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Posts posted by Pretty_Handsome

  1. My space bar's being a pain, so I'll keep it short.She explicitly states that she prefers girls, but can romance guys. That reads as bi to me, but I could have my terms mixed up. I don't think that bi means "likes both sexes equally". It's a spectrum.Still, the male Kamui/Soliel support IS bad.

    Yet she can only S Rank guys.

  2. The blatant facts are though, it's highly doubtful this is going to scratch anything but the Tumblrinas.

    If you were already upset about the game and it's direction, this really isn't a game changer. Don't get the game, it's not like you were expecting much anyway.

    At the same time, those who are throwing their arms up in despair over this... are rather small amounts.

    And then look at the sales already-- you're seeing 300K+-- this game is going to eclipse even Awakening. [Which is sad, considering the other, more important flaws (Ahem!DLC policy so atrocious it makes Capcom, EA, and Activision seem fine.)] The few Tumblrinas who go "Nope. I'm done." over this support? They're a tiny teardrop in the ocean.

    And bigger- the controversy? Controversy doesn't hurt games. See GTA. See Hatred. This isn't the kind of Controversy that gets games pulled from the shelves-- which is the only way it's harmful. It's going to bring Fates, an Fire Emblem in general even more into the spotlight. IS won't miss them, they're getting more money rolling.

    I'm getting Hoshido anyway but still this is very offensive and throw in Nohr's poor story and I see no reason to waste money on such an inferior and homophobic version even at half off.

  3. They didn't sink ANY ships because the already established mechanics of Awakening have already explicitly showed there to be multiple independent versions of the Awakening world. Any given player with the base game + DLC knows of a bare minimum of three: the main game, the bad future the kids came from, and the Future Past world.

    Add onto that the point that we could consider each individual's player world to be separate as well….

    In other words, the fact that these particular versions of Inigo, Severa, and Owain don't correspond to existing ships in no way sinks said ships, as the ships do exist in Awakening universes…. just not the ones that these versions of them came from.

    Many worlds….

    Basically, there can be a different Awakening for each different outcome and combination, a multitude of possibilities…

    Actually, I prefer it this way in some of these kid's cases…

    In Birthright, it seems that Inigo/Lazward gets killed while fighting alongside Marx. But if he's not the same Inigo as the one that I played with, its slightly less of a punch in the gut to me…. it still is quite unpleasant, but not nearly as upsetting as if it had been explicitly the one that I actually played with. So indeed, I much prefer him being an alternate Inigo rather than the one that I had.

    You mean 4 as Morgan is from his/her own timeline.

  4. I bought the dlc for Awakening but I really don't think I'll buy much if any dlc for Fates.

    Awakening seemed genuine with the dlc while Fates isn't. What with the pay wall for chapter 6 choice and needing third path to get the truth to the base story.

  5. Here I was expecting something as supposedly bad as Inigo and Nah, but after reading it my reaction is...."This is what people are complaining about? I must have no sense of morals if I don't see anything wrong with this, but rather found it rather funny."

    She only gets with Kamui because of the drug that makes her see Kamui was a woman, not a man.

    She should have been a lesbian only option as all her supports seem to be about her loving women.

  6. I could care less about her orientation this screwed up no matter what way you look at it.

    To me it's like they "cured" her lesbian feelings which is just plain offensive as it isn't a disease nor does someone being gay or lesbian make them sick.

    I'm already annoyed that the only gay and lesbian options are 2 crazy heads.

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