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Posts posted by Psych

  1. I question a couple things. Brom has axe access which generals in 9 don't get. Not sure if weapons had stat changes, but you would need to worry about things like that or Dark tomes for Pelleas or Lehran. Paladins don't get secondary weapons. I'm pretty sure class caps changed. Would Sanaki have access to all magic types or could you consider Light access as her tier 3 promotion since she's basically an Archsage with Light instead of staves? How will Florete work?

  2. If you implemented a nerf on healing, but still allowed it, it would create interesting scenarios. Something like a 50% healing reduction on staves would allow you to include a healer on your team if necessary, but still have one as a risk, since most are slow and have low defense. Right now, you only have healing from Nosferatu and Rune Swords. The most healing you could do with the reduction would be 25, with 30 magic and a Mend, since I'd assume Restore would be banned or something.

    Plus other staves would allow interesting counter building, between Restore or high resistance units. You also have to take into account the fact that if you brought in Healing and Status staves, you're sacrificing item slots, including things like the Iron Rune. Dancers/Bards would also allow be cool, since you're able to buff a unit for the next round, while sacrificing a combat unit for such a thing.

  3. I think taking staves would actually be an interesting change, at least in the GBA games, though there might need to be some sort of reduction, like a 50% healing nerf, at least to combat something like a cheap Fortify move.

    What's the ideology behind not allowing staves? Other than the fact that the actual LA doesn't allow them? Dancers would also add another layer of intrigue, though because GBA doesn't have skills like Shade, they'd be much less useful, save maybe FE7 with the buffs.

    Also what's the verdict on FE8 Summoners?

    IDK i just have a lot of thoughts

    PS i'd be interested in an FE8 battle

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