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Posts posted by Psych

  1. Leon strolled outside to see the commotion with his staff on his shoulders. He was tired of chatting and sitting in an inn all day. He needed to get up and be active. "Finally something to do! Who needs my help? Don't you all line up at once, especially you, ladies. I'm just gonna need someone to help protect me though, since I'm definitely more a lover than a fighter." Leon had his acrobatics from the circus, but any magic he had was limited to his healing and his tricks. Then again, if they needed fire-breathing or....oh shoot! He was out of his tricks anyway. And this town didn't really look like one that kept many performers around. Might have to pick some up on the road then.

  2. Elieson's actions at the beginning of the phase make more sense to me now, as if I was him i'd want to set two people up who look like they might be leading town.

    i swear to god guys slow down 4 new replies just showed up

    SB that is shit and you know it, say something

    also i know i'm not eclipse, but if I was a dayvig i'd use my shot as soon as possible, because i'm not sure how long i'm going to live

    also admittedly we hit town and a third party, but with the guardian style of the third party, it makes me assume any other hiddens might have a similar method of contact

    i'm curious of eclipse' reaction to elie because i don't really understand it and he's growing as a bigger town cred in my eyes

    also i'd love a date with eclipse <3

  3. there were also 8 rupees in the other sea urchins whoops

    Boris' ring increased the power of the healing spell healing him for 8 instead of 7!


    Taking a look at Andrea's magic, we notice her 6 spells. She has room for 4 others. Her Spell Book and Magic Rod are also shown, and we can notice any bonuses they give. Current she has room for 10 spells, and her rod allows her to cast one spell at a time.


    Blaster (Equipped to Mel)

    Sword (Equipped to Evan)

    Magic Rod (Equipped to Andrea)

    Healing Ring (Worn by Boris)

    Winged Bear Flute


    3 Yellow Fruit

    Warp Powder (x10 Uses)

    Knight's Shield

    53 Rupees

    haha edits

  4. 4yhh.png

    Andrea's spell succeeds, though not as strongly as she likes. She heals for 7 HP. (-1 damage)

    Boris hacks and slashes at the Jellyfish. Due to his large size, he is able to hit two targets at once when he swipes. He hits both the Jellyfish for 6 damage. He also manages to dodge one of their attacks, taking only 7 damage from the other two.

    Andrea: 17 HP (-1 Int on Rolls: 3 Rolls)

    Boris: 13 HP

    Sea Urchin 1: 0 HP!

    Sea Urchin 2: 0 HP!

    Sea Urchin 3: 2 HP

    Jellyfish 1: 3 HP (+1 on Int Rolls)

    Jellyfish 2: 3 HP (+1 on Int Rolls)

    Jellyfish 3: 9 HP (+1 on Int Rolls)




    Mel lands a prime shot, utterly annihilating the Red Blob. Evan helps push the blocks and then Mel presses the switch. The turrets shoot out arrows, pushing the boulders into the pit. One hits on the rock though.

  5. where did I say i had a town read on you shinori? please quote me

    I also didn't claim to be doing more than you, I just said you weren't doing anything

    you keep trying to throw mud at me but I'm just sitting here pointing things out with you, regardless of myself so there's that

    I unvoted you because of scorri, but she's since clarified things i was upset with her about and she's re-upped her activity and hunting so i really don't have problems with her, even though I may have worded things incorrectly

    you just seem to be trying to throw out reasons why your getting so defensive over half a wagon and then claiming what appears to be a pretty bad fake

    i clarified my role within the first 12 hours, so waiting this long for something you think yet is essential in your results leads me to have doubt

    second why would we have a paranoid cop at all if we don't have a second one

    like i'd get if you were insane and we had a real one

    wait shit what was each cop type again


    tl;dr shinori is trying to save himself from getting lynched and is aiming at me because he thinks my posts make me look bad when i'm really just going down pages responding to things i think are scummy as i see them

  6. i'm pretty sure this game isn't about who deserves not to be lynched shinori, because pray tell, what have you done?

    also majority is 10-11 people so it's not really in danger for a lynch anytime soon, but we do have less than 24 hours, just throwing that out

    meta, but this seems like usual shinori panic-at-the-last-minute before he gets lynched as scum or something so I'm inclined to look at him a bit more closely

    i think i'll iso in the morning but cbf right now

  7. Sorry, you need bananas for Ground Pound. (Ammo System basically, but it hits all enemies on your current map so yeah).

    You can just swipe at them with claws for Hack and Slash.

    Eclipse, just a reminder, you also have Flame, Snowdrift, Tornado, Raindrop, Examine, and Heal in your spell book, if you want something else. (In exchange for -1 damage or the damage roll Heal would take -1 health and would have a heal roll instead but it's basically the same. examine is just a hit roll though)

  8. okay for that to be a scum slip implies scorri is my scum mate so gg

    I said that in reference to him covering his ass rather than questioning and prodding people

    and is again trying to turn something away from himself

    honestly scorri just seemed like she was lurking but i'm still concerned with her hypocrisy there but shinori seriously your "not getting a joke" and all sorts of stuff is just not making you look good man

    i had stopped with you because i hadn't noticed any posts recently that stuck out and scorri/bizz/mainly wombat who was like a third of each page caught my attention more

  9. Ok, wow, yeah that Bizz wagon built up quickly. And since my original vote on him was for... well... nothing, I'mma do this.


    As for where my vote is going next... Well, I've been rereading now for a bit and have a few ideas. Kinda. I'm mostly still really lost, but lets see if I can get what few thoughts I have out in a comprehensible state.

    -Well, I don't like the way Wombat connected Elie and Bizz with scummieness, but apparently that's viewed as not as scummy from where he's from? I dunno. I still think that it's not a good thing to be doing because it can cause screwing of other people's reads if they were finding one scummy but not the other and then he comes along and is like "Oh, I think these two might be scum buddies" then they might start thinking that and then I dunno. Words.

    -Waitwaitwaitwaitwait. THINGS! Shinori has an excellent point on Psych where he says that Shinori isn't catching scum at all. Scumslip? MAYBE!

    -This caused me to take a closer look at Psych. And, well, there's not much there. What little is there is very sparse (yes, i know, pot meet kettle, etc.) but when you take a look at what little content there is, it's not very good. He calls what Shinori did an OMGUS, then when pointed out that it wasn't really one, he was just like "well, shinori's just bad at that then lol" and then he's voting Shinori for his posts being crap which seems pretty hypocritical to me, and I'm going to vote here for now.



    Gentle reminder to not get modkilled while I'm gone.

    bolded part helios

    i mean she says i can be scummy for it so i feel it applies to her too

  10. m6r.png

    Evan and Mel enter the cave. It appears boulders are blocking the way but they may be able to figure something out.

    Similar to how you can talk to up to 3 people in town at once, when in caves and dungeons, you can preform two actions with the enviroment to solve puzzles in one turn. You can activate switches, unlock doors/blocks, and push blocks as well as other things. Dungeons are different than caves however, as you will only be able to see the screen you are on, and not conjoining rooms, unless an ally is next door.

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