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  1. Why am I still in Lower Mid? I should be moved up to Survivor tier.
  2. What? What? What? Brain does not compute this sentence. I can't believe I went from excited to disappointed this quickly. Honestly. Let's do the weekly rundown. - Let's start with you, Russell. I love you to death as a character but look at the facts. You played the same way twice in Samoa and you lost the same way twice. The first time, you were an unintentional goat, the second an intentional one (Parv's jury speech is proof). And your great idea... is to play the same way again? What? Look at all the factors that are working against you. Zapatera (unlike Foa Foa) has not gone to TC yet. Their spirits aren't down in the dumps and this lets them form full out opinions on people, namely you. Everyone else on Zapatera has seen you on TV and knows your plan. You're getting visibly frustrated in your seach for the HII. You lashed out at Ralph in front of David and Mike. On Day 6. This was a suicidal mistake. In a nutshell, you're socially fucked and YOU caused these problems. At best, you're another Final 2/3 goat (I personally think we're having an F2 again this season since F3 increases the chance to bring a goat). At worst, you're the first Zapatera boot. And a tribal switch (there won't be one) fucks you over hard. - This actually leads nicely into my next point and the reason why I'm so disappointed by this season now. Dear CBS. Please hire an assassin of some sort to bludgeon the editors to fucking smithereens. That was pathetic. Had I not actively LOOKED for inside videos (survivorsucks is the best place for them), I wouldn't have known Matt's personality at all thanks to his monstrous 2 confessionals. In 2 episodes. This is only going to get worse since I haven't even seen anything from Zapatera aside from Russell and a bit of Ralph/Mike. Like maybe something from Krista since she's apparently joined the Russell alliance because she knows he's a goat and has said this but the editors don't want to smear Russell's good name. I'll still watch the season but... I'm expecting the worst now. 75% of this episode's confessionals came from either Rob or Russell. And I'll even go and count them if you want. - Phillip Sheppard is the saving grace of this season. He is Coach 2.0. But funnier. And considering that I have a lot of newfound respect for Coach, I can't help but laugh at what the editors are doing with the amazing material that Phillip gives them. Like using his "I love America" confessional as a backdrop to his hilarious crab hunt. I was nearly in tears at that. It seems that while the editors have forgotten how to set up good storylines, they haven't forgotten how to show comedy on the screen. Good for them, at least they're getting something right. - Ometeppe. I'm just going to come out and say what everyone is thinking in the back of their minds. This tribe is pretty much just as bad as Ulong (not as likable though since Ulong was amazing to watch), Ravu and Fang. And when you get considered along the likes of Ravu and Fang, you're pretty much shit. - Matt, I'm sorry. You got screwed by a paranoid control freak. This is why I don't like Redemption Island though since in my mind, you have one chance and one chance only. Make use of your time on RI since if I were on the jury and you were in the finals, I wouldn't give the money to someone who takes a 2-week break from the game and then comes back in (this is part of the reason why Lil didn't win Pearl Islands even though being pretty unlikable was another good portion of it). - Grant, Natalie and Ashley. I don't get it. Those arbitrary rules of "you're with me or against me" that Boston Rob and Russell set down don't actually exist. I just find it hilarious that the three of you sit there and adore Rob as much as you can ("If Rob were to propose to Grant right now? Done deal.") just so you can be in his good graces. Don't align with him simply to "make power moves along with Rob". Just sit there, pretend to not care and tell the audience that you're just going to let Rob do everything including taking the fall. Leading the game on Day 1 almost always results in a downfall (Tom Westman and Earl Cole are the lone examples but that's still 2/21 that have succeeded). Guaranteed. I can go through every season (minus Fiji and Gabon which I haven't watched) and show specific examples of this (I'm looking at you, John Carroll and Silas Gaither). - Taking out Matt on Day 6 was suicide. Phillip is loyal if you know how to play your cards right and Kristina was obviously going to play the idol so it was inevitable that the "Dumbass Blond Alliance" was going to eat itself starting now. But you don't take out a physical guy! Not when Zapatera kicked your ass in the physical part of the first challenge! If you want to break up Ashley/Matt, go for Ashley. You always have time on your side when you're the majority alliance. If you lose again, Kristina and Matt are clearly next on the pecking order. You have time. Way to fuck it up. - Lastly. Rob, this is not the right time to revert back to your ASS style of play. You're almost as bad as Russell since you're going to re-vilify yourself really quickly, you don't have an outside relationship with anyone to take advantage of (I am speaking about Lex here) and the game's changed since ASS. I'm predicting early post-merge boot here. Basically, Ometeppe is full of fucktards including Rob (aside from our Lord and Saviour Phillip Sheppard who ejects star dust from his mouth every time he speaks) and Russell's fucked on Zapatera. I'd love Grant to win but there's no way the winner isn't coming from Zapatera (considering that we have smart people there with good personalities). And I'm beyond disappointed with the editing. EDIT: I'm giving out cookies to whoever catches what my quote references to.
  3. It doesn't sound like extreme bias. It IS extreme bias. Or have the words "Heath can FOAD for all I care" not been visible at all? Look. The guy arrives later than Fiora at a lower level. With 9 Spd (and 9 Con). Sure he's got 32 HP and 11 Def but level 11 Fiora is basically sitting at 24 HP, 7 Def and 9 Res. For someone to 2RKO her, she's gotta be facing 19 Att after WTD. During Heath's join chapter, Fiora's a borderline 2RKO. OK. But for the purposes of what we want (flying utility), she's fine. Didn't dondon prove that base level Thany was still your third best until in Chapter 14 in FE6? When it comes to flying utility, defensive parameters are moot. As for offense, Heath's is a joke. He's sporting 9 Spd. During Chapter 22. Hello, Lowen fucking had that at around level 8. That's like around Chapter 17 at worst. Fiora straight up beats the guy since while she can't hit as hard as him, she doubles a lot of shit that he can't (9 AS before the speed loss that comes from anything not Iron or Killer) since if something has 5 AS or lower, it's fucking slow and deserves to be doubled by Oswin, never mind Heath. This is the whole crux of my argument. You guys are overrating the guy to hell and back when we already have two other fliers who A) can carry everything Heath can (Hawkeye is the exception and Florina can still carry him before promotion, same as Heath), B) have been around for longer and C) are better at offense than Heath. Toss in Vaida who easily covers Heath's position (their stats are pretty similar at that point in time) without spending 10k on a promotion and you want to give this guy a fucking medal? What?
  4. No. No. No. I'm sorry but no. Below, fine. Above? What? You guys are overrating this fucker. Considering that he's got to pass Canas (who is miles and way better than Heath in my opinion), there's no logical reason for a guy who is not much better than Fiora at fighting should be above her when he joins later and doesn't replace her. Heath's a flier, not a fighter. His combat wins over Fiora are minimal since Killer Lances replicate the job and we're not exactly squirming for cash here. For the record, I can't believe I moved Heath above Canas. Moving Hawkeye down to the top of the next tier due to room issues.
  5. Ok fine, fine, Heath's raising, whether I like it or not. I said my peace and you guys made logical arguments countering it. I still don't like the fucker. Where to? Vaida eats Heath for breakfast, she's just got problems since she gets smart much later than the traitor.
  6. Fox, did I not say that I'll also argue if I see him higher than I believe he should be? No, no and no. Fiora is around for a few more IMPORTANT chapters (19x and 21) and also doesn't need high amounts of training/Pure Water/Barrier to survive the high amounts of mages that litter 23 (I had problems with fielding Heath on EHM just because of the mages so 1+ Res and 4+ HP isn't going to change my opinion any time quickly). 23x gives Heath no advantages and 24 is... Ok, he can get nice amounts of Exp from tackling the Wyverns on the water (a turn early) but he needs a Physic ever other turn and it's just not worth it. After that, Fiora and Heath perform the same jobs. Let's face it. Fiora is a pumped up Heath because of her join time. Heath is stupidly overrated here simply because he's the first wyvern rider to join in this game. He's also the shittiest of the GBA Wyvern Riders barring Zeiss, mind you. 3 fliers is a bit extraneous during the midgame and at the lategame, he performs no better or worse than Fiora. There's no way I personally back him moving up a tier and I will argue this to my dying breath.
  7. Raven - Yes Lyn/Eliwood - Yes Oswin - Maybe Heath - Fuck no and you have to get me the number of your dealer.
  8. Umm yeah... Got a position for them?
  9. Most: FE4 Gen 1 Least: FE8 Also, what the fuck is WITH these nominations? Pretty sure Best/Worst Reference to Plant Life was supposed to be up years ago. NM, I'm once again calling you out on this bullshit. EDIT: Taken from the previous thread. At least now we know that nominations mean absolutely nothing and NM is a hypocrite.
  10. I say Tang. I bet she gets bored in 2 months. ;-)
  11. Didn't happen. Psych keeps refusing help because he's positively sure that he's a better Mafia player than anyone here (I think his reasoning was because he lives past me in Mafia games even when I'm actually closer to winning than he is). So yeah, Psych's an idiot.
  12. I've played two games out of three against RD. Won as black and lost as white. One game left between us.
  13. Why do they have you sigged and not me? I'm clearly more interesting!
  14. Exactly. Surprise surprise, Psych, but you're actually the person who needs it the most.
  15. Once again, I want to advertise my logic screen stuff because some of you really need it. Like some of you need lessons on how to use logic correctly.
  16. We'll find out next time. That being said, I hope he turns out to actually be psycho since he'll be the first nutjob we've had since like... Rocky in Fiji.
  17. I haven't seen a better collapse of an alliance than the Golden Oldies. This includes the Four Horsemen (Fiji) and the Crazy Casayas (Exile Island). In addition, couple of things to note: - I'm incredibly surprised at the editing. Russell only had 3 confessionals to date. Considering that he's Survivor's golden boy, Stephenie had a couple, Ralph and David had one... I was expecting much more material from Russell and I'm quite happy that I didn't (I would like to see a bit more from Zapatera though). As for Ometepe, Grant and Matthew were both MIA (no surprise there) as were most of the girls (Ashley got one and another one got a confessional). But most surprisingly, the Rob that doesn't suck only had a single confessional. Maybe we'll see more evened editing, similar to Nicaragua (not so bad on the rewatch). - I thought I'd hate the whole cast. Especially Kristina. Surprisingly, I don't. That being said, I'm not making my prediction for the winner right now (I figure it'll be someone from Ometepe but I don't know anyone there yet). And that person will probably come second. - I actually agree with Philip's decision. You guys have to remember that TC is not 5 minutes long like it shows on TV but about an hour. A lot gets said at TC and only choice bits make the edit. But for Philip to come out and show how truthful he can really be means that he'll be around to make it to the merge. He deliberately screwed Kristina and Francesca to get into everyone else's good graces (voting Mariano would have been the wrong move on Day 3) and knew that it wouldn't come back to bite him in the ass any time soon. Does this mean that he's going to be trusted with a secret alliance? No. But will he be trusted to make an honest vote based on a well given case? Yes. And I'm pretty sure he knows this. He'll be fine with playing the loyal vote soldier from now until the merge. - The comment about "letting Rob down after the challenge" bugged the shit out of me. Looks like Ometepe's gonna give him a free ride to the merge. I don't want that. - Neither Russell or Rob will win unless they take each other to the end. Then it comes down to the social game (Russell's is obviously tainted due to his infamy but bitter feelings is just part of the game and has been since season 1). It would be hilarious if they realized this (I bet Russell has). That's all I got so far.
  18. Total result. Did you overall beat person x or not?
  19. This. And I'm quite pissed that I won't be able to watch it until tomorrow night since I have a midterm tomorrow.
  20. Please don't argue semantics. Just don't.
  21. Once again, I'm offering the same service as the Disgaea game. If you want a logic screen, feel free to ask me any questions about this game (same rules apply as before with regards that I only advise actions on info that only you know and not myself from speaking to other people).
  22. Life

    Disgaea Mafia

    Gotta stop you here. This sentence is bullshit.
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