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Posts posted by Psych

  1. What's that? Someone talking about support? HMMMMMM

    There are 34 people I consider viable for support, but I don't like Support TF/Elise/Zac because those last two are stupid. also ihave 18 support rune pages planned so i have a problem, but generic Magic Pen/Armor reds, Armor yellows, MR blue, and Gold quints work. I actually have very few gold quint pages because I like being agressive and getting assists.

    the three most important ones I'd say to get are thresh/lulu/taric, but zyra and leona are good too, maybe sona


    Pretty OP at the moment, wants to build tanky with a items like Reverie or Twin Shadows because he's the king of CC and getting people where he wants them.

    Q>W>=E I like the lantern up for the shield, but the E's slow is nice too. Depends on what you are doing but once they move his poking passive to E it'll probably be E>W>Q.

    Take Q level 1, W level 2, Q level 3, E level 4 for now. Take E at 3 once he gets changed/2 if you don't need the shield for your carry as much.

    I recommend AD reds, Gold yellows due to his scaling soul passive, MR blues, flat HP quints.


    Also great. The queen of poking. She wants to build some AP, but also maybe a Kage's or an Aegis. Mainly stuff to keep people off of her carry.

    Q>W>=E This is for poking more, but she can also be a defensive laner if you max E and then W. The Q just lets you zone forever, but you might want some pots for the mana costs.

    Take Q level 1 for early lane control, W for defensive. W 2, Q3, E4

    Magic Pen reds, Gold yellows/Armor if you are less confident, AP Quints (I use mana regen blues, but MR are good too. MR on all supports really)


    She's a kill lane and awesome at it. She builds a Sightstone and full tank, and I like an early Randuin's to keep on people.

    W>E>Q Max E second if you are missing it a lot like me, Q if you trust your skillshot abilities more.

    Q level 1, E level 2, all points in W after

    Armor reds and yellows, MR blue, HP quints


    The less tanky version of Leona, he's an aura bot and more supporty and utility. Pretty FOTM though and probably common, like the other three. Stuff like Frozen Heart, Aegis, anything with armor is good on him.

    W>Q>E This is my preference, but it depends on if you have to be defense and want heal first or if you want to be more aggressive and E second. I like this for balance.

    E level 1, W level 2, W level 3, Q level 4

    Armor reds and yellows, MR blue, Gold quints


    Great at poking, but also at disengaging. If ahead, wants to build more AP. Morello's is good as with her W she reaches 40% without even needing the mastery points.

    E>W>Q E is better for damage and the root increasing, Q is just to hit them once they are. A second W early is good for the CD and more seeds.

    E level 1, W level 2, W level 3, Q level 4

    Magic Pen reds, Armor yellows, MR blue, Gold Quints


    The fist. That's really all he's got and then you knock people up. You want cooldown and some flat mana for it. AKA Frozen Heart, but after that building Aegis and anything else isn't bad. He can kind of forgo boots for awhile thanks to W.

    Q>E>W You want your CC up more often. Learn to hit those fists.

    Q level 1, E level 2, Q level 3, W level 4.

    Armor reds and yellows, MR blue, I like Move Speed quints


    Squishy and good at poking. Wants all the auras she can get. If you are doing well, a Lich Bane or something isn't bad since them Q's.

    Her skills depend on poking or sustain, but E is usually always last.

    Q level 1, W level 2, Q level 3, E level 4.

    A more offensive rune set would be using Zyra's, more defensive would be armor reds and maybe HP quints because she's so squishy but it's up to you.


    She depends entirely on hitting Q's as otherwise you are that great with just you heal. Wants a Mikeal's and works well with Varus. W>E>Q Because I like having more slow on my E, but if you're missing Q take that second for CD

    Q level 1, W level 2, W level 3, E level 4

    Zyra's page


    He's great at protecting the carry, or if you want to go offensive just aim your headbutts into walls. Wants a Chalice to spam heal. He's free so just grab him and practice.

    Depends on what you want, but I like W>E>Q

    W level 1 for defensive Q for offensive, then the other, then E, then I like a second E point at 4

    Taric's page


    She's all about sustain, but I'd suggest having your ADC go 19/0/11 and Doran's start and then they'll never force you out. Aegis works well with her passive.

    I like E before W because if I use heal too often I run out of mana. Q is last no matter what though.

    E level 1, W level 2, W level 2, Q level 4

    Zyra's page


    She's great at disengage but if she can build AP, do it. Great ratios. Want's a Morello definately.

    E>W>Q That shield is a free BF Sword okay? Use it on the ADC late game mainly for the damage. Capping W soon let's her put boots off for a while.

    Q level 1, E level 2, W level 3, W level 4

    Magic Pen reds, Gold yellows, MR blues, Move Speed quints if you want to #yolo and never build boots ever


    HAHAH I like him and he's got good CC. If he gets money, wants a Zhonya's. Abyssal synergizes with his passive.

    I like E>Q>W but Q>E>W works too. Depends on if you want to poke more or not. Take a minion to heal now and then, or use it on the cannon one to get it low for your carry.

    E level 1, Q level 2, E level 3, W level 4

    Magic Pen reds, Gold yellows, MR blue, AP quints


    I like her mid more but still viable. Great against Blitz to stop his grab, but I wouldn't use her with Sivir. Not much to say on her since I don't use her like at all, but a WoTA would be good if you want to be selfish and help your passive.


    Q level 1, E level 2, Q level 3, W level 4

    Fiddle's page


    He's a better mid but I don't think he's a bad support. I like Shureylia's and maybe something like Liandry's or a Void Staff as you just want bombs. Maybe a Chalice for Rewind spam. Have a carry like Graves who can go in because you'll want to take advan

    Q>E>=W You want heavy bomb poke and depends on whether you want more speed boost or more bombs.

    Magic Pen reds, Armor yellows, MR blue, troll with EXP quints


    Eh I like her better in a damage role but not bad thanks to her ult and heal.

    W>Q>E I don't actually know how to level her as I haven't played her support but this seems good for poking with.

    Q level 1, W level 2, E level 3, W level 4

    Zilean's page because why not


    dat wither and zone with spirit flame. Better elsewhere though, pretty obviously

    W>E>Q If you get a chance to farm by yourself try and get Q but your main job is spam Wither. Take Exhaust if you want to shut down the bot lane when you engage or something with more utility like CV or Heal.

    W level 1, E level 2, E level 2, Q level 4 (I'd say leave Q for like level 9 or something since it's pretty bad)

    I like him with Zyra's page


    Apparently she can but I just feel like my poke falls off. Try and get a tear with her or a Chalice and an Aegis for her shield. Maybe Shuryelia's too. Maybe Lich Bane for autos if ahead.

    E>W>Q but wants a second Q point early so it's not useless in lane

    Q level 1, E level 2, W level 3, Q level 4

    Armor reds, Gold yellow, MR blue, Move Speed quints because she's so slow


    Leona with more CC but less reliability. Basically just Leona that has to actually aim his initiation.


    Q level 1, W level 2, E level 3, W level 4

    Armor red, Armor yellow, MR blue, Move Speed quints because my god


    You've heard me cry over her but still okay. Get Locket and Shuryelia's because laughing at mantra shields is fun. Needs 40% CD.


    Q level 1, E level 2, Q level 3, W level 4

    Magic Pen reds, Armor yellows, MR blue, AP quints, so an APC rune page works with her


    I like her better mid but still okay. Mejai's isn't a bad idea if you are getting a lot of assists/stealing kills. Wants Morello.


    Q level 1, E level 2, W level 3, W level 4

    Lulu's page


    Mainly wanted for his speed buff but I have a hard time knowing what to do outside that because I feel like his E is weak. Good with Trist, Cait, Vayne.


    E level 1, W level 2, W level 3, Q level 4

    Lulu's page


    I like him with Trist because hilarious model sizes and you literally can't attack her because of him. Good CC too and can tank and wants a Frozen Heart or something. Just take a caster every now and then to get ult stacks but try and save it for engages if you can.


    W level 1, Q level 2, E level 3, Q level 4 due to W's mana costs

    Armor reds, Gold yellows, MR blue, HP quints


    I like him but haven't figured out where/how to use him yet. Good against a carry with magic damage obviously. Wants to build relatively tanky but with stuff like Mercury Treads, Abysall Scepter, Athene's or Aegis. Maybe a Frozen Heart too or a Thornmail if you can.

    You can pretty much do his skills in anyway you want depending on poke or just supporting, but I like W first.

    Q level 1, W level 2, E level 3, W level 4

    Armor reds, Gold yellows, MR blues, and I like Move Speed quints, so pretty much Ori's page


    Good at zoning and sort of like a more team oriented Leona/Naut. Wanted against lots of AoE. Needs mana to spam saplings so a Frozen Heart isn't bad.


    E level 1, W level 2, Q level 3, Q level 4

    Magic Pen reds, Armor yellows, MR blues, Gold quints


    Slows everywhere and wall denials. Not that bad but absolutely has to grab a Chalice as like a first item. Egg helps her be slightly more agressive.

    W>E>Q, but spams her R when enemies are there for the slow

    Q level 1, W level 2, E level 3, W level 4

    Janna's page because I feel like she's really slow


    Good CC but this is all from paper as I haven't tried her yet. Wants to build HP things and tanky. I'd imagine she'd like Rylai's.

    I'm not quite sure about her current kit since she's getting reworked so I will refrain from commenting.

    Magic Pen reds, Armor yellows, MR blue, HP quints


    AHAH slightly trolly and something I haven't tried but want to. Works well with MF obviously, but also Urgot thanks to his armor reduction, also maybe Corki or Kog. Sort of like a psuedo Naut/Leona but could transition to bruiser if he gets fed. Wants to try and get a Cleaver to work with his Q's as my plan for him is tanky that just slays armor. Maybe a Last Whisper, but he can actually make use of an Avarice Blade into a Youmuu's.

    Really I can see any skills in any order because the armor reduction, shield and attack speed for carry are all good. His W+Q allows him to sort of initiate like Leona, thanks to getting 2 charges on his shield pretty much all the time.

    Q level 1, W level 2, E level 3, W level 4

    Armor Pen reds, Armor yellows, MR blues, Gold quints or maybe HP


    Okay hear me out I love ashe support. You can ward Blue buff from the bot lane around level 7-8 and have a global ult. Wants an Avarice Blade into Executioner's Calling for her Gp10 and wants to be selfish and get a Zeke's Herald. Sword of the Occult is good too. Sets up some mindgames when the other team sees two ADCs in bot.


    W level 1, Q level 2, E level 3, Q level 4

    AD reds, Armor yellows, MR blues, Crit Chance quints


    gosh I love him he's also basically like ashe but great poke, a heal to poke more and a buff for his carry plus a global ult. He's actually the only support I'd actively use the pickpocket mastery on as his Parrrley is ranged but grants melee hit gold so it's amazing. Can actually use all three Gp10. Build him AP if you want better ults but I like AD for better Parrrley.


    Q level 1, W level 2, E level 3, E level 4

    Ashe's page


    Her goal as a mid is bursting down people super fast but then she falls off. So let's just cut to the chase and fall off for her. Still, her burst combo is insane and people will kind of be confused by two mids, especially if you send someone like Lux or less unexpected like Soraka. She obviously wants as much AP as she can get her hands on, but I find a Grail helps too as you won't get many blues and you want to be spamming spells to do damage to someone.

    E>Q>W, but E>W>Q works too. You just want your E first for your CC, as the silence doesn't increase with rank.

    E level 1, W level 2, Q level 3, E level 4

    Karma/APC page


    She can support but I prefer awful javelins in mid. These still are, but slightly less. Cat form is basically useless though, except split pushing late game or W to get away. Get a Mejai's, a tear if you can, and other helpful items like Kage's. You basically have to be kind of selfish, but two AP's late game when one is Nid is great.

    Q>E>W for poke, but you only want like three points in Q and then max Heal because otherwise you steal too many kills.

    Q level 1, W level 2, Q level 3, E level 4

    Karma/ADC page


    Another theory one, but my plan is just lowering the enemy ADC's attack with Q and using his pillar like Anivia.


    Q level 1, E level 2, Q level 3, W level 4

    Jarvan page

    And those are my supports. I'm thinking about maybe trying Annie as one thanks to constant stuns, and potentially having more range than the enemy carry to abuse pickpocket with might be fun.

  2. Tried using Karma.

    Fuck her, man. Just, fuck her.

    But Karthus was quite fun. Love spamming that Q. No pentakill though.

    Zyra is pretty neat, too.

    Random select vs Intermediate AI is quite useful for learning champs inside-out.


    i still cry about new karma

    yeah I've had zyra for a while but haven't been using her lately

    bought her skin before it increased in price and played several games with her in the last few days and loved her again

    that reminds me I should play more thresh

  3. I disagree with the idea that counterpicks are only done in the context of AD-Support bottom lane because the depth required at lower levels of play isn't such that comes down to counterpicks but also that other lanes are just as prone to counterpicks being effective.

    Also Jayce ADC isn't a troll and I think outside of some fairly deliberate troll builds, everything else is experimentation that could yield a new way to play a character that could be for the better. Stick to the normal way of playing isn't always the best. If you played backed then, Tristana's other skills would activate the passive 'E' damage, but people stuck to AD Carry Tristana. However, we saw AP Carry Tristana come to power with very strong lane killing abilities that mispositioning could mean death (DFG -> W, proc 'E' for every single minion, E -> R would near insta kill anyone out of position).

    I meant more of Annie is the troll, since Annie but that second highest range in the game.

  4. I'd say Counterpicks really only happen largely in the Support/Carry roles. Yes some champions are better than others, such as Jayce against Singed or various Assassins against squishy mids but with Seekers you can fix that pretty easily.

    Support/Carry you not only have just one person you are picking against, you have to take into account the other carry, and your synergy with your carry.


    Those two images are good for base picks, but I am working towards the day I get all 20 of my rune pages, as I've planned 18 for Supports, 1 for ADC, and one for Jungle.

    That's how varied supports can be. Admittedly I have some pretty out there pages, such as Galio, Cho'Gath, Nautilus, Orianna, Jarvan/Trundle, Maokai, Sejuani and a few others, but I can see them all working. I am thinking of getting Lissandra, as somehow she matches my Maokai page but I don't really like her kit.

    ANYWAY yeah you can also probably do Jayce ADC or troll and do Annie ADC but there's so many combinations that Bot lane is where counters largely come in as just outranging someone as an ADC can be a huge advantage.

  5. I played my very first ranked game today. I was Lulu with Ez against Varus/Janna. My god, first ten minutes I was zoning like a champ. I had given up 2-3 kills though but they were to the Cho jungler and we were still a level ahead of them. Then Ez disconnected and we couldn't keep up and just lost.

    I feel like this is a premonition.

  6. I find it's easy to grind her if you've paired her with Chrom, as then as soon as Chapter 11 is over she has an S rank support partner who usually has about an 80 percent chance to double attack for me. Since her combat is bad and I usually have a pretty good Chrom, he basically kills stuff for her from behind.

  7. You got your pokemon in my mafia

    you got your mafia in my pokemon

    two great tastes that taste great together

    now everyone stop talking about pokemon and remember the fact that I was at school/sleeping god get off my back

  8. Seeker? I hardly knew her! THIS IS A NO REVEAL GAME.

    1. This is a No Reveal, No Outside Contact game. You can not communicate with other players outside this thread, unless stated otherwise in your role PM. Role PM's are also not shown upon a player's death. It's to the mod's discretion whether they be shown on modkill.

    2. No quoting or screenshotting role PM's.

    3. Vote in the normal tradition with ##Verb: Playe.

    4. Do not edit posts.

    5. The game starts on Day 1. Days will last 72 hours, and Nights 48 hours. If Night ends early, Day won't be extended.

    6. Investigation results will be accurate.

    7. There are no hidden players or items.

    8. Lynches occur using the majority vote. Whichever player has the most votes at the end of the day is lynched. There are no hammers.

    9. You can not target yourself during the night phase unless your PM says otherwise.

    10. If you are unsure of something you can do, ask in your PM or face the consequences.

    11. There is no night talking aloud. Once I call phase end, shut up.

    14 people lesgolesgolesgo

    1: MancerNecro

    2: BBM

    3: Rapier

    4: Manix

    5: Bluedoom

    6: NekoRex

    7: Seriously Bananas









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