liza.
  19. Shinori, Poly and j00 have barely posted, Shinori not even once ##Vote Shinori
  20. Make Mega Milotic Water/Fairy and give it to Wallace in the E4 Give Juan Mega Gyrados
  21. I would recommend Tiltyu and Lex, since Levin and Azel are taken and her other parings aren't the best. You may also want to try Briggid and Holyn, as that will pass down Holyn's Luna skill and his Odo blood, letting Briggid's daughter get going a lot faster, as otherwise her combat is pretty bad considering she's a thief.
  22. ##Unvote just realized my vote was still on walrein and he has 3 votes
  23. I don't find Sangyul scummy for just focusing on 3 people this early in the game. Trying to get reads on every single person before N1 can be hard, and I kind of do the same thing. Once someone's been lynched and I can see everyone's actions and attitudes is usually when I finally get a read on some of the more lurkier people. Now if this was later in the game that'd be a different thing, but I don't think he's scummy for this. Pascal seemed like he just wanted to throw suspicion on Sangyul, and then decided to back off and used an excuse to come back later.
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