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Everything posted by Life

  1. My current one (kept it for a month). It just always reminds me of the magic of books and whatnot. I put it as my background after I found out that Brian Jacques had passed away since thanks to him, I became such a voracious reader (I loved the Redwall series). RIP Mr. Jacques. You are sorely missed.
  2. There's 2 townies dead and 1 mafia. Trust me, our odds look great right now.
  3. How about this to placate the town? First off, Xeld is an idiot. He just sold out the entire other mafia. I guess this really is going to end with a town win. Next point. Thanks to dumbass Xeld, we now have a bunch of lynch targets which are basically confirmed. Keep your votes on Xeld for now. If he flips townie, we lynch everyone else. By then, at least one of Haze/I will have died and PROVEN that we're innocent. Probably Haze simply because I've asked the Doc to sit on my ass as long as possible. That sound fair?
  4. You mean Ralph? There's no point in putting shit in spoilers. But I do agree that getting rid of the garden gnome this early was a bad idea. Should have sent Krista home, she's dead weight and even with a possible idol, Russell couldn't have guessed that 6 votes would be on Krista.
  5. Oh shut up. I'm legitimately trying to lead the village and I keep fucking up. I can see the post game now. I'm eating some humble pie for claiming to be the best mafia player here on SF. I'm not perfect and this game proves it. It's not the first time I've fucked up leading a village (did so on Smogon) but god damn it, I am trying to play right.
  6. I happily vote to evict that weasel Obviam. Haze provided the evidence. Haven't been on because of personal shit. Also, I do need to apologize to the town. I chose to lynch 13th because I believed that his role PM was fake. It had clearly bad punctuation errors and "power gainer" can literally mean any power. We got lucky that the other mafia/wolf if he exists which I doubt killed an Agnostic because I haven't been thinking straight. I'll make sure that tonight's actions turn out to be fruitful.
  7. I happily vote to evict that weasel 13thshadow. Aside from a badly written PM, the guy has claimed "power gainer". Which is usually a mafia fake claim. If he's town, sorry for not believing a pretty badly written PM.
  8. Well, that was... fun? So true. Oh so true.
  9. I am missing full roles from the following people. If your name is in bold, you are a potential lynch target since I don't even know what you do. WoMC Kaoz Holmes Anouleth Kevin Radiant Dragon SSS Bizz To the people in bold: If you give me your role PMs, I will take you off of the chopping block for this lynch since I have a much better target (thanks to people who send bad fakeclaims). This is a promise. EDIT: Checking off names.
  10. This should correspond with my earlier role claim.
  11. STOP VOTING. I need to get everyone's role PMs first.
  12. All he had to do was TELL me. I would have stopped the lynch in a heartbeat. A fucking heartbeat. Everyone, send me your full role PMs right this instant. This is my role, in case you were wondering.
  14. I'd like to know why this fuckhead claimed to some random person and not the guy who actually has a role that's designed to lead the village (me). And he claims to be so smart...
  15. At this moment, I am missing claims from the following people. Xeld Flint Echo Kaoz Snike WoMC Swordmaster Please claim as soon as possible. The longer that we (Haze and I) have no clue who you are, the less organized this village is and the better a mafia's chances at winning this game gets.
  16. I fucking hate trolls. And dumbasses. And smartasses. And combinations of the three. AKA Viceroy and Swordmaster.
  17. I just want to state that Swordmaster has an IQ of negative 50. Clearly we are dealing with a genius here. Bow to the might of the 4% of universities that get it right while the other 96% don't.
  18. She's already seen mine. In fact, she's sucking on it right now.
  19. I do at this point. Let's lynch this retard and be done with this. He's basically confirmed himself mafia on IRC. And if he isn't, hats off to the DUMBEST PLAYER TO EVER PLAY THIS FUCKING GAME.
  20. I don't get it. I just don't. Swordmaster, I am giving you a chance to clear your name by claiming a role. And you claim that it's a waste of time to talk to me? What?
  21. New lynch target. Lynch Swordmaster. I don't usually take enough offense to want to lynch someone but the fact that he's been trying for an hour to undermine me as village leader has now pissed me off. And this is literally an hour, I just checked the time stamps.
  22. For the record, let me just say that I don't necessarily trust the apparent Town Kidnapper but I'm letting that person slide for the moment being. Lynch SSS EDIT: Unbolded vote.
  23. Once again, do not vote 13th until I say so. I say until since I'm about 80% sure he's Mafia based solely on his claim. And again, I need everyone's claims. If you don't claim to me within the next 24 hours, expect to see your name down instead of 13th's for our Cycle 1/2 lynch target (depending on when the cycle ends).
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