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Metal Flash

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Everything posted by Metal Flash

  1. Way too early to make this claim, we`ve had one game since Three Houses, which a alternate timeline game. At least wait until we`ve had a completely new game with a route split. I also don`t get why route splits are better just cause less people want them. While multiple routes have their advantages, so does focusing on a single route.
  2. I would like that too, a mage lord who is great at combat and doesn`t die to a stiff breeze would be cool to see. Hey, maybe we could have multiple mage lords, like Midnight Sun (formerly a FE hack, now its own fangame). One could be the frail mage, while the other is a combat oriented mage, they could use different magic types too.
  3. I think it would be cool to see them try a pure manakete lord. It might require some retooling of dragonstones as a weapon type, but I would like to see it happen.
  4. Honestly, having recently finished Golden Wildfire, I like the idea of them solidifying their alliance by marrying. Many fans would be outraged, but I would still like to see it. They have some good chemistry and their goals align pretty well. I honestly think FE could use more arranged/political marriages, plot important or other wise. And I now admit to seeing I was wrong to doubt your idea.
  5. While I am much more aware of its flaws, especially from a gameplay standpoint, it still holds a special place in my heart, due to it being what introduced me to Fire Emblem in the first place.
  6. I seriously don`t get why they could not give him at least a name.
  7. Since I`ve mentioned Griffon Rider and Baron so many times, I will nomnate Bard this time. I like the idea of different instruments having different effects, like the rings in FE7. Another would be Arcsage as the ultimate mage class, possibly the personal class of a female Gotoh character.
  8. If it is to come back, I want it to be three-four games down the line. Right now, I just want a single, finished and cohesive storyline for the next entry.
  9. Fair point, it just seems to be the main "eastern" nation people take inspiration from.
  10. I would like to see another country based on Japan, more Eastern inspired nations in FE aside from Egypt would be nice to see, really.
  11. I think around 40 characters is ideal. 50 tends to be too many from my experience, while 40 is enough to be flexible without being overwhelming.
  12. Both seemed to be generally well liked by their people, so probably the latter, at least at first. Arvis` reign got sullied by the child hunts later on.
  13. Pretty much my sentiment, if I am gonna pay for DLC, I want entirely new characters, not characters that should have been in the game to begin with (Cyril, Hanneman, Seteth Gilbert, and Alois).
  14. Looking at the leaked images again, the artstyle reminds me of Tokyo Mirage Sessions. Not sure why, but it just does. Also, the hair on the supposed protag looks bizarre. Like, the color is evenly spread, except for that wing-like thing in the middle. Otherwise, meh.
  15. Looked at the screenshots and they look, for the lack of a better term, bootlegged as all hell. I am struggling to believe this is anything close to real. Once again, I will wait for official confirmation that this is a real game.
  16. It would certainly be a interesting entry, but yes, it would be great to see it become a reality.
  17. Yeah, this kinda reminds me of the "Vampire Emblem" leaks we had a couple of years ago. As usual, I will wait until we get official confirmation before judging this new "game".
  18. Me neither, it sounds like a stupid attempt at including gatcha mechanics in a mainline FE game, which we do not need. There`s already enough RNG in these games, we don`t need more. The main lord having red and blue hair is oddly specific. We have had plenty of Lords with blue hair and the Elibe duo have red hair, but outside of Heroes, no Lords have had dual hair colours. Just sounds like an odd detail to focus on. Mentioning that "his" mother is a dragon is interesting. As far as I know, the only FE Lord who has a direct dragon parent is Corrin (and Al if you count his manga) , and they could turn into a dragon themselves. Not sure if I like the "FEH as a mainline FE game" statement, I would rather they keep FEH its own thing.
  19. I was gonna say Rodrigue and Ingrid, but I saw that they do have one already, so my other wish is Balthus and Holst.
  20. I think Binding Blade is pretty set in terms of characters. The cast is pretty sizable already and there aren`t really any gameplay roles that are missing. Blazing Sword I would say is much the same. The cast is a bit smaller, but most classes is covered (save some female versions of others, like Mercenary. Shaman and Nomad). Sacred Stones I could see working with a few additions, though personally, I think it would benefit more with limiting certain characters to a specific twin. Like Seth, Franz, Neimi and Innes go with Erika, while Forde, Kyle, Knoll and Tana go with Ephriam. Fates I think is fine, though a male Oni Savage/Chieftan would be a nice addition.
  21. Based on his 102K subscribers, thousands of views and several comments, yes, they definetly do. I`ve stopped seriously watching him, I only recently checked with him to hear his thoughts on Traingle Strategy, but that is neither here nor there.
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