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Everything posted by Psych

  1. Ahri's kill potential is much lower with her ult down. So is Talon's, but comparatively I'd say she's worse off considering he still has a gapcloser.
  2. Can't you include Limit Breaker and lower the Luck requirement considerably?
  3. Honestly you might want to skip to the second generation? The first generation's pairings don't change your strategies very much so idk it's just watching the same stuff all over.
  4. It looks like a few of my games are messed up. They're labeled Lost but then they have the win color.
  5. Honestly I'd rather they remove them and just buff champion health/armor/MR/attack damage and maybe give more MPen/Attack Speed item options. Most stats you get through runes aren't huge bonuses except in early game where they can simply buff base states.
  6. honestly i like Tharja/Female Dark Mage's the best IF IT WAS FOR A DANCER like i know it's pure fan service or whatever but it's actually cool so I actually don't really like Olivia's outfit for some reason oh and I guess tacticians are cool the mage hats are dumb though
  7. Does anyone know where I can find the old translation patch? I don't like the new one and it's the only one linked on the site. FE4 by the way
  8. the story sucks, the gameplay's good and hard mode adds fake difficulty i think that covers everything
  9. I like FE4 and FE5 map graphics the best, but probably GBA battle animations
  10. Dew x Aideen No good skills and no good inheritence
  11. what do you mean having all 4 ghosts and ms pacman is too many clones
  12. Pacman got a slot and you're complaining 4 FE characters is too much
  13. These are the best Knoll's usually my go-to summoner since I like having one of each class and I feel he usually pales compared to Ewan due to Ewan's extra levels. I like Ewan as a Druid, and I've actually never unlocked Lyon so...
  14. I'm not upset Izuka wasn't recruitable, I was upset Pelleas wasn't a Summoner. I mean, come on, you had Tanith with Reinforce in 9. You took it out and couldn't retune the Dark Mage into a summoner?
  15. I like both of these ideas But I can't really think of any Hoenn pokemon who would get the split mega. Maybe Rayzaquaza? And say the R is more Groundon inspired and the S is more Kyogre? Or it could be a pokemon from a different generation. I'm liking the redesigns too, except for Phoebe. I liked her the most back in Gen 3 cause the other Elite 4 just seemed boring mostly, but now she looks too simple and unoriginal compared to Sydney and I except they'll make Drake look hella cool.
  16. well we know archie and maxie have mega evo bracelets, so unless it's suddenly mega mightyena we're probably getting camerumpt and sharpedo
  17. anyone wanna play monaco or civ 5 since those are like the only 2 games i have on my laptop
  18. I kind of think if I had been more active I would have just gotten lynched faster, since I had forgotten how to play scum basically and had to REALLY try to force out misreads
  19. Psych

    Mafia Headquarters V4

    does someone want to host Bayonetta Mafia with me cause I want to get it on the queue soon so i'd like someone to help balance it or throw ideas around with
  20. Only $45? It's like 5 years old, that fact it's above 25 is surprising to me.
  21. or you become psych and play with that
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