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Posts posted by Psych

  1. I have been going at zyra support. I still don't have the E-W timing very well yet but its getting there. I should be trying it tomorrow on normals. So far on bots it seems fun to use. However should i build her like normal supports? i.e Shurelay's, Locket, Aegis, etc. Or should i get her Ap instead of support centered items. Sighstone is still a must though I assume.

    Max E, W, Q

    I typically get Sightstone/Philo and then boots 1 and then a Morello. She's much easier to build into AP than some others and she's great at it. The Morelleo's and her W gives 40% allowing you to take Sorc shoes if you're doing really great and bump up your damage, or Mobility if you just need the utility. She's also not that mana hungry so you can forgo a Chalice.

    I also like Twin Shadows on her as well, to help give some more oomph and the move speed, and then your last slot should probably be Aegis/Locket but it doesn't necessarily need to be, depending on team comps. Turn the Philo into whatever you want, but I prefer Elisa's cause Ohmwrecker is never really worth it and you typically get it too late to be worth anything, and the Shureylia's will set you over the CDR cap, but if you don't care about that then get it. Mikael's can work too if you're against a lot of CC.

    Rylai's/Liandry's can work too as her plants proc them and the Rylai's is great as you can E-WW-Q and the plants will make sure you hit the Q. Just focus on aiming your mouse where the E is so you can get two seeds in with the E while they are rooted.

    tl;dr build her ap with utility as going full support wastes her potential, she's basically a more supporty lux/rides the boundry of lux-karma with the best of both worlds

    also harass in lane with Q-W but E-WW works if you can nail someone and get both seeds off

  2. 1. Not sure if she would've built it, but I think it would've helped.

    2. Notice the single Heal in the form of Soraka? If I don't have faith in my team, I take it. I also wound up using it, too. I blame my support leanings.

    3. Quinn was doing no damage (those are AS items).

    4. You'd think Soraka/Yi would've picked one up, given that Malphite/Nocturne is a dive combo waiting to happen.

    5. Try "no Warden's Mail on the other side". That would've ended the game in a hurry!

    EDIT: Me joining that tourney depends on what happens tomorrow. I might not be well enough to do so!

    Flash-Ult-Zhonya's is basically Morgana's full combo

    eh it's aram so heals are reduced

    true, but kitae's plus bork is %max + %current health so it's not exactly awful at all

    locket's are for dive teams, their for aoe which mord/twitch/talon is, so there's that, but the only AP on the enemy team was mord, you'd actually be countered by them more then they would have

    you have two auto attackers, so it's not that great and even then a thorn mail would be better in that case

    I take Flash Clense on my carries, except Flash Barrier on Cait. I really like clense, but I usually will build merc schimtar if I have a reason too or even not some times so that does kind of waste it. I prefer it over Banshees as an MR option for carries though, except on maybe Ashe or MF who are pretty mana hungry and like the extra mana.

    I always take Exhaust Barrier on ARAM unless I have someone who needs to flash like Morgana or Galio.

    Also typically gives up Exhaust for Ignite, which is fine if your top takes it, which I would do if I'm someone like Jayce or Vlad maybe, but otherwise I prefer TP on them.

    I just don't really like Heal on supports, because it falls off later on, but Exhaust is always useful. I like Clairvoyance too, but Exhaust is just too good. Maybe if I do support Ashe I'd take CV/Exhaust because if someone is in her face you're basically already dead, and two CV type skills is amazing for coverage.

  3. It seems I have a new champion to learn - Shaco. For whatever reason, I managed something like 6/8/a lot.

    EDIT: Quick, name me five things wrong with this picture!


    (Master Yi harassing Graves during the game has been taken)

    Morgana doesn't have Zhonya's

    You have heal instead of Barrier or Exhaust or anything else.

    I don't even really know what's up with Quinn but I'm not sure if it's good or bad.

    No Bulwarks/Lockets

    Mordekaiser no es numero uno huehuehue.

  4. I typically reclass Cherche into Troubadour -> Valk for Dual Support for Gerome and then into Battle Cleric. Her strength makes her axes not suck, but she does have low magic without several boosters, so she's a more fighting oriented version of Lissa. With a good back up husband like Vaike she's great though, but you will either eventually want Healing Heart or a stronger staff like Mend or Recover.

  5. Flat magic pen is NOT a replacement for % magic pen. Flat magic pen is stronger the less magic resist the target has. % magic pen is stronger the more magic resist the target has.

    (Calcs: say the target has 150 magic resist. Therefore, they have 60% magic damage reduction. So the damage dealt is 40% of what it was before damage mitigation. With Void Staff passive, the target's magic resist is reduced to 97.5%, so they have about 50% magic damage reduction, so you deal 50% of your pre-mitigation damage, a 25% increase. In comparison, Haunting Guise passive reduces their magic resist by 15, which is only giving you a ~6% increase in damage.

    If the target has only 25 magic resist (or 20% damage reduction), Void Staff passive would reduce their magic resist to 16.25, which is 14% damage reduction. This is only a 7.5% damage increase. Haunting Guise Passive reduces their magic resist to 10, which would be about a 14% damage increase.

    Note that flat magic pen scales with magic pen. The lower the target's resistance is, the more effect you get out of flat magic pen. flat magic pen cannot reduce the target's resistance below zero, however. Also, Abyssal Scepter is not magic pen. It's applied before Void Staff passive, for instance, rather than after, so you probably shouldn't build both. However, this also works the other way. The best counter to building flat magic pen items is to build magic resist.)

    This is kind of a long post but I find it really annoying how many people misunderstand how magic pen works. Also everything I said also applies to armour.

    Yeah I know, I was just thinking it'd be better to get a Rabadon than a Void Staff with that Cass build if you already have 30 Magic Pen. Unless you want full penetration. AKA how I usually build Elise/LeBlanc.

    Also you can usually go full damage as a support in aram as tanks usually prefer to get a Bulwark. As long as you have one on your team it really doesn't matter what else you get.

    Meanwhile on list of things I must buy ASAP:


  6. Most aggrivating things as a support: having a carry think poking means you are going all in/having a carry not go all in when you do/having a carry not farm

    Most aggrivating things as a carry: having a support not harrass/not ward/not actually know how to support/SUPPORT NIDALEE/LUX YEAH THAT'S JUST A DORAN'S RING I DON'T THINK YOU UNDERSTAND

    aka why does no one know how to support or carry and not be an idiot

  7. I like Cass, but I refunded her a few weeks ago in order two afford LeBlanc and Gangplank when they were both on sale so I thought it was worth it.

    Anyone heard about the buffs she's getting later? Turning Twin Fang into single target. AKA best thing ever but it does kind of limit your build. Ryliandries, Manamune, and then I'd say Void Staff but you don't really need it with Sorc Shoes and Liandries. RoA might work as it helps make you even tankier and you have the mana to help your manamune.

  8. My trouble with jungling is I can't balance farming with ganking and usually end up falling behind in exp and gold.

    The jungles I like are Shyvana, Elise, and Evelynn, but Evelynn is incredibly squishy and not that great at ganking unless the lane has a little C. Shyvana can fall behind if I mess up in a gank I find, but she has great clear so I usually am ahead in money, but I build her attack speed and damage so usually the team ends up a bit squishier and I can't really balance her building damage and tanky so I find I usually blow up on her. Elise I build full Magic Pen but I have a lot of expensive items and usually if I can't get good ganks off then I am not as useful in team fights.

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