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Everything posted by Life

  1. Life

    The Assassins Guild

    What Tables said here. I'll say it right now, most of it was my fault (yeah, I'm not perfect). That being said, the situation has be rectified.
  2. Life

    Country Mafia Sign-ups

    As soon as 23 people sign up.
  3. The year 2010. The world is fucked up (what else is new)? The United Nations Security Council is the last bastion of sanity left in the world. And somehow... it doesn't seem like it anymore. So these are the sign-ups to Country Mafia. Going to be a sick game, I promise. Some basic rules and shit: 1. This game needs 23 people. Please sign up 2. This is a game with Outside Contact. Meaning that PMs and IRC will be used. The reason why I'm allowing Outside Contact is 1) I don't like NOC but that's just me and 2) this game is to balance the amount of NOC games that have been played recently. Switching it up, if you will. 3. Because this game is OC, I highly suggest that you use it. And when I say highly, I actually mean it. Even if you are a regular townie, try speaking to people to uncover some information. Look at it like scumhunting minus the giving away your role in public. So yeah. Sign-ups here! Radiant Dragon Tables (post like once a phase to inform me that you're still alive if you're in) Lightning Groner Words that I can use to describe SlayerX but won't so that he doesn't go crying in a corner Anouleth Ether Bizz Snike Core Pariah Spykor Dracohon Weapons JB25 Psych SSS Eclipse Balcerzak General Spoon 19/23 spots filled.
  4. So basically... S Ranking EHM is harder than S Ranking HHM? Because by your logic, I probably would have destroyed HHM Exp.
  5. Life

    Mafia HQ

    In that case, I'm going to put up sign-ups for my game simply because nobody else has indicated over the past 3 weeks that they're going to start their game. I should have my role PMs done in 2 days, give or take. Good thing that I have all my shit in a spreadsheet for organization (not a shot at you, Lightning, just happy that I don't have to make up shit on the spot).
  6. *looks over your stuff* What the... how did you not fail Exp? You have 8 promoted units, Marcus is level 3, Rebecca, Wil and Sain are in single digit levels... How is this possible? I'm looking at my stuff from EHM and I'm in shock. I had 7 promoted units including Nino and all three lords (Hector and Eliwood both start at 1/0), Marcus at like ??/7, most of my unpromoted guys at 14/0+, thieves at 20/0, a lot of prepromotes with a couple of levels... How did you 5* Exp?
  7. Life

    Mafia HQ

    As far as I know, nobody seems ready to start a Mafia game and Bizz's game is ending soon. I already have a game set up so if nobody minds, I can start sign-ups for my game since most people are dead in Bizz's game and AG is the only other active game.
  8. Tang isn't spoiling Survivor for me and she's also giving various... let's call them favours, shall we? ;-)

  9. Life

    The Assassins Guild

    My comment about stupid stuff happening had nothing to do about Radiant Dragon. Whether I think his claim is stupid or not is a completely different matter.
  10. Congrats Fox! Maybe I'll now get back to my S Rank runs since you've finished an S Rank.
  11. Hey Narga! Remember our deal?

  12. I know you want Snowy but I'll take you on.
  13. YES! MY TURN! Best: I will fucking swear by AyraxNoish. I will. Now fuck you all for saying differently. IlyanaxRoastBeef is also great. Worst: Changed my mind on this one. Gonna go with LinoanxDean. Mostly because I hate Linoan. Oh and I nominate Best/Worst Moment. Doing evil shit because you can. Yours sincerely, I will rise.
  14. Life

    The Assassins Guild

    Since when was that?
  15. Life

    The Assassins Guild

    Actually no. Talking about a couple other things.
  16. Missionary -21 Squashing of the deckchair -9 Butterfly position -10 Furniture -11 Proposal -10 Split level -10 Watching the game -11 Reverse piggy back -22 69 -23 Anyone who votes for Missionary has never actually had sex before. Simple fact.
  17. *looks up* Oh you. Why'd you have to reappear now? Can't you come back when I run out of targets in Mafia to ridicule?
  18. Life

    The Assassins Guild

    This game just hit epic levels of idiocy.
  19. Life

    The Assassins Guild

    My turn to take a shot at writing. My style is different to Tables, mind you. And I'll drop different clues than Tables. Morning. After grabbing a cup of coffee (strong and black, helps calm the nerves after a shady night), I headed out of my apartment and into town. There was the usual bustle of people running around on their way to work, like every other day. Except... "Extra! Extra! Read all about it! Max Gillie AKA Luka Megurine was murdered in his office last night!" Not exactly news to me. Mr. De Povidevin had wanted Gillie dead for a while and The Master decided that he should bite the bullet last night. I gasped (it's quite surprising how authentic shock can look to normal people) and grabbed for a newspaper while they were still available. After quickly scanning the page, I tossed it to the ground and walked away. Gillie had been shot and then had his neck snapped. Which would be a little redundant... except that Gillie was wearing a bullet proof vest. Go figure. The man ended up deader than a doornail since he had messed with the wrong people. Hopefully, I get out of here before my own neck gets snapped by the Guild. Or worse. Suddenly, a bell rang from somewhere up high. Looking up, I could see Abel standing on his usual perch, trying to get the town in order. Just a few more days, Abel. Then I'll get you my info. I just hope that I live that long. Day phase is 72 hours long. So 2 AM (GMT +2) on Tuesday should do the trick. Specific updates being sent out now.
  20. Life

    The Assassins Guild

    Fuck what Tables said about orders not being allowed in past 12PM on Friday. Morning. Flavour will come from yours truly if I can study Tables' writing style a bit within the next couple of hours.
  21. Pipe - 19 "Extra" Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream gum. - 19 Playing Cards - 17 Pillow/Quilt - 17 Blue thread - 17 Emery Board - 17 Blue Straw - 21 1GB Lexar Flash Drive - 14 Wii Motionplus - 17 Sandisk MicroSD card adapter - 17 The Scarlet Letter and Related Literature - 9 Beaded earrings - 14 Fluxx - 17 Cello rosin - 17 X-ACTO Paper Cutter - 17 Dry Erase Board - 19 Plant - 27 Premium Deck Series: Slivers - 23 Longbow - 7 Miniature Wii Remote - 17 The Beatles 1962-1966 - 24 Dead Batteries - 11 HeartGold Prerelease Ho-oh Figurine - 9 End Table - 14 I just realized... what is a Longbow doing in your room?
  22. Missionary -21 Squashing of the deckchair -9 Butterfly position -10 Furniture -11 Playing of the cello -4 Proposal -10 Split level -10 Watching the game -10 Reverse piggy back -22 69 -23 I have to ask, what is the Playing of the Cello? I've tried imagining it and just can't.
  23. I know who my best crack pairing is... Go Lakche and Skasaha with 5 skills!
  24. Pipe - 19 "Extra" Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream gum. - 19 Playing Cards - 17 Pillow/Quilt - 17 Blue thread - 17 Emery Board - 17 Blue Straw - 19 (Better be a bendy straw, though) Cellphone - (-1) 1GB Lexar Flash Drive - 17 Wii Motionplus - 17 Sandisk MicroSD card adapter - 17 The Scarlet Letter and Related Literature - 21 Beaded earrings - 14 Fluxx - 17 Cello rosin - 17 X-ACTO Paper Cutter - 17 Dry Erase Board - 17 Plant - 17 Premium Deck Series: Slivers - 17 Longbow - 17 Miniature Wii Remote - 17 The Beatles 1962-1966 - 28 Dead Batteries - 11 HeartGold Prerelease Ho-oh Figurine - 11 (Because all the cool kids always liked Lugia more) End Table - 14
  25. I still want Best/Worst Crack Pairing. Best: LynxHector Worst: FordexVanessa
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