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Everything posted by Silith

  1. We might get Gangrel before you guys get Priam.
  2. I'dd swear Malphite's ults were more painfull.
  3. Less of this. The goal of this topic is to NOT have any talking about the usefullness of characters.
  4. I assume he's on lunatic because the Zerker is a wuss on normal mode.
  5. Master of invisibility: Reclass Kallum to the Thief class. Nice Lance rank: Reclass Donnel after he reached A in lances. Pretty Boy: Have a male character inherit the "secluded lady" skill. Ganging Up!: Have 5 or more units attack the same unit on the same turn taking it from full health to none in the progress. Don't get too close!: Play the entire game without pairing up at all.
  6. Brutal Rocking Ownage Machine is doing pretty well.
  7. Kjelle doesn't sound like Jelly at all. What kind of stuff are you smoking in America?
  8. Fauder X His own right hand. And he'll call his hand Gimle.
  9. It's just with beast laguz. I somehow always imagined them having hair beneath every part of their body their clothes cover.
  10. Female as Male. I want to be able to marry a woman. (Pitty there are no girly voices in the English version)
  11. No Path of Radience gives you level-ups like normal unlike RD where you get 3 stats automatically.
  12. You think your Meg and Fiona are amazing? Just wil untill you get the Brutal Rocking Ownage Machine Also all those times I saved my Afe Drops for Nino and then didn't bother actually giving it to her seem to pay off for you. Your Fiona has compared to average. +9 HP, +5 Str, +2 Mag, +4 Skl, +1 Spd, +1 Lck, +2 Def, +<0,5 Res,
  13. Ah Americans jelous of envy even if it's for only a few days. Now You guys know how it feels!
  14. I like Muarim for both Personality and gameplay reasons.
  15. Who would the other members of the Pentakill band be if BK is Mordekaiser?
  16. You forget the graphic sacrifices made to Satan while urinating at the church. (we're joking in case someone gtes butthurt)
  17. Ah. Fiora will be on the sidelines untill 1-F for now. I assume Durr got herr to levell 15 at least.
  18. Sully will say "bastard" during her confession. That is no pronography or anythign in this game. Also if you are at the age of 15 and haven't heard the word fuck before. Well. You have now.
  19. As expected. Thanks for the quick answer.
  20. I guess Meg's 19th level was not that great of a level-up.
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