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Posts posted by Psych

  1. If we're ever on at the same time and free, we should totally play a couple together, Samias~!

    Ahem. . .in your screenshot, I see the following:

    - I can't tell what Jarvan was building

    - Ahri's set is all right (I personally disagree on Lich Bane, but eh)

    - Taric bought no armor, despite Kog'Maw carrying

    - Shyvana has a bajillion pieces of Idunnowhat; I would've stuck with tanky AD

    - Yi's build is okay, though I would've gone Merc Treads because of the amount of CC your team has (especially Soraka and her stupid silence)

    On your side:

    - Kog'Maw is awesome

    - Morgana looks like she was going for damage; I guess she felt that she didn't need a Zhonya's (and given how hard Koggie was stomping, I agree)

    - Can't complain about your build (and don't be afraid to use TF's blue card to give you some mana!)

    - ETHER~! Rylai's/Liandry's hurts like hell on Cassie~!

    - Soraka went way over the cooldown limit - I usually get Athene's Unholy Grail and The 20% CD Black Book, then work on other stuff (in your game, it probably would've been something like Rylai's/Abyssal Scepter/something else)

    Rambling old lady of ARAM out~!

    Trinity Force, and likely Aegis or even Hexdrinker


    Kog'Maw also puts out a lot of magic damage, even with his autos. Balcerzak's team was 5 AP, so rushing a lot of armor doesn't really make much sense, even on Taric.

    Eh, it made sense up till the NLR, that's all I can say.

    Other than Cass ult, the only hard CC was TF's gold card and Morgana's Q and ult. Yeah, her bind last forever, but both ults won't be up often, and Yi doesn't really care about soft CC like silence and especially not Cass' slow. The MR front them would make more sense.

    Also Ether, eclipse mentioned RyLiandry's, which is super good and almost mandatory on Casseiopia. I really like Tear as the Shield later on gives her more survivability which is always nice on Cass, but I suppose with the constant assists from ARAM, Athene's isn't bad either.

  2. literally the day after i started the Season 3 patch hit, so I think it's bit just about a year for me

    I was interested in the IP you guys were talking about last page and it's nice to know I have 139k about and just need around 35 champions left, mostly bruisers with a few marksmen left

    also I highly recommend the "Magic Pen everywhere except Armor yellows" rune page, 10/10 would use every time it's so good and no one expects the damage

    and strangely i like it most on supports like Lulu and Zyra, and haven't had a chance to try it on Elise or Corki yet but I feel like they would love it too

    the fact that about 2.5k gold can get you 50 magic pen with mask and boots gives great early-mid game, and I might think about running it on Cass now, except I usually want something like Tear and Rylai's early so I have to put off my mask at least

  3. Oh god Raven, Psych sorry for playing so bad today ;__;

    no, i had a pretty bad jinx game, like utter shit

    I also proceeded to lane twice against yasuo, once zyra mid and once shen top

    I fed outrageously and only went semi-even cause i got double kills each time I tp'd as shen

  4. activate q

    if you would kill a minion with the execute you get a Q stack

    nasus support is insane and a little OP because of it

    max wither first then spirit fire for the armor shread for your AD, use ult during all ins or ganks

    take exhaust if you feel you need to make the adc cry or if they are likely to take cleanse, or ignite/clairvoyance/heal idk

  5. If we want to draw parallels from Gen 1, I can see dividing it up into 5 acts, following the chapters actually really well.

    Act 1: Prologue

    Act 2: Chapter 1, Chapter 2

    Act 3: Chapter 3

    Act 4: Chapter 4

    Act 5: Chapter 5

    It's kind of obvious actually, as the third act twist can be seen as the Empire touting Sigurd as a traitor.

  6. Leon flips through his newly acquired tome before reciting a spell during his dancing, and empowering Rayil's combat team with Might!

    He then flips to a fire spell and takes aim at Senian Knight B, burning him with his spell, and managing to get speared directly through the face.



    Sneak uses remaining 2/2

    Dodge uses remaining 2/2

    Leon 0/21 HP

    Senian Knight B has taken 10 damage

  7. How do you build an annie support? I am lost as i have no general idea of how annie wants to build in general. I have heard RoA is a good first item for her (of course this is when she is mid but maybe it translates over to support), but i always feel like getting it 20 minutes into the games is a bit of a waste ( I get frost queen's claim and boots or some other thing first).

    Also Udyr is freaking awesome. He got me out of a 6 game losing streak.

    start spellthief to abuse autos and for AP

    get sightstone of course

    pen boots if ahead, CDR if behind for more stuns to peel

    you can then build something like morello and voidstaff if doing well for better damage and then evaluate and see how it's going

    you can also go tank annie, as it's still really nice with high base damage, and your flame shield used to be as good as leona, for that i recommend stuff like abyssal, liandry's, frozen heart

    basically go for damage items if you are ahead, CDR if behind

  8. once you've played like 200-300 games it's not that bad either

    starting out you haven't played many so the percentage of games you've left is high

    whereas i have like 500 wins so around 1000 games total and I could leave like 3 in a row if I felt like it probably even though I'd have a longer queue time

  9. nah man divine soraka is so much better

    get the ward skin too

    but uh that skin is 975 RP so if you have a credit card you can go to the store and purchase riot points and buy it

    only thing is riot has weird increments so you'd need like $20 probably since you can get 840 but you can't get 975 without spending like 12 bucks on two different packages

  10. It'd be better to get cheaper marksmen and a couple to try them out and see which you like rather than spend everything at once on one you might not. 6300 IP before 30 takes forever to grind.

    I also just don't really like him, though I recognize he's strong. He has a weird linear skill shot that works like a shitty double up and can't be freely aimed. His ult is more for kiting then burst but I like Miss Fortune so much that it's disappointing it's not more like hers. And his star shaped skillshot thing is just weird.

    His passive with the new spell blade/auto weaving masteries is great though, someone should try that out.


    Also Sivir free week again? I swear she was free like just two weeks ago. Riot is probably trying to get data on her and Taric since they're still strong though.

  11. I've got close to 1330 IP anyways.

    Singed looks nice atm, as does Draven.

    I'll wait for when there's a freebie that looks fun, like Fiora or that bird thing.

    It seems that the champ I'm best at is Ashe, so I guess I'm leaning towards marksman?

    You should have Tristana for free, but other marksmen around the lower tiers are Sivir, Teemo, Miss Fortune, Twitch, Corki, and Urgot. I'd recommend Jayce again, as he's also one, so look to saving up for him or watch his spotlight.

    Sivir, Corki, and Urgot are examples of Caster Marksmen and do a large amount of their damage through skills. They all also have lower attack ranges and Urgot could be really different but he's also very unique by being a tankier marksman who focuses on locking on enemies with poison and firing missiles. Sivir is very strong right now and focuses on aoe damage and kiting. Corki builds an item called Trinity Force and uses his rockets from his ultimate to proc a Sheen effect for more damage.

    Miss Fortune starts out as a caster who bullies lanes with her Double-Up that bounces off targets, and her Impure Shots which debuffs healing and gives her more speed. Her ultimate also does massive aoe damage if you can get the channel off. Late game she ends up forming into a more traditional auto attacker, but she's very squishy and has no escapes besides a movement speed buff that is lost upon taking damage.

    Twitch is a mixed hypercarry-assassin. He can stealth to gain speed, and has the ability to spread poison that does damage over time and slows and can cleanse the poison for more damage. His hypercarry ability comes from his ultimate which allows him to hit multiple targets at once. He's hard to play well, as he has no gap closer and his ult just makes his autos go in a straight line. He's not currently in favor, but with the growing meta towards sieging I can see him eventually being good.

    Teemo is an auto attacker, but is traditionally built with AP and focuses on his mushrooms. He's tagged as marksman but you don't play him as one, so don't get him if you're looking for a normal AD Carry.

    For someone looking to start diving into carries, I recommend Ezreal and Caitlyn, as both are very safe with gapclosers and Caitlyn's range. Ezreal can either be a caster following Corki's route of Trinity Force procs, but he has other builds such as a traditional carry, or Blue Build, but that's fallen out of favor. He has a global ult and a skill shot that basically works like a longer ranged auto so he can stay back and he has a blink allowing him to get out of danger. Caitlyn has the largest range in the game without steroids, and bullies hard early on. She can zone with her traps and pushes well with her Piltover Peacemaker, and can snipe from a long distance thanks to her ult.

    Most of the inexpensive marksmen aren't actually that great, as they focus on kiting which is a very hard skill to learn starting out. Higher range like Ashe and Tristana help though. Tristana is actually very good, as she has two escapes in her W and her Ult and gets a lot of range late game.

    More expensive marksmen like Draven, Graves, Quinn, Jinx, Kog'Maw, and Vayne I would actually shy away from, as they all either have difficult mechanics (Draven, Vayne) low range (Jinx, Quinn, Graves) or no escapes (Jinx save her passive, Kog'Maw). Lucian is passable, but it'd be better to save your IP.

  12. How would you play with me using a NA account when I'm in the EU?

    I'm on EUW as Psych Up, if you'd like to play a game or too, but I don't really have a smurf so we'd be limited to bot games. Me and Raven play together sometimes so we could probably help explain some stuff.

    I just legit started this today.

    So it started when I got the free alistar, but I don't do well without range or aoe things.

    Then i tried free kayle and I didn't know how to use her for support or her offensive build.

    So far I like Ashe, but she's really frail and I kinda want a character that's got durability, range, and good attack speed.

    I spent 12 hours total trying to get the riot girl tristana. :C

    I'm considering buying Yi, Annie, Sivir, Twisted Fate (Sale at,), or Warwick.

    Or would saving for Malphite/Ammummu be a better idea?

    I recommend Annie, but Bal is right as there's really no one with a combo of those three stats. Maybe Jayce, but he's much too expensive for you right now. Look for him on a free week and see how you like him. He switches forms between a more durable melee with some aoe moves and a high attackspeed ranged poke form. Jax might also help, but he's not ranged though he does have fast attack speed and can build durability by just buying damage.
  13. they've nerfed it to 3 charges at upper ranks from 4 and it now takes 60 seconds to get a charge as opposed to 30

    so it's pretty big and I'm disappointed they want to nerf it that hard because 2-1-2 being viable is actually really exciting even if some people think it's boring because there's no jungler

    but I really wouldn't buy it on anyone but thresh after the supposed nerfs because it's just not as good as the Frost Queen one for poke/mage supports and there's still very few people i'd buy the shurima one on

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