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Posts posted by Psych

  1. Honestly, I'd pick Cait over Ezreal and he has a steroid, but that's more of I'm still not comfortable with Ez really. It really depends on team comp, but I'd probably pick MF over Cait due to her move speed and attack speed.

    hah speaking of adc, soraka urgot is such a broken lane it's ridiculous

  2. True, but Caitlyn falls off mid-late game due to lack of a steroid. Literally the current Beta changes to Jinx are just minor scaling nerfs and increasing the mana cost of Zap! by 5. She'll still have the same power at level 13 and they've done nothing about Zap!'s scaling which is surprising.

    Lane bullies are honestly the best to play at lower Elo, as people get too discouraged early to let the game go longer. They also have trouble closing out games though, so it's basically a roll of the dice whether you think Vayne/Trist is better that day or Cait/Jinx.

  3. ADC actually is one of the harder roles. mid/top/support are way easier imo.

    During laning, I'd actually say ADC is easiest, due to the fact you just have to farm and harass and when the support pings you during a gank you run away.

    Teamfights, yeah ADC is hardest as you being alive determines what your team can do and how they can push objectives.

    Also nah, get Jinx. She's so good right now that it's basically impossible to get fed and carry games. Freelo please adc

    I still need 2k IP for Fiora, since i want her Headmistress skin and don't own her yet.

  4. Bug








    Still need something for the Electric and Fairy gyms, but I have the others under control. If I remember, Fairy is weak to Poison? And that's like all, I just know it resists Fighting and Dark, is immune to Dragon and isn't very effective on Fire.

  5. Well I already have her on EUW.

    I like it better complete, it's hilarious. Her Spider model and spiderlings aren't in yet, so she looks the same as spider or human, and her spiderlings just use her exact model so there's like 5 giant Elise all the time.

  6. I'm pretty sure you can trade as soon has you can catch pokemon, since there wasn't anything that notified me otherwise. And I'm pretty sure with the new passerby PSS thing you don't need to wait for a Pokemon center to trade.

  7. Debaiting dropping Altaria and I don't even have it yet.

    I have Delphox, Blaziken, and Blastoise and I just got the gift Lapras but I'm not gonna use it.

    Still need Phantump, and then I just need someone who can fly. My only problem is I don't really like any of the new Fairy pokemon, but I'd like one for the Dragon E4. Togepi would be great, but apparently it's Friend Safari only.

    I should probably drop Blaziken since I have two fires, but I actually like them both a lot and one is more physical while the other is special and they have different secondaries so idk

    so far my team is okay I guess, but I'd still really like another boutique, the one in the 2nd gym town didn't have good stuff and now the next isn't till either the 6th gym or I do stuff in Lumiose so I have to beat the 3rd and get back there

  8. Just got to the Snorlax.

    Current team is Wartortle, Braixen, Combusken, and a Gulpin that hitched a ride for some from EXP Share. God I love this thing, makes leveling so easy.

    Team looks to be shaping up to be Blastoise, Blaziken, Braixen Evo, Altaria, this cool Ghost/Grass thing called Phantump and can't decide on the last slot, but I'm leaning an Eevee evo, probably Jolteon or Sylveon but I might change my mind.

    If anyone gets a Swablu or Phantump, let me know, since they don't come by till like after the 6th gym for Phantump and pre-E4 for Swablu and i'd kind of like them earlier. Also, Phantump needs a trade evo, so I need to find someone for that.

  9. there weren't many people at that point in the game that I felt unsure about one way or the other, and out of all of them I felt you or scorri would be mostly threatening as anti town and mostly likely to be pull off a late win

    so you were just a threat basically since I didn't have a sure target on you

  10. I really only care about Frankentibbers Annie out of all of them, but the Winter Games Twitch skin looked cool on LoLking even if it was even a red recolor. Might pick it up for his VU later.

    I do plan on getting my friend Re-Gifted Amumu and Vancouver Amumu too, since every time one's on sale I've been getting it for her. She has all but the legacy ones and she doesn't really play him much, but it's just my joke on her. I originally just got her Prom King and Emumu since I had the matching Annie skins.

    Another friend collects Kog Skins so might get her that, or a Kat skin.

    The rest I don't really feel like I'm missing much, since I prefer other skins for the champs like MF, Sona, and Nid, or don't play them like Shaco or Gragas or Nocturne.

    Also my amumu friend plays renekton heavily. She usually does really well early game unless you camp her, and will build Sunfire first as that's really good on him. However, she usually falls into a tank role late game and just peels unless super fed and can dive carries. Someone tankier and with better CC like Malphite is usually good though he may have trouble laning against Renekton. I know Shen is a good counter and unless Renekton takes TP he can't really deal with the global presence and wile he can push, if Shen takes TP he won't get the tower before Shen gets back.

    basically pick a better outscaling tank with more CC, pick shen, get jungler camped, or any combination of the three

  11. wow now I feel like shit

    let me see if I can even remember them

    Firefox Ahri

    Midnight Ahri

    Unchained Alistar

    Goth Annie

    Prom Queen Annie

    Reversed Annie

    Amethyst Ashe

    Riot Blitzcrank

    Desperada Cassiopeia

    Shadow Evelynn

    Enchanted Galio

    Spooky Gangplank

    Arcade Hecarim

    Forecast Janna

    Sakura Karma

    Traditional Karma

    Viridian Kayle

    Wicked Le Blanc

    Pool Party Leona

    Mafia Miss Fortune

    Ghost Bride Morgana

    French Maid Nidalee

    Bladecraft Orianna

    Full Metal Rammus

    Bandit Sivir

    Arcade Sona

    Dryad Soraka

    Divine Soraka

    Championship Thresh

    Riot Girl Tristana

    Rocket Girl Tristana

    Jack of Hearts Twisted Fate

    Spirit Guard Udyr

    Vandal Vladimir

    Wildfire Zyra

    and I think i've probablly gifted out like a dozen skins to friends

    also planning on getting the Mafia Jinx pack when she's released

  12. most dayvigs are one shot and the only one I can think of that might not be was Shining Force mafia, but that was just a 2-shot vig who could shoot whenever

    also I don't remember what game weapons claimed yet

  13. The only problem is that scum with a dayvig is incredibly powerful and almost broken.

    Weapons would have to be third party and I'm still in the camp where I believe Elie is the only one.

    Whatever he did though is just

    ugh I have no words

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