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Posts posted by Pretty_Handsome

  1. Just remember newcomers, to get the most paired endings and character development...

    From gamefaqs.

    Go Eirika Route.

    Eirika & Seth

    Franz or Duessel & Amelia

    Gilliam & Syrene

    Vanessa & Innes

    Ross & Garcia

    Neimi & Colm

    Artur & Lute

    Natasha or Marisa & Joshua

    Ephraim & Myrrh

    Forde & Kyle

    Tana & Cormag

    Gerik & Tethys or Marisa

    L'Arachel & Dozla

    Saleh & Ewan

    You can switch some around too just be mindful that it may take some shuffling.

  2. I hope they have no plot importance and are entirely optional. I also hope there aren't any forced marriages (like Chrom being forced to marry before a certain chapter). Just focus the game on Kamui, the siblings, and whoever else is important to the story. The kids are already going to overshadow the parents due to people breeding for overpowered units. Let the parents have the story about them at least.

    Not being plot important hurt all the kids but Lucina who was plot important.

  3. You can have marriage without playable children, you know.

    I don't mind the children returning in this game, but I hope there is no time traveling aspect in this game. I have never like time traveling in video games, especially when it's done horribly.

    I agree, even comics struggle with it too with Time Travel babies popping up. Marvel at the very least managed to get Rachel Grey-Summers right while their many other attempts were far less effective.

    Awakening handled it poorly in my opinion and that screenshot where Kamui/Corrin looks to be the same age as the start while having a kid annoys me.

  4. I looked through this entire topic and basically saw people getting upset at FE14 doing things that FE4 was doing. Children were in FE4 and I've seen the entire game in action, Fire Emblem 4 was a mess, yet it's considered the greatest game in the series. I wish people would stop complaining about an aspect of one game, while praising the same exact thing in another game in the series.

    FE4 didn't use Time Travel and didn't have generic Supports between many fathers and possible child.

  5. If he isn't working for Garon than he may be the cause for Nohr's troubles and convinced Garon to invade Hoshido in a futile attempt to save Nohr.

    That or it's a possessed Kamui thanks to Garon who conveniently tricks Kamui to be a Trojan Horse into Hoshido.

  6. At long last we get info on Hinoka's servants. Despite her popularity it's strange that we didn't hear much of anything about them til now.

    Hoshido has 1 more exclusive character?

    Funny how much of the exclusives are family servants. They're really pushing family, huh?

    Garon and Mikoto are for both paths? They join forces with you but siblings and servants don't follow them?

  7. It's because Awakening was the largest seller that's why and those characters were extremely popular despite very little screen time. Nohr is being sold as being different enough from Awakening compared to Hoshido so these are attempts to try and convince Awakening fans to try Nohr as well.

  8. Simple - Capitalizing on Severa's likeness/personality to improve Nohr sales out of the Awakening fanbase.


    They weren't exactly lying as all FE games apparently happened in the same timeline up to Awakening. If however is its own timeline.

  9. Why only the 2nd generation though? It's especially odd in Severa's case, since she's only the 7th most popular female if you count the 1st generation girls.

    I assume because they're by far the most popular.

    Strange we didn't get a Lucina clone yet... Unless you count Aqua. That and it may be preference as the children characters didn't get as much love in Awakening so this is a spiritual successor way of giving those characters love via these unrelated carbon copy clones.

  10. Yes.

    Even though I'm straight I'm also a completionist so I would still view the supports and who knows... Maybe they'll be as good as Ike x Soren.

    Well I guess I throw in a couple of cents into this.

    First off in the Romance thread I said that I think its very unlikely that we will get any sort of romance like we did in Awakening. Its possible that certain characters could end up together at the end of their supports. I'm sure the Avatar can chat everyone up but I seriously doubt it will go beyond that.

    Things like this are nowhere near as important as a well made and balanced game with a strong story and well written characters. Those are the things we should be more concerned about.

    Its already gotten weird with the baths and the face rubbing stuff(Seriously WTF?). The fanservice is really getting out of hand so far.

    Awakening sold well because of many things including the waifus/husbandos. It makes no sense to cut such a very popular feature.

  11. That's odd. She doesn't look Hoshidan to me.

    Adding that Belka is a Wyvern Rider and is Nohr-exclusive (and Crimson's armor shares similarities with Nohr characters), I'd imagine she's either Nohr-exclusive, or both routes.

    She could be a defector. Don't be surprised if Nohr has some Hoshidan characters that defected too.

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