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Posts posted by Psych

  1. haven't we had that already

    edit: going through ideas list, i might be interested in the shakespear mafia with eclipse, and put me down for a Super Dangan Mafia 2 after whenever Prims' game is

  2. Leon took a notice at the mage levitating the water in mid air. "Hey that's a pretty neat trick. I'm sure you could do something cool with it. The most I learned in the circus was fire breathing." He took a moment to inspect the man before speaking again. He was talking to Aina, whom Leon had met a few days ago when he joined. "That dwarf is a real piece of work. That ring thing she does? Takes 5 minutes. One of the oldest tricks in the book. Got a magician to show me how it's down. Though I'm kind of curious why she joined us if she hates elves since you can't walk a single step without bumping elbows with one."

  3. I feel like scorri's validation of bizz's wagon moving quickly is an attempt at throwing heat away from bizz, since it only had 3 votes and wasn't actually moving quickly at all. She then jumps to another wagon, one that's more likely to mislynch town, mine.

    I mean i'm easier to get lynched than some others, even if i don't have many votes on me atm.

    and yes scorri that is hypocritical for you so i am curious why you did it

    ##Unvote, Vote scorri

    i'm also curious why bizz posted in #215 about wombat being a hypocrite but totally ignores scorri

    honestly, leo just seems to love shit posting a bunch of rapid walls of text in a row hoping to make points in defense to things. i'm a bit concerned about his level of defensiveness vs offensiveness since he seems like he's just trying to save his hide and then turn any arguements on his attackers, like eli

    It feels to me like SB is not reading everything and that this has resulted in him misrepresenting things that I have said and Shinori's joke. I'm not sure if it's evidence of an anti-town alignment, but it's definitely anti-town in effect and because of that, SB is now on my suspect list.

    honestly this is just stupid here and i don't really know why A) you'd tell us this due to not getting a joke and b) why not getting a joke makes you scummy since i'm pretty sure everyone will at one point misinterpret things

    i'm getting strong town reads from SB

  4. Psych, how do you get OMGUS out of that? SB didn't even vote Shinori.

    j00, got any opinions yet? Also afaik Elie has never been in a game with a hidden (unless you count MCM, which I don't really).
    I don't really think that Elie's search for the hidden player is scummy because there's town motive for that as well. It's more the RVS attitude, him not answering my vote properly, and then a bad defence when it did come + a dumb semantic case on Wombat. His Shinori vote is bad too, because it takes Shinori's "lazy" out of context. Shinori was using lazy to mean that SB wasn't reading properly, not that SB wasn't posting (which is what Elie's "it's only been 7 hours" would imply).
    And Excellen, Shin, and Snike should POST.

    idk shinori's just bad at OMGUS then

    also dude eli you know i respond to pressure like a fucking diamond - it takes forever and you still don't get good results sometimes

    also someone care to clarify what chainsaw defense is

  5. ea5.png

    Andrea incinerates two of the Sea Urchins, leaving the last one close to death. She wasn't tired out too much, as receiving consecutive roll penalties does not lower her Intelligence by 2, but rather compounds the duration of both debuffs. Boris' defensive position prevents the Jellyfish from attacking her, and he takes one of their shocks for her, and dodges one of them. Andrea will be able to attack Jellyfish 3 more accurately, due to her positioning. Boris takes 6 damage due to dodging Jellyfish 2.

    Andrea: 17 HP (-1 Int on Rolls: 4 Rolls)

    Boris: 12 HP

    Sea Urchin 1: 0 HP!

    Sea Urchin 2: 0 HP!

    Sea Urchin 3: 2 HP

    Jellyfish 1: 9 HP (+1 on Int Rolls)

    Jellyfish 2: 9 HP (+1 on Int Rolls)

    Jellyfish 3: 9 HP (+1 on Int Rolls)


    Mel heads through the grass to the beach, when a wild Evan appears! There appears to be a cave going underground nearby and a wilted vine near a cliff. There is also a chest on top of the plateau with a few enemies.

    When you see an enemy like the Jellyfish with (+1 on Int Rolls) it works like your guys' rolls the way you have buffs. So bosses and stuff will have better rolls.

  6. This type of thing is giving me a really bad rub the wrong way.You seem to attack me for what was obviously a joke post, I'm assuming because you didn't read the original post that it was in context to which makes me think you are skimming really hard and saw that as a possible reason just to jump on me which seems opportunistic and lazy as fuck.


    ##Vote: SB

    well it was more a NO U but whatever

    fuck mafia terminology


    is this better roleplaying manix

    lolk guys i mean i'm infinitely more useful alive with someone else dead but k

    bizz's post against my wagon does seem all over the place and i'd be tempted to assume there's a connection between her and elieson trying to just play off each other and seem like great townies

    that's another thing, i don't understand why elieson feels like he's town leader and gets to decide who to look at and wagon and if we aren't following we're scum

    eclipse <3 gimme like 15 minutes k

    also shinori's latest posts are crap and are just defending himself and then WINFOM and he's getting really defensive and not catching scum at all, he seems really paranoid and i don't like it


    ##Vote Shinori

  8. "Oi so when are we getting out of here?" Leon had little to do and after losing a hand or two to Toqua he figured out something was up. He had joined the group about a week ago, and he was itching to get his paycheck soon. Maybe a nice lady around town could keep him company. He leaned back in his chair, balancing with his staff. He avoided the ale like the dickens. It all just tasted like dirty water and he preferred snickering at the drunks anyway. Leon started humming a tune, while overlooking the on-going amusements.

  9. okay i've been forgetting eclipse chose near for her spells but all that does is add +1 to the hit roll but it doesn't matter cause it's still not a 10 so just i need to remember that and yeah that's what that does

    also debilitating causes a status effect and far requires enemy spend a turn approaching on you unless they have some gap closer

    area only hits up to 3

    wow i suck

  10. http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4142613/

    Andrea rolls a 7 when attempting to burn the Sea Urchins. She must choose one effect.

    The spell draws unwanted attention or puts someone on the spot.

    The GM removes a tag from the spell and it deals -1 damage.

    The spell drains your energy giving you a -1 to Intelligence rolls for a short time.

    And yes that's what you do. You can spend all 3 hold right now or wait and use some next turn or whatever you want.

  11. there's also the case where people are caught up and just not posting

    i know i usually am but have trouble vocalizing (or typing whatever the hell that is) my thoughts or i just don't really have things to add to the current arguments besides pull a new target out of my ass so i'll just not post but i do read everything

  12. nt7z.png

    Andrea blasts the Sea Urchins with Flame. She deals 3, 2, and 5 damage to each Sea Urchin. Boris takes a defensive position in front of Andrea.

    However, they can't actually move so they're little less than blockades or farming creatures. They do not attack.

    Sea Urchin 1: 5 HP

    Sea Urchin 2: 6 HP

    Sea Urchin 3: 3 HP

    The perfect defensive perimeter formed, Boris gains 3 hold. Boris is defending Andrea. As long as he stands in defense, when he or Andrea is attacked he may spend hold, 1 for 1, to choose an option:

    • Redirect an attack from the thing you defend to yourself
    • Halve the attackā€™s effect or damage
    • Open up the attacker to an ally giving that ally +1 forward against the attacker
    • Deal damage to the attacker equal to your level (1)


    Mel escorts the soldier back to his commander. The commander heartily thanks her and gives her a Knight's Shield. This trusty shield will add +1 to Defending rolls as well as +1 to counterattacks while defending.


    Evan sticks around in the East, but he heads north to investigate and notices a Warp Portal. If he sprinkles some Warp Powder on it, he'll be able to head to any previously seen portals.


    Taking a quick look at your map, there are warp portals at D8 and J8 respectively.

    (Forward just buffs an ally's hit role/other actions like parley or something by 1)

  13. Name: Leon

    Gender: Male

    Age: 90

    Race: Elf

    Class: Acolyte

    Appearance: Black swept back hair, typical pointy ears. His right one is pierced with a blue ring and he wears a cream colored tunic with a blue vest. He wears black trousers and black laced boots for his performances.

    Occupation: Street Preformer

    Nationality: Celisan

    Personality: A veritable ladies man, he tries to impress all those he comes across. He's a charmer and not much of a fighter, preferring to use his tongue to combat aggressors. He's a bit shy about his ears.

    Inventory: Heal Staff C

    Skills: Sneak

    Raw Stats: HP: 4 STR: 0 MAG: 5 SKL: 3 SPD: 6 LCK: 4 DEF:1 RES: 3

    Simplified Stats: HP: 12 MT: 5 HIT: 5 AS: 6 AVO: 8 DEF/RES: 1/3

    Backstory: Leon grew up in a close family, his father being a carpenter. When he discovered his love for dance though, they weren't too happy after his decision to quit and make a living off the streets. Leon joined a circus troupe where he learned some skills like cooking and healing from a few of the older elves in the group. They spent several years together performing, but eventually they were bought by a new owner. Change brings several things, and due to a few creative differences, he left the group. With his very rusty healing skills he decided to set out and look for some real work for once.

  14. 9gu3.png

    Andrea and Boris carefully sneak around the Sea Urchins, where sneaking is the same thing as defying danger using Agility.


    Andrea: 9 (+0)

    Boris: 6 (+0) = Failure!

    Andrea stumbles and is unable to continue farther, while Boris takes 3 points of damage. It appears some Small Beetles have taken residence around the Red Fruit Tree and would need to be taken care of to retrieve the fruit, however the Jellyfish off-shore have noticed the two taking a tumble and would come after them as well. It may be too dangerous to continue, but you can either try to fight them or head back.

    Andrea: 17 HP

    Boris: 18 HP


    Thanks to Evan targeting the third minion, the knights are handily able to clean up. They thank the duo greatly, and head back to their commander. Evan also picks up the 10 Rupees that were dropped. Mel heads over to the tree and grabs the fruit. 3 Yellow Fruit are added to the bag. They smell earthy, and almost dirty. They also seem to be cool to the touch as well. You might try to eat them or something.

    There's also a hut off in the distance and the last knight!

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