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Everything posted by Life

  1. The new God of Serenes Forest has appeared! Too bad that he only really frequents Mafia...

    1. Tangerine


      *doesn't bother to waste a pokeball*

  2. Life

    Diplomacy Game Thread

    Sorry for disappearing, was with family in Eilat. Very fun. I'm still missing like... everyone's orders. C'mon guys, don't make me start PMing you. EDIT: Still missing Austria, England and Turkey.
  3. Gonna be repeating everyone's thoughts but... Economic Left/Right: -2.25 Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -0.72 So I'm left wing but on the fence between Libertarianism and Authoritarianism. Cool. http://www.politicalcompass.org/printablegraph?ec=-2.25&soc=-0.72
  4. MSN. Now. Before I go AWOL for a bunch of days.

  5. Life

    Diplomacy Game Thread

    I couldn't have, Lightning. There's no chance that I could have taken any of your properties (nobody can support Tyr) and I wouldn't have even tried even if I could.
  6. I am awesome at FPSes. Borderlands, Bioshock, Halo... Even though Bioshock and Halo are piss easy and Borderlands just requires Med Kit Eating if the going gets rough (Salt Flats and Sledge's Safehouse). I can't play 3rd person shooters though. That's specifically Gears of War 2.
  7. Life

    Diplomacy Game Thread

    OK fuck this. Since Iced has been given an extra 48 hours (yes, 2 whole extra days), he's getting subbed out now. In addition, I'm making his moves for him based on info that I had heard before I entered my own (Anouleth can testify to the convoy). Can someone take over for Iced? In addition, to speed it up, Russia could either retreat from Armenia to Sevastopol or have his army disbanded. I chose the former since it makes more sense than the latter. Winter! Here are the orders! Austria: Removes 1 unit England: Removes 1 unit Italy: Builds 2 units Russia: Builds 2 units Turkey: Removes 1 unit
  8. Life

    Diplomacy Game Thread

    Sig'd. Actually... no. I'll tell you exactly what I forgot about after I post the map... which needs England's commands.
  9. Life

    Diplomacy Game Thread

    That's BOTH you and Turkey, mind you. But I don't want to ruin the surprise. Note to self: Never trust Life again with... anything, really.
  10. Life

    Diplomacy Game Thread

    Just quickly checked out the Winter phase. I was right. Austria and Turkey will want my head on a platter, considering that I forgot my plans and made shit up on the fly.
  11. Life

    Diplomacy Game Thread

    7 but it's a moot point. Also, I think some people are going to be screaming for blood.
  12. Life

    Diplomacy Game Thread

    Yep. And we're waiting on Iced. I could easily do his moves for him but I would be biased. However, I do know where I would go if I were him (he's fucked anyways).
  13. Missionary -9 Side entry missionary -6 Squashing of the deckchair -10 Peace Sign -9 Butterfly position -10 Armchair -10 Furniture -10 Persuading of the debtor -10 Playing of the cello -13 Proposal -10 Split level -10 Watching the game -11 Reverse piggy back -11 Drilling for oil -7 Rocking chair -9 69 -20 Watching the game - All pleasure, no effort needed and I can do other shit too!
  14. Life

    Diplomacy Game Thread

    Once Psych sends me Austria's orders, I'm missing just England. I don't know why the hell Iced takes so long, I give him 48 hours like the rest of you. That's 2 days, not 12 hours. Tables and I also have shitty timezones and we don't really screw up with getting our orders in.
  15. Life

    Diplomacy Game Thread

    Dear France. Your moves do not make sense. Please send them to me again and make sure they make sense. Thank you.
  16. Life

    Diplomacy Game Thread

    Still missing orders. England (again) and Austria (I think).
  17. Life

    Diplomacy Game Thread

    Just want to inform everyone that it's basically deadline right now. Yeah bitches, that's right. Also, this doesn't sound like working with Turkey, sounds more like taking his territory. Just so you know.
  18. Why does your avatar remind me of Quistis from FFVIII?

  19. SylviaxLex. No joke. Do you want Corple to promote or not?
  20. Life

    Diplomacy Game Thread

    And what else is new when it comes to the Serenes Forest Mafia forum? "Life is playing! Guys, everyone watch out of him!" *15 minutes later* "Guys, Life is winning! I told you all to look out for him!" Look, let's take a serious look at my situation. I have an army in Ankara. And an SC in Smyrna which I'll probably lose. If Russia and Turkey work together to knock me out, where does that leave me? With 4 SCs and nowhere to expand to the East without running into major problems. If I go West, I've essentially pissed off France who will devour me at this point in time without even trying (though no fleets in the Med help me a lot here). North to Germany is suicidal. I've been scrambling from Spring 1901. And suddenly I'm a threat? I'm still fucking scrambling since if people decide to try and mow me down, I have no defense left. It's not optimal for them to do so but that means that I'm going to be sitting in Italy, twiddling my thumbs and eating spaghetti until the rivers run dry and a stalemate is called.
  21. Life

    Diplomacy Game Thread

    RAGE RAGE RAGE I don't understand why Tables is trying to paint me as evil. I don't even have a decent hold in Turkey. Hell, if he knocks out my army, I'm back to square one. I'm not really as big a threat as Tables is trying to make me out as.
  22. Life

    Diplomacy Game Thread

    This isn't a thread to France but Marseilles does say hi. As does the entirety of the Western Mediterranean. Whoever offers me the best deal enjoys the fruits of their labour. And Sevastopol looks mighty fine to roost in. Maybe Germany wants a pincer attack on you? Bullshit and you know it. I told you that I was going to attempt a Lepanto and taking the Black Sea ASAP would be a very nice help along with a move to Armenia. Then Autumn 1901 came and I decided against it, mostly because you clearly wanted the Balkans. Then Spring 1902 arrived and it just looked so tempting. But I know that I was always encouraging you to go south instead of west. And you supported Bulgaria into Serbia while I started raging. You've been digging your own grave since we started. Had you gone south, we could have had a lasting alliance. Yet you've pissed me off too many times. I never spoke to Germany about attacking you. Hell, aside from creating a non-aggression pact about keeping the Sudetenland demilitarized. Which I had to knowingly break to help Austria from YOUR attack. Is it really a coincidence that both of your possible allies have been attacked by you? Or should we not fear the big bad bear?
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