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Posts posted by Psych

  1. A good thing about the game is that server locking is decided in client, so you can use one account to play on either EU or NA. You have a preference and it will match you on that server, but you can switch whenever.

    Player List:

    Psych -- Psychout40

  2. Well, now that we have this subforum, I feel like this is appropriate. And yay, I get to blab more about this awesome game.

    Smite is a relatively new MOBA game, from developer Georgia based developer Hi-Rez. They have an official Twitch channel where employees will usually be streaming during the day. http://www.twitch.tv/smitegame

    Hi-Rez Kelly and Bart are the ones I know the most about and watch sometimes, but there are a couple other people.

    Smite is free to play like other MOBA's, but what sets it apart is it's unique 3rd person graphics and skillshots as opposed to the traditional isometric view. Autoattacks are skillshots, so get ready to practice your aiming kids!

    As always, you can spend money to purchase gods or skins, but while the game is still currently in Open Beta, you're able to purchase the God Pack for $30 and get all present 42 gods and all future gods. There's also custom voice packs where any pings you made are voiced by your god. The ping system is amazing, and you an ping where the enemy is missing from, whether you are going for a buff, where to defend and a whole bunch more.

    Actives are also purchased, but act similar to Summoner Spells from League. The typical meta is a supportive healer built as an off tank run in the solo lane (marked by towers being closer together), a mage with good wave clear mid, a tank and marksman in the long lane (marked by towers being farther apart), and an assassin bruiser in the jungle.

    The smite active (called Hand of the Gods) is encouraged on the solo laner, as unlike league, any minions hit by the turret, even if they aren't last hit, give no money at all. You can't even track last hits, you simply get money for autoing a minion once. Supports also get a lovely item called Watcher's Gift which allows you all the gold anyone earns from last hitting a minion nearby. Wards are also limited to being purchased 3 at a time, so it's a pretty good support life.

    There's a bunch of fun game modes, and a cool one called Match of the Day where all sorts of random things such as 5 of the same champion or 100k gold at the start of the game can happen.

    Champions are mythological gods from Greek, Roman, Chinese, Hindu, Egyptian, and Mayan mythology, with Mercury as the next god to be released, Ah-Muzen-Cab (a Mayan Bee god), a Sun Wukong rework, and a Hel rework coming up.

    I'm sure I forgot a whole bunch of cool stuff, but this is a great game and everyone should check it out.


  3. from my pov anyone who asks me to "explain my vibes" is scum

    explain your vibes on being in love with manix

    ugh i'm too lazy to look up shinori's role

    I think everyone needs to stop taking things out of context because i fee like tempers are getting high and I don't like people's tones

  4. 20 MR is not going to make your support survive any longer. 20 MR is not going to save your ADC from getting killed by a fed Kass or DFG Ahri, unless they have some second source of MR like a Merc Scimitar. And it's really not going save anyone from a Zed or Yi.

  5. Locket becomes one of the most efficient items in a team fight which is where Sejuani shines. The nerfs changed it from overpowered to strong.

    Locket is good when you have allies nearby and enemy aoe damage, specifically magic damage. Usually, the enemy team does not go double AP at least when I play Sejuani, and second of all, the defensive stats are really shit for a tank.

    It's good on support since they aren't trying to be an unmovable wall, but for the amount of gold, it's not that great on a tank.

    SV costs 250 more gold more than Locket, and gives 175 HP, 25 MR, and 10% CDR. For a tank like Sejuani who wants to put out more CC and slows to help peel for a carry (since that's best at what Sejuani does), it makes much more sense to get SV than Locket. Unless the enemy team has like Karthus, Maokai, Support Zyra, or just runs so AP heavy where it's a necessity, then it's not really a great idea.

    Mikeal's is also in a really good spot, and I would usually buy it over Locket as support anyway, since the heal and CC removal is better for your carry than a simple shield. It does have a harder buy since the combine cost is more expensive, I will give you that.

    If they gave the locket like 10 more MR and armor and maybe moved the armor to the aura then maybe it would be a better item, bu right now it's better buy build defense selfishly and get tankier or try and avoid getting caught out and bursted as a carry than trying to survive it.

  6. blargh all these posts are just blurring together and I have no imput

    I will say I think this eclipse/shinori thing is stupid, as eclipse is usually very careful about her vote and what she does with it as well as very independent with her opinions

    i think i meant to use a different word than independent but w/e

    I also think shinori is just mad he didn't get his way and that eclipse didn't co-operate with him

    also if someone was talking about lynching day one in re: eclipse's attitudes, I want a D1 lynch too, but I'm abstaining from voting as i don't see any worthwhile wagons and I usually don't want to vote someone unless they're bugging me or we need to lynch

    also wtf guys, 3 new replies as I'm typing this?



    We were pretty far ahead after I got my Spirit Visage, which is why I opted for Haunting Guise. Also, spot the summoner spell fail.

    She's free, and I'm seriously thinking of buying her, despite the fact that I don't play top/jungler on SR.

    Sejuani is my main jungler and what I would consider my best. PS Get the bear skin, so worth it

    I get Ancient Golem, then Sunfire, then an MR item (usually SV because it's so good). Throw Ninja Tabi in there somewhere. At that point, the game is either ending soon or something or eh.

    Fifth and Sixth items depend on how much tankier you need to get and what the damage threats are. Rylai's/Abyssal/Liandry's are fun items to get if you want more damage, though I usually end up getting a Warmogs because you have so many resists.

    I don't really recommend Locket since the nerf, but you could get it if you want 40%. I find I usually want mana on her, so Frozen Heart isn't bad, but then you should get Banshee's instead of SV so you don't waste cooldown. Randuin's is always good, and Thornmail is fun if they have multiple autoattackers like Yi or Trynd and the ADC.

    I usually max W for early jungle clear, but I will max E at times for better CC during ganks. It also clears nicely when you use W to get frost procs on monsters too. I really reccommend Sunfire because with it and your W you're doing some pretty nice damage for a tank.

    Don't get Rod of Ages. You always finish Golem first, then you typically want boots. If you can get RoA before 25 minutes your either insanely fed and taking kills from the laners or flat out lying. There's no way you'll have it while it's still relevant and it takes a while to stack. I mean, if you're doing her top, then maybe, but she doesn't have much dueling capability so it's very risky up there.

  8. I have scumvibes from Manix tbh and I think I wanted to get scumvibes from Wallcrab because I first read his reaction as a huge backpedal (since I couldn't tell if he was suspicious of Euklyd or what) but going over it I don't think what Wallcrab did is that scummy anymore.

    booo flip flopping

    booo i'm tired at 10:30 what is this

    booo bbm started the game early

    I don't think eclipse is scummy right now but I'm getting a vibe from her I don't like

    I think Wallcrab was making too much of a big deal over Euklyd's "OMGUS" (if you even want to call it that), but I don't think it's a big deal. People who've never played mafia (ever, or on SF) are probably going to do things that seem "scummy" as either town or scum, not realizing why it's considered scummy.

    Also, flan avatar guy still hasn't shown his face. I see no reason to move my vote off him :P:

    this also seems really ironic to me and doesn't make me feel good about Kay

  9. RELATED NOTE when did heroes of newerth die, it's like you only heard dota/lol/hon THEN SUDDENLY i haven't heard the name in like a year

    (maybe it was just shit)

    I downloaded it once. It just seemed really low quality and old. I also believe it was their company or something who's now making a new MOBA called Strife.

    There was also some other one I forget the name of, but it's still in CB and all I know about it is apparently wards are now innate, similar to Recall? Ugh I wish I could remember.

    Also yeah can Eclipse/Integ make a subforum or is it Bal/Tangerin/whoever i'm forgetting only?

  10. chang'e op

    nah the cooldown nerf on her 1 made her balaced

    the 2 nerf idk what they were thinking, that was fine, now it's kind of actually hard to land though since not much lasts for just one second

    Speaking of Vi's sister, who caught the vandalism on Vi's page?

    hah nevermind

    there've been hints she's going to be a smoke/fire mage though. not sure how I feel about that since we already of 2. also probably going to be more of a mid than a support, but I'd still be interested in if she's going to have much CC.

    also now we just need a Piltover support and you can have a full team

    Jayce Top/Vi Jungle/Jinx Mid/Cait ADC

    I don't like counting Ez since he's kind of all over Valoran exploring, and Orianna isn't human

  11. Leon noticed a few of the others who hadn't gone to search the houses. One was still bleeding from his leg, and a few others looked worried. "Careful, it's better to just not mess with the wound since it could get infected." Leon's staff glowed, the gem looking like a wintry storm. He held it near the Rimsky's leg, slowly letting the light and energy seep into the wound. The bleeding stopped, and it simply looked as if he had a hole in his pants' leg. "I think that should do it. Sayina's busy with something and Chandra's still out. I don't know where Aeson went, so I have to fix everyone up. Shame about your ribbon, it looks nice too." Leon gave a smirk, leaving the two alone, and hustled over to Sayina for more orders.

  12. Leon noticed the others investigating some of the bodies, and overheard their conversation. "I can start taking care of wounds, but I'm not sure I have many bandages. I think it would be a good idea to just get a quick note of who's worst off and work from there. If you all want to go help some people onto their feet that may work, but I'd also like to try and look around the town and in some of those houses. There might be something in them we can use." Leon looked around, and headed off to help Sayina and those that were still on the ground. The battle was still just as nerve racking as the last time, but he felt more in control and focused. He felt faster, like he knew just where to be at the right time. When they set up camp, Leon was going to practice some more of his acrobatics.

  13. I'm fine with the difficulty actually. I think the enemies being tough is a good thing. I just hate all the rushing. A lot of the maps have turn limits or other things like that, and incredibly strong/numerous reinforcements. It pressures me to speed up, when I'd rather just kind of turtle my way through the difficulty.

    Also I suppose things like mythology or other flavor would be cool to read

  14. If we get some type of item in S4 to allow for supports to earn gold for someone else to CS, I could see Sej going bot lane with the new income. Tanks in general would likely start going down there, with Shen and Sej looking like top contenders since they have more CC than the others, basically.

    why yes, this is more subtle hints at smite

  15. Leon noticed Sayina rushing around the battlefield mending wounds. He was doing it much more efficiently than Leon, but he had still taken some damage in the fight. "Sayina be careful, my healing isn't as good as yours, so we must have you around."

    Leon heals Sayina +3 HP

    Sayina 11/18 HP

    Leon earns 3 points, 12 points total

  16. "Caslan!" Leon noticed the mage getting thrown back, and wanted to rush to his aid. He seemed to stand alright, so he focused on Zeff, who was still bleeding heavily. "Caslan, stay behind someone. You're looking worse than I am. They seem to almost be down, so let's just stay grouped up and finish this off."

    Leon heals Zeff +6 HP

    Zeff 9/15 HP

    Leon earns 3 points, 9 total

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