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Everything posted by Psych

  1. i'm fine with FE being more mainstream, but the only thing i wish is that people played more than awakening and maybe the japanese games
  2. You know, Mega Slowbro makes me wonder about Mega Slowking, which makes me hope for Mega Politoad or Poliwrath.
  3. this probably doesn't matter right now but I do believe the two vulnearys one is 3 uses like normal and one is 60 uses?
  4. Eh I mean female units typically have higher speed/luck/resistance, while males have higher strength and defense but it ends up being a wash when their speed boost is negated making male units just better.
  5. turning con into a stat like weapon levels actually sounds pretty cool and sounds like a better idea of what FE5 went for does that mean we can bring move going up with levels too though
  6. It's really not because I never had issues clearing before quill coat on Nautilus. The shield and it's aoe were already good enough.
  7. the fe4 system is literally anything besides swords and wind sucks maybe bows I think the FE10 system was the best weapon weight, as it effected everyone but eventually you grew out of it which is how i feel it should be handled. GBA weight was okay, but it just shafted female units and mages too much considering they basically can never use anything above Iron ranks.
  8. whaaaaaaat is up with that adc support annie
  9. wtf here I am feeling like yasuo just came out why is he getting a skin and it's been 8 months
  10. I realized the Pikachu costumes mimic the 5 contest stats a few days ago. Brendon's outfit looks Cool and May's looks Cute, so it's possible they might have 5 outfits too?
  11. I'd hate to be that guy but... Gen IV remakes incoming? Mega-Evolving for contests actually sounds pretty cool. Honestly contests were kind of cool other than the mixing berries/poffins things. I'm kind of disappointed they removed them in 5 and 6 and had those other options and stuff available which weren't that cool. On the other hand, the wifi from the 3DS might mean you can mix berries a whole lot easier with people so it should be less of a hassle.
  12. I don't know if this is wanted or relevant, but I was fooling around with just minor tweaks to my game for no real reason when it reminded me of this one PM I sent Shin way back when he started the Shin patch. So I dug it up. Wow this is old
  13. This wasn't really supposed to be a tier list or which lord is the worst (even though that's fun talking about and gives a new twist on a tier list I like) It's supposed to be "when is the weakest point in this lord's career.
  14. Support Morgana's ult is usually used to engage where she'll have a Zhonya's and is fed but that's another problem, or is used to peel and can be broken by disengaging which is what she wants. If you're aiming for more damage on her, you're giving up other things like a Locket and Mikael's. Her pool is also leveled last and worth nothing all game practically. Another thing is the fact Morgana is only very strong right now due to the other supports in meta. Thresh, Braum, and Leona were used due to the desire to pick a kill and snowball the lane, and Morgana stops that. She actually loses pretty hard to poke mages like Karma and Zyra and Vel'koz, which simply aren't popular due to the pro's wanting good picks and CC rather than poke. Tank supports also benefit from the current support budget way more than mage supports since durability is a lot easier to afford.
  15. They really don't like Alistar's heal for some reason. And they seem to want to rework Soraka into a sort of "give my health to you in order to heal" cleric. Morgana's bind has a very high cost actually, as the rest of her kit is useless without the binding. Sure you have a CC-immune shield, but your damage is literally going to be nothing without landing a binding first. It's also a very slow moving skillshot and has a long cooldown at least early game. And Taric is really simple. He's got invisible power auras Riot doesn't like and reworked Sona because of, and his stun is point and click which they don't like either. Other than his heal which gives a slight interesting choice I wouldn't be surprised for a full kit rework when they VU him.
  16. Her kit isn't nearly as bad as other old supports like Taric, Soraka, and Alistar. She has plenty of counter-play which Riot loves, and there's nothing toxic about her either.
  17. You know, I actually forgot SoS is 2 ranged which goes to show how much I use Roy. But then at the same time you can use all the other S rank weapons so it's kind of why bother with Roy's. I also noticed just how much I favor magic users in my ratings and honestly I should probably try using less of them on my runs. That's probably true, but I haven't played 1, just 11. It's funny, I've played 3 and 11 but not 1 and 12. I just included it for the sake of completion, but yeah I can't accurately rate him in FE1. FE11 Marth probably starts to feel bad after Chapter 7 but I kind of stick in there for a few more chapters before calling it quits on him.
  18. Probably, but I have a thing for giving the Leg and Knight rings to Leen. I'm willing to bet that's because of Prayer, and also considering only Sigurd, Alec, Fin, and Midir have Pursuit out of the mounted units and Alec and Midir is just meh and the player probably uses Fin a lot more considering he's also in Gen 2. Yeah, but he won't promote till like 8 at the absolute earliest, so Oifaye has something over him. Aless is much more competition than Delmud.
  19. So I was making this post about how i thought Oifaye was more useful than Cuan, and it got me thinking about Sigurd and why people like him so much, and it's because he never really has a 'bad' point. So that made me want to try and go through everyone's. Also most of these are my opinion, since I know Celice honestly isn't that bad but I can't really pin down a point for him and I want one for everyone. This is kind of 'when are they worst' for some. Most of these assume a normal game, and not low turns or warp runs. FE 1/11 Marth: Mid to Late Game No promotion really hurts him, and he just seems to lack damage mid game when chapters move away from heavy cavalry. Sure there are more armors, but besides that he really lacks damage till the Falchion and it just feels like an "Escort the Lord to the Throne" game. Alm: Very Early Game, Mid Game I was kind of surprised going through this, I've honestly never really had a "Man Alm really sucks right now" point. The first 3-4 battles might be tough considering you want to feed EXP to the villagers to let them promote when you get Silk so Alm might be under performing do to lack of resources, but he's not that bad at all considering he gets Bows in Fire Emblem: OP 5 Range. He does seem to kind of fade into the background around Chapter 3 but that just might be me favoring more units over him. Celica: Mid to Late Game She's a squishy mage who uses HP to cast and likely will promote before Ragnarok so that gets pushed back quite a way. She ends up having to compete with high move Pegasus Knights and her durability just becomes more apparent towards then end of the desert and on to Chapter 4. FE 3/12 Marth: Mid to Late Game I'll be honest, I have played FE3, but not 12, so this could be wrong for that game like with a Rainbow Potion and the arena, but then there's reclassing so I don't know. Again, lack of promotion really hurts him, and he just feels mediocre by the time you start having really strong mages and flyers and can move around so quickly. Sigurd: Mid Game Sigurd doesn't really ever have a bad point, but I'd call Chapter 4 his worst, as it's heavy forests and mountains slowing him down, having to wait for Dew to unlock the bridge, lots of lance using Pegasus Knights, and not having the Tyrfing yet. Celice: Early Game This one is probably purely my fault, but I don't really like piling everything onto Celice for inheritance. Because of this and my penchant for things like Brave Lance Fee, Holsety Arthur, and actually trying to use my foot soldiers, he kind of ends up falling by the wayside in Chapter 6. I think my latest playthrough he was like level 4, and that kind of hurt him going in to Chapter 7 compared to most everyone else's like level 9. Other people usually have more success and he never really has a bad point, but no horse compared to Sigurd does kind of hurt. Leaf: Mid to Late Game Leaf is actually really good early. He's hitting for magic damage from 2 range when you only have inaccurate axes or shitty archers and enemy resistance is low, and then he carries a lot of weight in the Manster escape. He never suffers fatigue, but his low Magic makes him susceptible to status effects and his lower movement hurts as well. Late promotion hurts too and he hardly gets anything out of it, so around the route split towards the end of it he ends up becoming a burden really. Roy: Late Game Late promotion just really kills a lot of guys and Roy is one of them. He's okay early and mid thanks to heavy axe presence from the enemy, and his Rapier helps considering all the cavalry, but he always has low move in very large maps, and his combat just starts to falter thanks to a low speed cap and low con. Lyn: Mid Game Lyn isn't that bad if we consider Lyn mode her Early game. It's got lots of axes, and Mani Katti helps against the potential cavalry and armor lances. She does falter in the main game till her avoid comes up to par, and I suppose if you neglect her then her late game could too. I typically throw her the first seal, and she really gets nice, but most of the FE7 lords honestly just fade into the background due to favoring other units more. Eliwood: All Game Mid to Late Game Eliwood is bad and you should feel bad. Eliwood kind of ends up like a crappy Roy and lacks con to wield lances in my opinion. It doesn't really matter what mode you play, he's basically a shitty myrmidon, and honestly there are so many sword units in this game that have better combat from the get-go, more move, you name it. I really have to make a conscious effort to use him or arena abuse him for Geitz's chapter. Hector: Late Game Hector's a lot like Leaf, but with minor accuracy issues early game. And I guess that hitting resistance thing. His speed and no movement on promotion becomes an issue late game so he can kind of fall behind, and since you don't really get a lot of Tomahawks, his range starts to falter considering your mages get better and resistance is lower in this game then some. Not bad, but he's basically a general and I don't really like knights personally. If I had to pick his worst chapter it'd be Battle before Dawn, as his promotion is starting to push it, but he's okay on NoF, though I don't really remember if that's me just leaving him before thanks to disappearing tiles. Eirika: Mid to Late Game While Eirika is okay, it's more monsters suck ass so it's up to opinion. I do start to get damage issues with her around after Chapter 16, but the fact she's basically a mounted swordmaster is nice I guess. I usually go her route which makes her shine a bit more, but monsters are honestly so weak to magic she can take a backseat. Ephraim: Early to Mid Game While I do go Eirika route more and his absence for basically two-thirds of the game sucks, on his route he just seems mediocre. Like it's not like there's a ton of units for the Reginleif, and he can't really do much on stuff like Chapters 9 (long hall way to shuffle everyone down), 11 (cramped boat), or 13 (spiral marsh yeah thanks). His ability to have good 1-2 is nice over Eirika though and he doesn't get strength issues like her later on thanks to his higher con. FE 9 Ike: Early to Mid Game He has to compete with Shinon and Titania early and I usually just like to rush through to get to Base Operations, so he feels lackluster early on. Once you do get around Chapter 8 though he starts holding his own considering that's when I like to start weening off of Titania and he feels like he can do a lot more compared to Oscar and Boyd. Mia doesn't really feel great in 8 or 9 so meh and the mages actually kind of suck but I have favoritism so...he gets good once you start getting to Beignon though. Micaiah: Mid to Late Game Part 1 is basically pretty nice considering she's for all intents and purposes one of two mages you'll have (no one but me promotes Laura basically and ew Tormod). She can staff bot in Part 3 some, but suddenly popping up in Part 4 with absolute horrid speed (though that might just be my luck, I always have a tendency for speed cursed Micaiahs) and still in Tier 2 is really bad for her. Score another one for Late Promotion deaths. FE 10 Ike: Early Game Honestly it's like maybe the first two-three maps of Part 3 that really hurt him and that's only cause he seems lack luster considering they're route chapters in fog which is just annoying more than anything. Once you can buy Wind Swords on 3-2, his range weakness disappears, and he just has like 6 chapters til Ragnel. Chrom: Mid to Late Game I'll admit I probably grind too much in 13 for Skill Inheritance, but honestly Varm and after just feels like a Pair Up Chrom with your strongest fastest unit. He's not bad, but everyone else is better so meh. oh yeah feel free to talk about this
  20. I disagree. Oifaye has a lot more going for him compared to Cuan. Oifaye has Pursuit, and light weight swords in a game where swords are basically the most important weapon type. Cuan on the other hand, faces WTD for the Prologue and Chapter 1, and really never fights a lot of sword-users, except for maybe Beowulf's squad. He also has Continue, which while nice is definitely no Pursuit. On top of that, 8 units from the Prologue are mounted, which means Cuan has a lot of competition considering he's also a pre-promote and the player likely wants the other units to get a large amount of exp. Oifaye is just as good through to endgame and actually stays with the party, so it's not like the player has a reason to avoid using him. Oifaye's only competition for mounted units is Delmud, Lester, Fee, Aless, and maybe Johan depending if the player recruits him.. Sure, Shanan and maybe Holsety!Arthur show up, but they're still foot units in a game where we want high movement. Aless does have him beat though, considering it's a mounted Holy Weapon. All in all, I'd say Oifaye is much more useful than Cuan, considering Weapon Availability, Chapter Availability, less mounted units to have to compete against, and Skills. His Armorslayer is also very useful in Chapter 6 where we have a handful of armor knights on the path to the first castle and our units probably don't have enough damage to one-round them without taking a counter considering their dodge is still very low.
  21. I honestly doubt they'd nerf Morgana at all. They seem to have lowered her ult at level 1 by like 20 damage on the beta, but there's nothing you can do that won't hurt Mid Morgana. You can't touch Black Shield or Root, as her W and R rely on them, it's her whole combo. And if you change the duration, it hurts her damage due to her pool. Besides maybe it's width or speed, there's nothing they can really do. And they can't really do what they did with Zyra and Annie, because even though stuff like her Q base is insane, her rations are already sky high.
  22. You know what sucks about Mobas? Mana. A forced meta. Predetermined roles/lanes. Three lanes. Shit lore. GUESS WHAT HAS NONE OF THAT DAWNGATE People should play it, it's pretty cool it even has a comic about backstory that's on-going. http://dawngatechronicles.com/prologue/1/ play it here
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