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Everything posted by Life

  1. It's a towel, Ana. Calm the fuck down. The world won't end because some shitty little yellow rag got ripped in half.
  2. Ana, I hope Ben, Brown and Bell all break their legs and can never play football again. ​Why would you ever be happy for someone to be injured? Even a Bengals player?
  3. I bet my ass that Cooter stays in Detroit. And Patricia in NE (I would give Patricia a lap dance if it got him to sign in Buffalo). I just don't care anymore. I'm not even watching the Bills for the rest of the season because I just don't care. It's too depressing.
  4. I never called you a PC Authoritarian. I called you a PC Liberal. But Hylian summed it up perfectly.As for faithless electors, there were more that tried to not vote for Hillary. I find that... ironic.
  5. Sure but that doesn't make it a conspiracy theory. It makes it a very possible outcome (albeit unlikely in its current state) and it is the head of EU who wants it to happen.
  6. What's your suggestion then? I'm tired of going 8-8 and missing the playoffs year after year. If we finish this season at 8-8 or 9-7 (need a win vs. Miami or NYJ to do that), that marks three straight years of being .500 or better and seeing no football in January. At least if the team goes 5-11 under Schwartz, we can say "well look, it's time to rebuild entirely". Pardon me for being jaded but being a Bills fan isn't good for my mental health.
  7. The president of the EU has stated this. Like Excellen said, the vast majority of the EU is currently against it but it's far from a conspiracy theory.
  8. The USA is the world's only hegemon and have been since the end of WWII. How is this something horribly wrong?
  9. This is silly. The EU has always wanted an army, not because they fear a Russian invasion of the Balkans (which will not happen because if Russia does try to do that, the vast majority of the world will declare war on them). They want an EU army because the goal of the EU is to create a giant European superstate. Trump's election means that Juncker and the rest of the EU are scared that France will elect Marine Le Penn or the Dutch will elect Geert Wilders and try to leave the EU like the British. They dodged a bullet in Austria but if another big nation leaves, the EU will collapse entirely under the strain of countries like Greece and Italy. Just because Putin is a thug and a terrible human being doesn't mean that he's stupid. Just today, I read an article claiming that Russia and Syria are "influencing" the migrants in Germany to rape women in order to mess with the upcoming German elections. This is some next level conspiracy bullshit, bro. It's the Red Scare of McCarthyism all over again. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4032432/Pro-EU-think-tank-says-Russia-Syria-orchestrating-migrant-sex-attacks-swing-upcoming-German-elections.html ​I DON'T LIKE THEM PUTTING CHEMICALS IN THE WATER THAT TURN THE FREAKING MIGRANTS RAPEY! DO YOU UNDERSTAND THAT?!
  10. Schwartz also created the 2nd best defense in the league in a single season. Rex destroyed it.
  11. How so? ​I'm simply saying that the left and social justice are infested with authoritarians who seek to impose their will on others. I am against authoritarianism, both from the left and the right. I think you're for it if it doesn't hurt you. ​I would prefer not to be the sacrificial lamb here. But if I am, my point has been proven to be true.
  12. Keep Tyrod (re-do contract for less money), keep developing Cardale Jones, drop EJ Manuel faster than I dropped 9th grade French and draft another QB. As for Rex, I'm done with him. Fire him and his brother at the end of the season, throw a shitton of money at either John Gruden or Jim Schwartz or see who wants to transition to a first time HC.
  13. Would you protest if I were to be banned? Prof. ​Jordan Peterson made an excellent point about this in one of his videos. Voltrash is what Peterson calls a PC Authoritarian. The vast majority of you are PC Liberals. He makes the point that the vast majority of PC Liberals wouldn't call for what a PC Authoritarian wants but wouldn't really contest it. ​I'll look for the video because there's a lot of them. Few points that you're missing. - It's a provincial problem, not a federal one. It shouldn't be a federal issue at any point because education is handled at the provincial level. ​- This is more an issue that arises from the fact that public schools can't fire teachers no matter what. Which should be changed by provincial law, not federal. ​- If Keegstra had been teaching in a private school, this wouldn't become a grey area. The only reason it is a grey area is because it is done in a public school where (like I said) teachers can't be fired unless they commit a criminal act. ​- This was the case that opened the door for all sorts of legislation that targets free speech under the guise of "hate speech".
  14. Alright, so have me banned. Prove my point for me that this is about control rather than equality.
  15. I'm only responding to this point because it really needs to be talked about. You can ask me to consider his feelings. But realize that I'm not obligated to care about his feelings. I can choose to do so. I choose not to. ​I live in the "gay capital" of the Middle East (well, pretty much the only city where you're not killed for being gay). I really couldn't care less about people being gay or trans as long as it doesn't affect my life. But it's about the fact that there is an attempt to outlaw speech. We've seen it happen in Canada. It exists in Singapore (a relatively well off country). And had Trump lost, it might have worked its way into the American system too but I do think the Constitution would have kept it at bay. ​I see this as an attempt to outlaw "wrongthink" and nothing more.
  16. ​Here's Alex Jones' rant. It's hilarious.
  17. The problem is (and I'll tie this back to politics) that this isn't about equality anymore. It is about control. Honestly, social justice is more a cancer than a good cause. ​I'll give a great example. Bill 28 in Ontario just cut out the terms "father" and "mother" from legislature regarding any family matters. Bill C-16 (I have spoken about this at length) will make it against the law to essentially criticize fashion (which is what the Ontario Human Rights Code describes "gender identity" as) or to even have the medical opinion that transgenderism is mental health issue. ​Language and thought are being outlawed. Or take Voltrash here. He wants me banned from the site because I am quoting a funny segment from Alex Jones (someone that I don't agree with on a lot of things) because he finds it "offensive". Tell me this isn't a problem with a straight face.
  18. I'm quoting Alex Jones because it's hilarious. I put the quote in my signature in full.
  19. Very easily. ​I don't advocate for people to go to jail for calling me a kike or calling for war against a country that doesn't believe in my ideology. In fact, I am against R v Keegstra and that is a case that I even argue with my family. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/R_v_Keegstra Read it and you'll figure out why I should be for it. And like I said, I'm against it.
  20. Yes and no. Wanted to point out the absurdity of his stance so I went with the absurd. For all I know, those categories might exist because this wasn't a hoax. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/transgender-father-stefonknee-wolscht-who-left-family-to-be-a-six-year-old-girl-uses-childs-play-to-a6775051.html And people asked me why I left Toronto. This is not normal and should not be considered socially acceptable behaviour. I wouldn't make it illegal but I have no problem with mocking the absurd.
  21. Flashback: Iraq, 2003. Libya, 2011. Yeah, how'd that go? Seriously, as someone who actually lives in the Middle East, I will ask you plainly. Can you stop fucking up this region which is already a giant fucking mess? I don't care why you want to, just stop overthrowing dictators. That shit never goes well. Also, I am very glad that you are for the deaths of MILLIONS just to help like... 0.03% of people in Russia because we all know that you only care about a very small minority of people and have advocated death for anyone who doesn't share your ideology regarding LGBTQAII+ (silent X, triple-purple). If I missed a group there in the ever-growing rainbow, let me know.
  22. Correct me if I'm reading this wrong but are you implying that America should not do what is in America's best interests and rather what is in Europe's best interests because of Russia? Just because Europe needs America doesn't necessarily mean that that is in America's best interest. It sounds like you're trying to possibly justify war with Russia. ​And correct this too. Are you suggesting that there might be a Russian invasion of Europe incoming? Because all I'm reading here is fearmongering as if we're all going to be speaking Russian in a decade. ​You do know that all of the populists are gaining power because the EU has massively cocked things up in Europe, correct?
  23. Like what? You need to expand on this.
  24. It wasn't an excuse. This would 100% be an act of war. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2016/oct/12/no-fly-zone-aleppo-war-russia-syria https://www.c-span.org/video/?c4621738/dunford-tells-wicker-controlling-airspace-syria-means-war-russia-mccain-throws-tantrum-dunford http://www.infowars.com/russia-launches-no-fly-zone-threatens-war-with-us/ When the rather far-left (The Guardian) and the far-right (Info Wars) agree on this, we can safely say that Hillary's stance on foreign policy would have been nothing short of disastrous (and terrifying for me because I would probably get nuked off the planet). There was a reason why the Kremlin were celebrating when Trump won. My guess is it was because ​Trump winning meant that they knew that they wouldn't go to war with the USA.
  25. See, when you make the playoffs every year, you lose track of who you played when in what January game. Meanwhile, 16 seasons. I'mma just get ready for the draft now.
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