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Posts posted by Psych

  1. My friend was going to be Ms. Fortune but locked in Jayce by accident even though she's done adc Jayce before.


    I chose Support Annie because i'm in love with her (and only need to get Amumu, Malph, Trynd, and Rammus to get her Goth skin solo but that's besides the point)


    I ended laning 4/0 got 3 more kills 2 of which were shutdowns for large sums. Dropped support was building Zhonya's and a Void Staff.

    That game where you end up with more money than the adc.

  2. The Oracle games are my favorite Zelda games and probably just all around my favorite games.

    I recommend doing Ages first, but Seasons just has a better look of quality and it seems like they spent more time on tilesets and palletes for it.

    To do the linked games, you beat the first one, imput the secret it gives you at the end into the second game, and then play. Along the way there will be new characters on the map that will give you secrets to tell back to someone in the first game. Once you do and complete any tasks they have, you get a second password to give back to the linked game for the same reward.

    Also, in Seasons, there's a bit of sequence breaking where you can get the Power of Autumn before the Power of Spring and complete Level 5 before Level 4 because you don't need the Slingshot (Level 4's item) for the fifth dungeon.

    Seasons is more focused on action and Ages is more focused on puzzles.

    Also my favorite part is probably the Tokey Island Trading Sequence in Ages and the Tarm Ruins section in Seasons.

  3. Tiger Udyr is awesmazing.

    On another note, does lol replay work properly for you guys? Mine didn't let me check my replays either bugsplat reports or something about it not being playable so i just uninstalled...

    mine doesn't let me upload mine to the server for some reason but I think it works fine other than that

    i uninstalled it though since there's really no point otherwise

  4. First, thanks Shinori~! That kind of explanation helps, and solidifies the fact that I won't be playing Elise unless I'm forced to.

    Psych, that thing takes 10 minutes to stack. Unless the enemy team is dead-set on screwing around for ten minutes straight, the game will probably end before it's worth it.

    you obvious have much more skilled opponents then I usually do

  5. that or you build it as a 6th item at like 40 minutes because the game is taking forever and will likely continue for a while

    but yeah if you really have mana issues on Elise, Seraph, or after the next patch just go Frozen Heart

    Gauntlet might be doable if you're getting kited by rylai's could work and it synergizes with liandry's

  6. An ideal Elise build is usually Sorc Boots, Liandry's, Void Staff (Abyssal Sceptor if they aren't stacking as much MR or they have a fed AP and you need it), and the three defensive items.

    I usually like Randuins as you can hop onto them with Rappel and then slow with the active and also Spirit of the Elder Golem even if I'm not jungling her because of the Tenacity. Zhonya's might also be viable but Frozen Heart is also really good.

    She can be mana hungry if you spam human form things so Rod of Ages, Frozen Heart or potentially Tear can all work. I only recommend Tear on a more magey-mid Elise because her form change and the added spider spells can let her fill it fast, but they're making form changes not work for tears soon so it's not as good.

    Typical combo is Human E - Human W - Human Q - Spider W - Spider Q - Spider E to gap close if they run away. Smart casting her Q can help pull this off quicker.

  7. I was really hoping for Pulsefire Teemo Lee Sin ultimate skin and for Spiritguard Udyr to be a legendary skin (since the Rioters kept dropping hints about it Spiritguard Udyr)

    I didn't actually look to hard, but I went back and found some issues too.

    • Thresh going full AD is legit, but he should've built tanky or at least some defensive stats.

    I don't understand why Thresh would want to build like an ADC. Yes building AD on him is fine, but the one time I've played AD Thresh I just stacked bloodthirsters. He wants pure AD to burst things down with his E passive, otherwise he's just a bad adc.

  8. So this has been my latest "troll build" in a nutshell.

    [spoiler=Lol AP Nasus]VcNf516.png

    needs a rylai's and something instead of the fist

    stack even more ap do eet

    also if you are going to run lifesteal quints then I highly suggest going 19/0/11 for the 3% extra

  9. AAAAAHHHH!!!! If Poppy has Diplomatic Immunity up, and she didn't target you, then FFS stop trying to wail on her! I swear this caused me to die more than a few times (since I ignored her, went after just about everyone else, and died because the rest of my team was wasting their time chasing her).

    EDIT: Speaking of stuff that should be learned. . .


    0-5 early does not mean defeat.




    that shear combo my god

  10. I find Pickpocket and with extension Hybrid Pen not that useful on some supports, but if you really want to use them then I would take them with Zyra, Nami, Thresh, Soraka, and maybe Nasus/Gangplank/Annie.

    Zyra has great animations, Soraka has few other options for harrassing, Nami and Thresh have skills that encourage them autoing, Gangplank has his passive with Parrrley and Annie has great range. Nasus might prefer pure M Pen though.

  11. 92eo.png

    The queen has issued a royal proclamation, scouring the land far and wide for heroic knights who can take up her quest. Deep beneath the earth lie luxurious riches safeguarded behind difficult puzzles. No one has ever returned from these dangerous dungeons but with teamwork and a little luck, a well-equipped party may be able to solve these riddles. Will you have what it takes to join this merry band of heroes? Cast magical spells, purchase new enchantments, tame mythical beasts to help your party, fight as a team to take down monsters, and complete perilous quests to achieve your fortune.

    In order to fight for the queen, you must have submitted an application to her commander of the guard. His expectations are high and not everyone can simply call themselves a valiant knight.



    Favorite Color:



    Adventuring Experience:

    Elemental Predisposition:


    As you go over these questions, most of them seem very normal. That elemental thing looks weird, but you remember what your school taught you. There was.....Electric, Wind, Ghost, Grass, Ice, Water, Earth, and um...Fire! Right!

    Your bonds are your friends and allies, but may also include rivals or enemies.

    Your training has taught you all the techniques needed to survive in the wilds, and as such you trained your skills into great powers. You weren't able to spend all the time equally though. How did you spend your time again?








    Assign the following scores. 6 (-1), 8 (-1), 9 (+0), 11 (+0), 13 (+1), 15 (+1), 17 (+2)

    Due to the dangers in this realm, combat isn't so safe. On appropriate actions, you roll 2d6 and add your skill modifier to the result. On rolls of 6 or lower, your action fails. On rolls of 7-9, your action succeeds but something goes wrong. On rolls of 10 or higher, your actions succeeds as expected.

    You might Hack and Slash in melee, Volley from a distance; Scale a dangerous terrain; Defy Danger despite a threat; Defend a person, location, or thing; Spout Lore about the environment or a fact; Discern Realities about situation or person; Parley with someone when you have leverage with them or even Aid or Interfere with someone or something. There are many different ways to achieve goals, and thinking on your feet is always the most important.

    Hack and Slash - Strength

    ✴On a 10+, you deal your damage to the enemy and avoid their attack. At your option, you may choose to do an extra +1d6 damage but expose yourself to the enemy’s attack

    ✴On a 7–9, you deal your damage to the enemy and the enemy makes an attack against you.

    Volley - Dexterity

    ✴On a 10+, you have a clear shot—deal your damage.

    ✴On a 7–9, choose one (whichever you choose you deal your damage):

    • You have to move to get the shot placing you in danger as described by the GM
    • You have to take what you can get: -1d6 damage
    • You have to take several shots, reducing your ammo by one
    • If you’re throwing something that doesn’t have ammo (maybe you’ve got a move that makes your shield throwable) you can’t choose to mark off ammo. Choose from the other two options instead.

    Scale - Agility

    ✴On a 10+, you clear the obstacle with no trouble.

    ✴On a 7-9, choose one:

    • You take a long time with the obstacle
    • You slip, taking 1d6 damage
    • You lose something during the scaling

    Defy Danger -

    by powering through using Strength

    by acting quickly using Dexterity

    by enduring using Constitution

    by dodging out of the way using Agility

    through quick thinking using Intelligence

    through mental fortitude and Wisdom

    using charm and social grace as well as Charisma

    ✴On a 10+, you do what you set out to, the threat doesn’t come to bear.

    ✴On a 7–9, you stumble, hesitate, or flinch: the GM will offer you a worse outcome, hard bargain, or ugly choice.

    Defend - Constitution

    ✴On a 10+, hold 3.

    ✴On a 7–9, hold 1. As long as you stand in defense, when you or the thing you defend is attacked you may spend hold, 1 for 1, to choose an option:

    • Redirect an attack from the thing you defend to yourself
    • Halve the attack’s effect or damage
    • Open up the attacker to an ally giving that ally +1 forward against the attacker
    • Deal damage to the attacker equal to your level

    If the attack doesn’t deal damage then halving it means the attacker gets some of what they want but not all of it. When you’re no longer nearby or you stop devoting your attention to incoming attacks then you lose any hold you might have had. You can only spend hold when someone makes an attack on you or the thing you’re defending. The choices you can make depend on the attacker and the type of attack. In particular, you can’t deal damage to an attacker who you can’t reach with your weapon. An attack is any action you can interfere with that has harmful effects. Defending yourself is certainly an option. It amounts to giving up on making attacks and just trying to keep yourself safe.

    Spout Lore - Intelligence

    ✴On a 10+, the GM will tell you something interesting and useful about the subject relevant to your situation.

    ✴On a 7–9, the GM will only tell you something interesting—it’s on you to make it useful. The GM might ask you “How do you know this?” Tell them the truth, now.

    On a 10+ the GM will show you how those facts can be immediately useful, on a 7–9 they’re just facts.

    Just in case it isn’t clear: the answers are always true, even if the GM had to make them up on the spot.

    Discern Realities - Wisdom

    ✴On a 10+, ask the GM 3 questions from the list below.

    ✴On a 7–9, ask 1.

    • What happened here recently?
    • What is about to happen?
    • What should I be on the lookout for?
    • What here is useful or valuable to me?
    • Who’s really in control here?
    • What here is not what it appears to be?

    Discerning realities isn’t just about noticing a detail, it’s about figuring out the bigger picture. Just like spout lore, the answers you get are always honest ones. You’ll want to discern realities to find the truth behind illusions—magical or otherwise. Of course, some questions might have a negative answer, that’s fine.

    Parley - Charisma

    ✴On a 10+, they do what you ask if you first promise what they ask of you.

    ✴On a 7–9, they will do what you ask, but need some concrete assurance of your promise, right now.

    Merely asking someone politely isn’t parleying. To parley, you have to have leverage. Leverage is anything that could lure the target of your parley to do something for you. Maybe it’s something they want or something they don’t want you to do. On a 7+ they ask you for something related to whatever leverage you have. Whatever they ask for, on a 10+, you just have to promise it clearly and unambiguously. On a 7–9, that’s not enough: you also have to give them some assurance, right now, before they do what you want. Whether you’ll follow up or not, well, that’s up to you.

    Aid or Interfere - Bond Level

    ✴On a 10+, they take +1 or -2 to their roll, your choice.

    ✴On a 7–9, they still get a modifier, but you also expose yourself to danger, retribution, or cost.

    No matter how many people aid or interfere with a given roll, the target only gets the +1 or -2 once

    Magical Spells roll to hit using 2d6 (+Intelligence). When using a spell, you choose two spell modifiers: Far; Near; Debilitating; Forceful; Area. Far spells are able to hit at a greater distance, keeping you safe. Near spells can hit more acccurately. Debilitating spells add an additional effect that you describe but are weaker in power. Forceful spells can push enemies back or move them around. Area spells can hit multiple targets.

    If the spell hits on the first roll, roll a second 1d8 for damage.

    On a 7-9 for the hit roll choose one effect:

    The spell draws unwanted attention or puts someone on the spot.

    The GM removes a tag from the spell and it deals -1 damage.

    The spell drains your energy giving you a -1 to Intelligence rolls for a short time.

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