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Posts posted by Psych

  1. Leon noticed another one of the healers take a wound. Someone was defending him, but he still looked a bit ragged. "Hey, be careful. Someone can't take every hit for you." He healed Aeson's wounds and tried to slink back to the side of the battle.

    Leon heals Aeson +3 HP

    Aeson 12/15

    Leon uses Sneak

    Sneak used 2/2

    Leon earns 3 points (6 points total)

  2. Leon had been depressed the last few days. Although there had been a death, he hadn't seen it. He had retired to his room early that night, and only heard accounts of what happened. That did it for him. His healing was hardly doing much, though the others had seemed fine with it. He just felt worthless. Sayina and the other trained healers were much better, and he had mainly been hiding that last fight anyway. There had to be something he could do.

    He was a bit more excited when the newcomers showed up and discussed magic. He had some promise for Fire magic in his youth, and during his time in the troupe, he learned some tricks with it, but never anything more than some fire-breathing and other useless things. He should have picked up a tome when he joined the mercenaries, but it didn't cross his mind at the time.

    He had packed up and left with the group out on their next mission quietly. Leon just sort of followed Caslan and Zeff, since the others seemed to have paired off when he wasn't paying attention. As the fighting began, he took a defensive position, near one of the dilapidated houses. It would probably be a good fortification, at least in terms of a choke-point.

    Leon noticed Caslan had taken some damage during the fight, and made sure to heal him, as he was closer than the others. He made sure to hang back near the collapsing house, to try and get a vantage point on the battle.

    Leon heals Caslan +7 HP

    Caslan 12/12 HP

    Leon uses Sneak

    Sneak uses 1/2

    Leon earns 3 points

  3. Eclipse, try not to forget that you play only ARAMs and that screws with certain characters.

    Perfect example is Top lane Cho'Gath (or even Jungle) vs. ARAM version. If you spend your time spamming his skills, no shit he's mana hungry. But in a lane where he can farm, his passive gives back HP/MP on minion kill and he's great for last hitting with his Vorpal Spikes. AKA he's not mana starved if you know how to zone with just his W (I think I got that right). Granted, I've only done this perfectly right once but it was against a Kennan so that does count.

    This also affects assassins tremendously. Evelynn is the worst possible champ in ARAM. She's melee, has no real poke, is squishy, and her passive is useless.

    And yet she's incredibly good in normal games due to the stealth and ability to sneak up on people.

    ARAM is great for learning teamfight skills, but eventually you need skills in other areas. I play enough ARAM and support enough where I have okay teamfighting skills and map awareness at other roles. I usually have the most wards on my lane at top or mid because I get paranoid about things like that.

    But due to that, I suck at last hitting and positioning, as well as aggression. My positioning doesn't have to be too great unless I'm against like a Blitzcrank, but I have a hard time playing Top because I can't judge when to go aggressive, so the other laner can duel me when they want to and I don't have an upper hand. It's also why I don't do as good as I'd like as ADC but I'm still ok. Honestly if I halved my deaths per game, and went on like a 50 game ADC binge I'd likely finally rise into Silver.

  4. Because he's a Mid Lane tank and that's just weird. He's also weak to AD assassins, and other AD mids like Jayce or maybe Panth. He has poor roam, he can't initiate without flash. There's a lot of problems. I really like him too, and would use him more, but I don't get mid often, and when I do I feel obligated to play more supporty mages and people I'm better at, like Annie, Morgana, and Ori.

    He's really strong right now, what with the new SV and Banshee's. However, it's kind of hard to go damage on him, just because you feel obligated to go tank. Athene's is core on him, and Abyssal is great too, and Mercs are great. He counters high burst champions like Veigar, Annie or LB, and he can actually push pretty hard, because you typically max QEW and that pushes really great, so he's like a perfect counter to LB.

    Then you throw in a Thornmail so you have some armor and people hurt themselves on your ult and by then you have two slots left so you could either get more MR or maybe Zhonya's or Rabadon but yeah, you always feel conflicted whether to fill the mage or tank role, since going hybrid isn't that great of an idea.

    I think they are looking into changing his passive and giving him MR scaling like Ryze though, so that might help. He fits better with squishier jungles and tops, such as Yi or Eve, since he brings tanky-ness.

    so i have no idea how to play thresh, meh

    Another support question - Is Kayle still viable as a support? If so, what should I get on her?

    If she had more attack range she might, since then you could zone with her autos, but she really needs a Nashor's and items. If you max Q first then you have mana issues, W leaves no lane presence and kind of sucks without some AP. I mean, she's better than like a Nidalee but that's not saying much. Otherwise I could see her working as Quinn, so you could go Valor and dive then get Intervention.

    Otherwise I guess maybe build normal stuff like Mikael's, but I could see the AD aura thing woking.

  5. How do you use Swain? Like what does he generally want to build? I know he is a DoT mage, but apart from that i'm at a loss about him (and other DoT mages).

    Rod of Ages, probably Zhonya's, Visage if you're really hurting

    you want stuff with beef so you can run in and just heal tank like a boss

    Like I'd say I'd probably do

    Sorc Shoes, Rod of Ages, Rylai's, Liandry's, Zhonya's, Rabadon/Void depending on their MR

    Abyssal is also viable, tear can work but it takes forever to stack,

  6. I've been having problems being to vegetarian in lane, outside of like Annie. I always just want to farm up and wait for team fights, as I am much better there, or at least I think so. I can never deal with harass as much as the other laner can. It's why I can't top for the life of me, I just pick Vlad or Jayce and poke and farm.

    How do I work on this? Other than like

    going balls to the wall and full AD rune page with fort pot ignite riven

  7. lol i've tried most of these before on sea server

    I remember Nami was pretty fun. I'm terrible at Zyra, Sona's cool, couldn't ever hit Morg stun, didn't like Janna tornado (Zephyr nuking so much more fun/stupid :D). Never tried Karma/Liss/Leona, but if Leona can gapclose that should help. Somewhat. At this level gapclosing = YOLO GHOST.

    Also, anything a little more... left field? I remember running support Voli on the SEA servers and it kind of worked.

    Annie, again

    Lissandra plays similarly to Leona but is very squishy (she can go in with her claw and then lock someone down, but she also has poke)

    Maybe Cho'gath

    I can't really think of many people with ranged stuns, but Lee Sin could work with mana-less harass, a shield, and the ult displacement

    Veigar or Le Blanc

    Elise and Fiddlesticks too

  8. actually yeah if people are on the "recommend champs" wagon

    ranged supports with a stun, preferably. something like lux. lux is amazing.



    Karma can work but she has a root

    Lux has a root not a stun, but then that would include Karma and Morgana

    Annie requires the mind set of Leona mixed with Nami basically where you can poke but then it all comes together in one moment of burst and CC where you try and get a kill or blow a summoner spell.

  9. I'm not sure. My team has just been doing normals though lately since one member hasn't been able to play. Matchmaking in your placements is weird, and you can win like 4 of 5 games and still be Bronze 3 or something.

    Another important thing is to constantly be taking jungle camps, as it's a lot of money. It's why Treeline snowballs quickly, because once you push them to the tower or take the outer ones, you can roam their jungle and not only get more gold, but deny them gold too.

  10. AP Rammus is a roll into Deathfire and you basically one shot them. With Zhonya's for the armor and enough health from other items or AP, you can take a tower with one or two ults.

    Also I find 3v3 is easier, as there's less to focus on, games snowball quicker, and are shorter as well. Cassiopeia and Zyra are both really good in Treeline and Annie is amazing too. There's a lot of comps you can run, like AoE or a Wombo or something but the basic meta is AD Bruiser top, APC Bot, and then either a jungler or a support botlane with the AP. The support doesn't have to get wards so they can usually afford to go full AP/Tank depending. As the jungler you want to take Smite and rush for the inner health relic. Don't take alters early either, as they don't give a lot of stats early on and are easy bait to get killed around.

    CC and Burst is your greatest friend, which is why a teamwide ult on Cass, Zyra, or Annie is ammazing. Annie is also easy to farm with. I just go Boots, Doran's, and two pots, then another Doran's into Blackfire, since it's easy to get a kill with it and her burst. 2v3 is the worst possible thing, so if you can blow someone up out of a fight you basically win.

    let's see what else

    Trynd, Kayle, Singed, and Trundle are great too, and always make sure one of you has an Exhaust. I recommend taking it on the Bruiser if the AP wants Ignite for burst but if you have a more sustain or poke AP like Cass they can take Exhaust for safety.


    That's a good site for the tier list. AD carries, squishies, and people that want to wait for late game are people you want to stay away from. Early game is basically over in 5 minutes since you level quickly, so you want strong middle game people who can burst and snowball.

  11. Objectives

    AKA the biggest reason I've been feeling bad about ranked lately, that and getting demoted to Bronze after a server transfer.

    I can't take anything as support, so when I know we can take a mid tower or dragon and yet no one does anything....And I do sort of hate that support has transformed more into full ward bitch, rather than supportive items and some wards I just want to ADC all day since mid is taken.

    I've been trying to spam 3v3 to get to Gold though since I want that Elise skin.

    Off topic, but you guys should look into Smite. It's another MOBA, but like a 3rd person shooter and it's about Mythological gods, and a bunch of other stuff, but it's really cool. You can buy a pack for $30 and get every god and all future gods, so it's a great deal. I'm thinking of getting it for my birthday in two weeks, but it's worth taking a look at.


    let me just shove my referral link in here

  12. All queues. The skins so far:

    s1: 1 skin for 10 games in the season, 1 skin for gold and plat

    s2: 1 skin for gold and above

    So you should target gold if you want a skin, I don't expect a second one this time.

    Two skins? I knew S1 was Victorious Jarvan, but was was the other skin?

    I am so tempted to get that Forecast Janna skin. . .but I like eating more. But man it looks good~!

    oh god i am so instabuying it it is amazing

    that arcade hec skin though, ugh i really don't like it

    Honestly I don't think Vi really needs a buff, she seems like she's in a good place though if she gets behind I do admit you feel it more than someone like Jarvan, Sejuani or maybe Zac. But those three are mostly tanks rather than a damage jungler that Vi wants to be. If anything, I'd think lowering the cooldown on her passive so you have it more often would make her better, so that stacking health might be more rewarding and allow her to go tankier and abuse W procs and diving with her ult.

  13. f1z.png

    Andrea and Boris head to the beach, not the desert, as that is much too hot. Evan and Mel finish vanquishing the enemies, and retrieve the Question Ring from the chest. It will allow someone to ask one more question than normal when Discerning Realities. It appears there is also a hut on the beach, and some fruit trees. You'll likely need something to reach the fruit in order to knock it down. There's also a withered plant in front of the cliff.

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