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Posts posted by Pretty_Handsome

  1. Eirika is her best friend and the feeling is mutual. Makes far more sense to aid Eirika, especially since her brother Innes is in that direction as well. That and Tana is a weak damsal in distress in Ephraim route while she's a strong independent woman in Eirika Route. It also makes more sense for L'Arachel to show up near her Kingdom instead of all the way at Grado.

    Oh, I like him as he explains himself when prompted.

  2. Nah, it seems to be an isolated experience.

    It probably fills in some gaps in the 3rd route, possibly taking place before the game occurs. Hence the "history".

    I will be very disappointed if it isn't unique for each Route as each Route has varying degrees of info.

    It will be lazy if that DLC assumes that you played the Third Route or are using a Third Route to play as it.

  3. Like, yeah.

    Inigo/Nah is worse than this and that ain't even bad.

    I disagree as they are around the same age.

    This is by far the worse Support they have ever created and it doesn't help that all of Soleil's supports are trash because it feels like they're trying to "Cure" her of liking girls every time she S Ranks a guy while denying her any female S Ranks.

  4. BS? No one claimed there were different endings per route. Where either of you get that idea is beyond me.


    ...I didn't realize FE8 had different character endings depending on route?

    Eirika's Route offers far more story content, character backstory and development and makes the most sense, especially after Ephriam basically solos the Empire by himself before the meet up. It's also way out of Seth's character not to accompany Eirika.

    You learn pretty much everything about what Ephriam did when he meets up with Eirika again while a lot of stuff is exclusive to Eirika's route which you never find out about if you went Ephriam route.

    Not to mention it makes some characters much smarter, like say Cormag if recruited on Eirika Route as well as establishing Gerik, Saleh and co. rather well compared to Ephriam route where they're kinda just there.

    Tana is also a much stronger character on Eirika Route.

  5. Yeah in japan it wins, but only on physical copies and only for the opening Sales. We still don't have the digital numbers, and the special edition throws off the numbers, actual numbers of who plays what is pretty impossible to judge at the moment, and the category itself seems to favour Hoshido, (apparently they even distributed more Hoshidos, so there marketing teams seem to agree) what with it being physical copies, and 1st week sales, as if your new to the series, which game would you pick first, and unlike digital, you have to choose upfront and if they did want both they might wait a week or two or buy the other one digitally. Older players might spring more. for the special edition as well. Plus that post you replied to is almost certainly about downloadable backgrounds for your 3ds, unless you think that a background of mega Charizard sold more than Hoshido an actual game.

    So yeah Hoshido wins, except Where it hasn't.

    I doubt we ever will get hard digital numbers. Even huge companies like Disney are horrible at Digital tracking.

    I'm sure Hoshido will win out in the West as well.

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