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Posts posted by Psych

  1. If I was in Bronze, and trying to get my ass out of there, that's who I'd pick (along with Thresh, and MAYBE Elise. . .'cept I really suck with Elise).

    First, I'd have to be healthy enough to sit through a Normal game. . .which I'm not. So FML.

    Thresh, Blitz, Lulu, or Zyra/Nami/(annie)

    Bronze ADC's don't understand the concept of poking and zoning with Sona, and she's too squishy to allow you mistakes. You want people who can feed the hell out of your adc and secure kills. Lulu can also peel particularly well since ADC's at that level have poor positioning.

    However, Blitz and Thresh are typically banned out.

  2. zprx.png

    You feel like it takes you a week to get to the beach, but you make it. You see several wild animals about, but the Sea Urchins could likely have something inside them and seem least likely to fight back. None of the monsters really seem like they would harm you, so as long as you try and stay out of their way and avoid danger, you should get through without fighting them. You could follow the shoreline either way, but you smell the scent of citrus as well as fish coming from the East, and you feel a strange heat coming from the West. The dungeon the princess spoke about doesn't seem to be here though.


    Everyone manages back to their feet. The big moblin dropped a stick, which.....is a great reward? You guess? Eh, maybe it will come in handy. You stick it in the bag. Mel harms one of the minions, but they seem a bit scared after their boss was defeated thanks to Mel's great marksmanship, and none of them harm you this turn.

  3. Dawn of the New World is awful and if you have anything resembling enjoyment of Symphonia you will act like it never exists.

    Vesperia is great, just it's hard getting use to it after Symphonia as you aren't used to the new Xbox control system compared to it as well as the Battle Skills thing from Weapons, such as you can't use items on each other without a certain skill. It's story can lag a bit in places and then it feels like it jumps ahead, but it's not bad and you can't really miss that much stuff either. I recommend it a lot more and you get a party of 3 within about an hour and a half of starting the game depending on how quickly you go.

  4. How does morgana fare in the support role? Is she much better suited for mid, or is she a little more like Zyra who can go for both?

    Yes she can, but you have to learn how to play her. I like to max Q first then shield, and then go Sighstone, Kage's, Zhonya. You want a tankier jungle/top if you have her as she doesn't really want to just buy aura items.

    I suggest smartcasting shield. You also want to try and land Q's, which can really hurt, and then just go all in. She's a bit weird like that, but she counters Taric and Blitz the best, but also Leona and Fiddle. I wouldn't pick her into Thresh or Sona though.

    If you have someone like Kog or Trist who puts out a lot of magic damage then W can help to lower resistances too.

    Eve can also splitpush pretty well, and you can troll and just build sunfire and stand in waves killing minions and not being seen. Or you can just skirt on the edges of fights and go behind, and assassinate targets or clean up.

  5. I believe my first game ever was Miss Fortune, but the next day she wasn't free anymore.

    So maining things for me I believe went Morgana, Soraka, Ahri, Pre-rework Karma, a period of sort of not maining anything, Zyra, and now I think I'm on Support Annie.

    Though I will say MF is primarily my most played carried, followed by Quinn, but I enjoy Cait, Ashe, and Sivir a lot. Honestly I'd use Sivir so much, but I can't wait for her VU, she's awful.

  6. Elise is just build Sorcerer's Shoes and Haunting Guise (Later Liandry's) and then tank after that, or Void if you really need it, but Abyssal doesn't hurt.

    Also Janna's ult is typically only used for the knockback to save your carry, and the heal is extra unless you're like AP Janna or you just did baron and need to heal your team.

  7. 3ke3.png

    Andrea heads outside with her new-found magic prowess. Boris does too, after seeing the place where a ring is.



    The boss moblin is defeated! Evan's attempt at dodging out of the way has knocked down the other soldiers however, and none of them can attack this turn! In addition, he takes 3 damage from the tumble.

    The other three minions attack the group too, aiming for the soldiers.

    Minion 1: 8 HP

    Minion 2: 11 HP

    Minion 3: 12 HP

    Soldier 1: 13 HP

    Soldier 2: 12 HP

    Soldier 3: 11 HP

    Mel: 10 HP

    Evan: 13 HP

  8. w0dg.png

    Andrea takes time to talk to some of the villagers before heading to the Magic Shop. The old woman in front of the shops tells her about a beautiful young lady in the Western Plains who owns a lot of jewelry and even a fancy Ring Box which lets you hold and use more Rings at once. The young boy talks about a supposed Elvin Town hidden far to the east. It's supposed to lie beyond the Fairy's Woods. The girl in the northeast says that that is the Mayor's House, and that he's a very smart man. He might have some information if you ask nicely.

    In the Magic Shop, the girl running it says that this is her store, and that she used to work for her granny who lived in Elvin Town.

    Magic Book: Comes with Snowdrift, Tornado, Raindrop, Examine, and Heal, as well as 5 more pages for spells. 40 Rupees

    Explosion: Requires a Magic Book. 15 Rupees

    Flame: Requires a Magic Book. 10 Rupees

    Magic Arrow: Requires a Magic Book. 10 Rupees

    Warp Powder (10 uses): Allows quick travel on Warp Tiles. 10 Rupees


    Boris talks to the girl in front of the Jewelers, but she doesn't seem to notice him. She does mention something about the old closed house in the north of town belonging to an old sailor who was lost at sea long ago. The chicken just boks about wanting to go back into his pen. The dog says he lost his favorite bone, and if they can find him a new one he'll give Boris his Toy Ball.

    Quest Recieved: A Boy and his Dog - Get the Large Bone

    The Jeweler's inside is quite small. It appears that the Blue Snake is able to give you a vision of a nearby ring you do not own for 5 rupees, while the Red Snake is able to let you mix and match certain rings and have a chance at creating your own for 10 rupees.

    There are also several for sale.

    Elemental Ring: +1 damage when using an effective element or spell against an enemy. 20 Rupees

    Aquatic Ring: Allows item/weapon use underwater. 10 Rupees

    Blade Ring: +1 damage while equipped with a sword. 15 Rupees

    Shield Ring: -1 damage taken when equipped with a shield. 15 Rupees.


    Blaster (Equipped to Mel)

    Sword (Equipped to Evan)

    Magic Rod (Equipped to Andrea)

    Healing Ring (Worn by Boris)

    Winged Bear Flute

    also i forgot to mention this but the princess gave you 100 Rupees


    One of the minion's is able to hit Evan while he was attacking the Moblin. The other two fire their arrows, hoping to hit someone. Mel or Evan may be able to dodge them if they Defy Danger.

    The soldiers slash at some of the minions.

    The boss Moblin becomes angry at Mel's blast, and charges straight at her! It'll barrel down the other knights too!

    Moblin: 8 HP

    Minion 1: 8 HP

    Minion 2: 11 HP

    Minion 3: 12 HP

    Soldier x 3: 15 HP

    Mel: 10 HP

    Evan: 16 HP

  9. oh29.png

    "Good job! Here's the flute. And welcome to the town!"

    The two receive the item and notice all the shops and people in town.

    There are exits North, West, South, and East, as well as all of the open houses. The Inn, The Shop, The Jewler's and The Magic Shop are all open.

    You can also pick 3 people each to talk to at once. Just point them out such as "the boy with the dog, the lady near the pen, or the old man by the fountain".


    The soldier goes back to his captain, and the two continue east. They pass a Yellow Fruit tree, and notice three of the other soldiers. That makes 4 total. However, it appears they're fighting a group of monsters! A large moblin is commanding three others!

    Mini Boss Fight: Moblin and minions

    Moblin: 18 HP

    Minion x3: 16 HP

    Soldier x 3: 15 HP

    Mel: 10 HP

    Evan: 19 HP

  10. whnh.png

    The knight hands you a map. It's not very filled in, but you should be able to get around and find your locations with it. It will also allow you to see your allies' locations.


    Mel and Evan head East to find the soldiers. They come upon one, who mentions that his allies are farther east towards the river. There should also be a Fruit Tree around here somewhere.

    There are exits North, South, and East.


    Boris and Andrea continue into town, hoping to make some progres. A young girl stops them with an excited look on her face. "Why hello there! Welcome to the castle town! I see you are traveling with a Wing Bear there. I just love animals, so I know a lot about them. Wing Bears have difficulties traveling around water. There's some areas that you can reach that they can't, but if you have a Wing Bear Flute, it lets them join you no matter where you are. Say, I have an extra one here. I'll give it to you if you can answer a question. I just love riddles."

    Recieve Quest: Quiz Time! - Solve the Girl's Riddle

    "What's the special move a Wing Bear can perform after eating it's favorite food, Bananas?"

    There are exits North, West, South, and East.

  11. I don't know what an Orianna is. All I know is that it was a hell of a lot of fun, and once I get the hang of her, she's replacing Anivia as my go-to mid.

    get a tear and 40% cooldown, nashor's isn't bad, grail is good too

    max W first for burst but then you can do either she's also a good support

    combo is q in w instantly

    put ball on initiator ult watch the magic happen

  12. These kids were in the in-game chat, bitching about Aatrox and Tryndamere being "noobchamps for noobs," and the likes. So fun.


    I love baiting bratty kids. Maybe they'll get kicked off their computers for screaming and shouting like the spoiled fucks they are.

    strange, because I had a game with the exact same thing with the exact same champs

    aatrox and tryndamere that is

  13. nv5.png

    The group continues walking towards town when they come across another soldier. He explains that some of his men went out for a training exercise today but go lost and haven't returned yet. If you could round them up, he'll reward you.

    Receive quest: Soldier's Duty - Find the Men

    There are exits North, West, South, and East.

  14. i31.png

    Thank you for accepting our proclamation valiant heroes! I am afraid my aunt, the queen, has taken sick and returned to her chambers, but she has sent gifts your way before you leave. Let us see.

    For Andrea, a powerful Magic Rod. It will allow you to cast any magic spells you may have in a Spell Book, should you come upon one. Be careful with your powers, and make sure to think of what could best fit your situation.

    For Evan, a sharp Sword. Use it slash your way through beasts and wild plants. Taking time to train may teach you powerful techniques.

    For Mel, a Blaster. It is new magical technology able to fire blasts of energy from far away. It is more powerful than common a Bow and Arrows but after so many shots you will have to take some time letting it recharge. If you aren't careful, it can even backfire in your hands.

    For Boris, my aunt wasn't exactly sure what to give a large Wing Bear, so she has entrusted you with this Healing Ring. It will improve any healing effects you may receive by 20%. Only one ring may be equipped at a time, but you might be able to purchase more at a Jewler's.

    Finally, we are giving you a magical Sack of Goods. It has an unlimited inventory space, and will allow you four and any allies you come along to trade goods across long distances.

    Good luck dear heroes. My aunt is very excited for your return with fabulous treasures and gems. Our network of knights say the first unexplored dungeon is somewhere to the south, but they aren't sure where.

    You may head south to the beach, west to town, or east towards the river. You do not need to remain together if you wish to split up.

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