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Posts posted by Psych

  1. Psych, weigh in on something other than just the obvious "Prims got Janitored". Are you opinions about Rein still the same, or did they changed based on Shinori's flip? What about your scumreads on me and Eclipse?

    Not really, because going back and reading it's more obvious, at least to me, that he was just buddying and trying to save him before jumping ship.

    You've also been clearing up in my eyes, but it wasn't that I found you scummy or something like that I think it was I just didn't like how you were acting re: Slayer

    Eclipse pinged me where she said

    (P.S. Dear cop, I hope you were intelligent enough to target someone that wasn't Slayer; also, I hope and pray for my win con's sake that no one else put the pieces together)

  2. Okay, so I'm trying to switch to a new top main in preparation of moving on up to Silver, since Fiora seems like a bag of dicks at this point. I'm in between Riven and Darius so far. Darius seems pretty cool and I like his playstyle and damage, but Riven seems like she has some nice usability and just general helpfulness to herself and the team. Both have that nice tanky bruiserness and seem like safe picks, which is good for me.

    It'll take some time to get my skills up to snuff with them for Ranked, but what do you guys think about them?

    I like Jayce and Yorick, the first one because you can abuse his range against people if you want and also have the knockback to disengage.

    The only thing I know about Fiora is you want to rush a Hydra and a Bork and then your ults are crazy.

    well i took this advice to heart and bought heimerdinger...




    also apparently my pink taric purchase is now invalid. wtf?

    join the heimer cult

  3. If Shinori's faking, what is he going to do now? He can bus a scumbuddy, which is good for us, "clear" a scumbuddy which would get him caught if they flipped, "clear" a townie which doesn't cause any trouble, or fake a guilty on a townie in which case he's next. We may as well keep him around for a while. Let him give us some info, keep an eye on him, lynch him later and then we have more info.

    i don't like any of this either because all of these are relatively stupid ideas

  4. Phase ends in around 4.5 hours, according to the thread's title.

    I'm okay with lynching Marth or Shinori, but don't really want to lynch Rein or Grassbridger today.

    Psych, I see you reading the thread, did your opinions of Rein change after Scorri confirmed that the mafia is called the Fire Nation? IIRC that was sort of why you were voting Rein.

    No it really hasn't, unfortunately.

    I've been trying to collect my thoughts the past two days but I've been keeping up with the thread and literally can not form any opinions I haven't already stated. Like I read a page and just it like goes right through me so unfortanely I have little to comment on. :/

  5. I have like 10 minutues this morning so excuse the spelling and grammer plus i'm a bit hopped up on coffee.


    prims less than 3 not 5 gotta be 4 and i <3u but not buying it bub numbers is easy scum claim and even though I just believe this is one of your usually fake a town claim early and see what it gets ploy it's not that hard to assume the number of mafia based on game sizee

    eclipse is being her usually cagey self as well as not helping me (helping town though) there was something else but I forget

    mancer is role fishing again w/ whole bender/nonbender thing make it a bit more obvious dude, please i knew nonbenders were a thing from night 0 cause i am one so I believe none of this

    REIN IS MAJOR PINGING BABY yeah i fully believe he's scummy because that Fire Nation mafia thing whatever ugh i don't know how to phrase this but I have a feeling he's a different enemy faction that is against us and the fire nation and knew that and plus mancer was the miller claim as zuko, fire who was on team avatar so it's not exactly easy to assume what is the enemy team even just from elements

    i'm like 80% sure azula and ozai are scum roles though but idk as what

  6. Go ahead and love her, but

    Yeah, I did that one game. It's a terror in lane, at least early levels. Still not convinced that it's any good.

    Go ahead and love her, but

    Yeah, I did that one game. It's a terror in lane, at least early levels. Still not convinced that it's any good.

    as long as I can make us not lose lane it typicially does good

    constant cc and more than probably every support than leona or just as much and her defensive steriod is only ten less at rank 5 plus tibbers can tank turrets for when me and the adc are pushing

  7. Except it didn't have any in the first place. IMO your Shinori vote is a votepark and your opinions are mostly inconclusive one-liners, which combined with the awkward BBM case doesn't look like legit scumhunting.
    ##Vote: Elieson
    I buy "FtP is busy and has a (bad) different voting mindset" but don't really think that makes him town, just neutral.
    From a townie's PoV, Slayer could easily be mafia who didn't think claiming he skimmed his role PM would save him, so people treating him as confirmed third is weird. He's not living past Day 2, in any case.
    Would like votals. Would also like to know who Psych thinks is scum.

    just mancer, bbm, and eclipse atm

    kiryn and shinori are starting to get their due to their promises to post and not coming through but that's mostly just lurking type stuff

    I'm also liking kay's arguements so kay and prims are my current town reads, but elie is leaning there too

  8. Also, I saw Grassbridger reading the thread a little while back, but he's not reading it anymore? Would be cool if he gave opinions.

    Psych's posts seem to be very sparse and just sort of throw stuff around without a real reason behind them. The most memorable thing I can remember him doing is him outing he got redirected, and I didn't even really like the manner in which he did it.

    well excuse me for not throwing out info willy-nilly like the rest of the players in this game

  9. I'd prefer not lynching Slayer D1 on the grounds that his flip will be less useful. However, this isn't gonna really go anywhere, so I'm gonna drop it.

    This strikes me as interesting and definately gives me a Scumclipse vibe since I feel like that's something she'd say to want to use for later.

    The post immediately after Slayer claimed third party is BBM wanting to lynch him for it, so I'm wary of that too. Prims is leaning pretty town to me for now since I'm liking his content.

    Another thing that's poking at the back of my mind is this might be some kind of sick multifaction game, since I fee like the elements might be important later rather than sooner.

  10. I've been trying Support Annie and I love her omfg. One of the best pickpocket users thanks to her range which is better than everyone except Cait or someone using range steriods, and her mana costs are low enough that even spamming E to prep stuns I only need Shard of True Ice and Philo for mana. OH RIGHT YOU CAN SoTI TIBBERS

    then getting an bulwark or something and 60 mr/armor makes her a beast of a tank especially since i've been maxing q/e leaving W till level 12 admittedly i only get aoe stuns with tibbers but i find the defense buffs and the q poke upping worth it

    i'm running Magic Pen/Armor/MR/EXP runes on her and then taking 9/0/21 masteries with EXP and Pickpocket. The EXP helps get tibbers faster and I just really like it since I feel like AP runes aren't so great for some reason. They're probably worth it considering her ratios but iunno

    I did amazingly against a Janna/Graves team, but lately i've been having to duo bruisers and not exactly great against them since they've had range moves (GP/Quinn/Mundo) or gap closers (Jax/the move speed boost and throw from Volibear).

    My build's been Sorc Shoes, Philo probably into Shuryelia's, Sightstone, Morello, Shard of True Ice, and then situational and omg i love her more than all the support leblancs, anivias, gangplanks, and ashes put together.

  11. Or a hijacker. Or a martyr. Or a nexus.

    All this tells me is that idling might not be the best route for me to take.

    we can't have a nexus, because then I wouldn't have targeted anyone

    at least I think that's how it works

    I wouldn't have been able to target my original person and then if they were a nexus my action would have just failed

  12. yeah but if i do then i give stuff away though it'll actually probably just help the townnnnn ahhhhh fine

    so i was redirected last night because I asked scorri if I got results due to my role when at first when the phase started I hadn't gotten anything and then she said okay and then my target was different that who it was so we have a driver this game and I will say they redirected me to blitz cause I don't really care about that part but i'll refrain from saying my original target

  13. yeah but then you'd want your jungle to build full tank or maybe a bruiser like jayce mid or something

    I'd imagine something like Cassiopeia/Caitlyn/Teemo Support would be good but then I can't think of top/jungle that would work well with him support. His rations aren't too bad so Morello's or anything from Kage's isn't bad on him.

  14. Teemo in general requires specific teemo team comps to work with. If you send him top, he has to build more tanky and then you get weaker shrooms. Mid makes him a one trick pony and you lose large AP burst potential. Bot and you kind of gimp yourself compared to the enemy adc. I've never tried him support but I feel like him and Cait making the place trap city might work against someone like Sona or Nami with the poison to counter the sustaiin might be nice. I mean, he has a support tag and I don't believe I've ever seen him played as one.

  15. Element really isn't an indication of even alignment, because I could easily see both Zuko and Iroh as Team Avatar aligned despite being of the Fire element.

    That being said, I'm speculating that at least one role, probably more, has something to do with people's elements. This could be both helpful and harmful to the town, so I'm not entirely sure that everyone element-claiming right off the bat is the way to go.

    Trying to remember my ALA history, the only things I can think the elements might help on would be if this was a Korra game if an Amon type role could take powers, or maybe a Koh the face-stealer.

    I can obviously see a type of role stealing role, but not too sure. Elements may just affect results from night actions or something like that.

    ##Vote Prims because he's very primsy today

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